75 plus


Active Member
Originally Posted by tthemadd1 http:///t/395704/75-plus/20#post_3527043
Question on my montipora. I'm guessing the white edge is new growth? I put them in a week ago and the broken edge on one is starting to fill in already.

New growth is right!!!. That thing looks like it is about to take off and go crazy growing. Nice work. Great pics!!
Those actinic shots make the colors in the corals and anemone really "pop". Pretty cool .


Active Member
Yeah I need to upgrade to LEDs someday. I also bout 12k lights but wrong pin. So Im going to go get some standard 10ks in a well or two. Mine are yellowing alot.


Active Member
. First fish of four only. Finally showing after four weeks. Coral beauty. Not that beautiful under the actinics. Carries a lot of yellow and some orange in normal 12k


Well-Known Member
Coral Beauty and Potters angels tend to wash out a lot under the actinics. Makes sense.....these fish hide in the rock at night, and what better way to camouflage themselves than by looking like another patch of shadow.....
Nice pic though! I have a very hard time getting good shots of my Potters. Moves too fast. I wind up taking 30 shots just to get one good one.


Active Member
. Looked at Onyx but decided on snowflake clowns. Ill get a better picture soon enough. The coral has spent little time out in the open.
Waiting for LFS to get the potters healthy and happy. Day one it was lying on the sand. Hopefully it comes through the weekend. Then to quarantine and add to the tank. It has great color and I think this will be the final four to the display.


Active Member
Montiporas are really growing. Over the past month they have all grown around 3/4" along all the edges. Hoping the larger frags begin shelving soon. So far so good.
Can't wait for the potters to get healthy and come home next week. Shipment came in today to my LFS, hoping it pulls through.
After this addition I should be done for a while. May still get more inverts but not really needed per say.
I think next will be more shrooms and zoos. I have always liked the look of the zoos when the take over. Also have the xenias coming around again. Going to keep the rock to the side of the tank to keep it from spreading. At least I hope.


Active Member
I have had good luck with the Xenia over the past six years or so. Same colony I just cut it back to the point of extinction and it takes a few months to overpopulated.


Active Member
Thanks it been a minute since the tank was thrashed. Now I am getting some slight algae on the sand but very minimal. Going to change bulbs this week so that should help. Last addition might be algae to the sump but I am pulling so little from the skimmer I'm thinking I can live without it for the time being. The fuge is just a cage for the two gorilla crabs I found in the LR from the display.