$9 toadstools, or 2 for $15


yes i alway have toadstool ALWAYS, I have so many toadstool frags, when I do have a little room in my frag tanks I frag more. I have a endless supply.


just recieved the toadstool! GOOD STUFF. Stuck it in the tank and it opened up right away. highly recommended.


New Member
I will be out of town for 10 days or so but when I get back if you still have some I would like to take a few off your hands.


Kornele23 the extra one you got was supposed to go to me. I bought one last year that didn't make it so I was going to buy two more. He said since my other one didn't make it he would send me two for the price of one. Well I got one. I sent a couple messages letting him know that there was only one and how it was doing and got no replies. Oh well, not everybody keeps with what they say there going to do. Other than that my one is doing great now.


maybe he just mixed up the labels or boxes... stuff happens dont jump to conclusions that quick...


Im sorry I sent the wrong person (in fl) 2 frags, my mistake. Im not a business man just a hobbiest like you. Just email me and i will send you anther one. If there anyone out there, that thinks that i owe them a toadstool just email me. I will send one out to you. jrustydowell@bellsouth.net