90 Gallon Tank Diary


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
haha I CANT STOP THEM!! i dont really see the problem if they are eating. I like what crypt keeper says

OK...But I disagree...then what...in a year you tear everything apart to get it out

crypt keeper

Active Member
Angels are hardy fish when they eat but will not tolerate a keeper being lazy. You must keep up on water changes and check water params once a week. The Fuge will help like you have no idea. IMo you are better getting a juvi emp or larger angel IF you can do an upgrade. The regal gets pretty big. They need a longer tank. But no knock on you. You are very young. You need to settle down and say okay. I control these fishes lives. I need to grow up a little and not be greedy. If I cant house them correctly I need to rethink my stock list.
Personally there are about 500 other amazing fish you could keep for life. If you add more rock you could do two pygy angels. Coral beauty and a Flame woul dlook great. Pair of clowns. Get an anemone. The tank could look gorgeous and healthy and fun for a years to come.


Active Member
Personally, there hasn't been a lot of help because I sort of feel we've already tried. In your first stock-list thread, there were a good bit of responses with good general suggestions. Take it slow, get some nice hardy fish, etc..... Most of the fish you had listed were pretty inappropriate.Then you start this thread and what happens? You get an angel and a ray for a 90gal?
And now you want a Regal Angel??? In other threads you claim to have experience and be knowledgeable, but really, do you? Anyone uses bit of sense, and having the problems you're having, would stop, take a few steps back, regroup, and re-plan their attack. Considering some like Regal Angel at this point is pretty astonishing...
I apologize if it seems overly harsh, but it needs to be said. Seeing you run through different fish, because of appears be a lack of patience, is pretty disenchanting.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Personally, there hasn't been a lot of help because I sort of feel we've already tried. In your first stock-list thread, there were a good bit of responses with good general suggestions. Take it slow, get some nice hardy fish, etc..... Most of the fish you had listed were pretty inappropriate.Then you start this thread and what happens? You get an angel and a ray for a 90gal?
And now you want a Regal Angel??? In other threads you claim to have experience and be knowledgeable, but really, do you? Anyone uses bit of sense, and having the problems you're having, would stop, take a few steps back, regroup, and re-plan their attack. Considering some like Regal Angel at this point is pretty astonishing...
I apologize if it seems overly harsh, but it needs to be said. Seeing you run through different fish, because of appears be a lack of patience, is pretty disenchanting.
First of all this is only an idea, my tank is not ready for fish yet and I never said it was. I said it's just a thought. Because I'm essentially starting over I wanted to know some things about a regal. Since this site basically just says 100 gallons I looked them up, and found a very wide range of advice on them. Some say they are impossible while others say minimum of 55 gallons and others have said they kept it with another pygmy angel in a 75 alng with other fish.
In my previous thread I said "I’m not too familiar with all of the different things I can do because I’ve been sticking to Seahorses and Octos this whole time, so I am looking for some suggestions." meaning I DONT KNOW ABOUT THESE TYPES OF FISH I thought that I made this obvious when I said it before.
As far as the stock list goes I have been told that one will work fine and then told by another person that I'm set up for disaster. Everyone has their own opinions I realize but if I listened to everyone’s then I would most likely end up with a goby.
If I would have ever said I wanted to pygmy angels in the same tank I guarantee people would be telling me I am totally irresponsible and don’t know what I’m talking about and I need at least a 200 gallon tank. I also never had an angel or was ever planning on getting one other than a pygmy.
I'm asking for advice I'm not telling you what’s going in the tank. If you say no then by curiosity I would wonder why. Personally I don’t think that 90 and 100 are too different but I guess I can understand that. There is no lack of patience. I'm sorry for putting a 2 inch sailfin in my tank. For some reason I thought that it would have enough room but I guess that’s not doing enough research too
That’s the problem here. I come up with a question and ask if something will work because I have no knowledge of it and get shut down immediately. So far I have no real answer to my question except that my tank is 3 inches too small on the sides.
I keep up with water changes and by no means am I lazy when it comes to my tanks. I have an old test kit so maybe thats the problem too. I know im immature for not even having an appropriate test kit too but its hard getting a parent to drive you to a store and spend $45 on a test kit that I have been doing ok without untill now.
As far as the ray goes yes it was a mistake. I went with my whole family to get a rabbit for my cousin the day before easter. I pointed out how I liked the ray and how I have never seen one that small and when we got out he gave it to me and said happy easter. I wasnt really in a position to bring it back inside. BUT I admit that yes, it was a mistake.


I think the recommended tank sizes you see on online stores are laughable. I can't mention names, but some very big online store says a minimum of 70gal for a crosshatch trigger.
Also, if you noticed, go to different online stores and you'll see different recommended tank sizes. Best thing to do is research and use common sense. Look at the maximum fish size, subtract a few inches because fish don't get as big in captivity, then think to yourself... would this fish, when full size be happy in my tank? Think about how a fish swims and how much room it needs to turn around. Buy fish with that in mind and think if you plan to upgrade sometime in the future.
Also, start with hardy fish in a new tank, then maybe a year down the road look into the more delicate species.


Active Member
Originally Posted by RCreations
I think the recommended tank sizes you see on online stores are laughable. I can't mention names, but some very big online store says a minimum of 70gal for a crosshatch trigger.
Also, if you noticed, go to different online stores and you'll see different recommended tank sizes. Best thing to do is research and use common sense. Look at the maximum fish size, subtract a few inches because fish don't get as big in captivity, then think to yourself... would this fish, when full size be happy in my tank? Think about how a fish swims and how much room it needs to turn around. Buy fish with that in mind and think if you plan to upgrade sometime in the future. Also, start with hardy fish in a new tank, then maybe a year down the road look into the more delicate species.
ok thanks. i was confused about what tank size was the actual one because ive seen 55 before when i looked at other websites. how big do they usually get?
i wasnt planning on adding it at all actually i just wanted to know about it. even if i did get it later on i would wait a long time befrore adding it to be sure its successful.
thanks for the help.

crypt keeper

Active Member
No one called you lazy. I simply said they will not tolerate lazy people. Stop being so defensive. You are young. Just chill out. Be smart about this.
In your 90 no large angels unless you plan an upgrade to a 125 or bigger. I have no issues with buying a Juvi Large Angel and getting them established in a 90 gallon tank. Its not fair to you or the fish to get a, lets say an emperor, then have to give him away or sell him because he grew too large.
A 90g tank can house two pygmy angels. Bi color would do great by itself as a main center piece fish. They get a little bigger, 5 inch range, than most pygmys. They should the last fish added and added around the time if you choose 2.
You need a lot more live rock. Id say 100 pounds total for territory and hiding place issues. It could work.


Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
No one called you lazy. I simply said they will not tolerate lazy people. Stop being so defensive. You are young. Just chill out. Be smart about this.
In your 90 no large angels unless you plan an upgrade to a 125 or bigger. I have no issues with buying a Juvi Large Angel and getting them established in a 90 gallon tank. Its not fair to you or the fish to get a, lets say an emperor, then have to give him away or sell him because he grew too large.
A 90g tank can house two pygmy angels. Bi color would do great by itself as a main center piece fish. They get a little bigger, 5 inch range, than most pygmys. They should the last fish added and added around the time if you choose 2.
You need a lot more live rock. Id say 100 pounds total for territory and hiding place issues. It could work.

sorry I thought you were. Im not trying to be defensive I'm just telling everyone everything outright and explaining what I was doing, so asking about a regal angel wouldnt be "astonishing"
I just wanted some info.
Ok lets work backwards I guess. Once I get some more rock, what else can be put with the angels? I thought bicolors arent a good idea considering your thread

crypt keeper

Active Member
Mine is doing great. Its eating like a pig. You can try other angels. Coral beauty and flame angel. They get to about 4 inches. They would add a lot of color. Your tank should be either have great live rock or be a little more mature though. They like to pick. Personally. You can go wrong with clown fish. I have a B/W pair and they are gorgeous. They have nakids. yes its spelled wrong, which are really pretty. The picasso they cost a lot and then True Clowns. IMO they are the best looking behind the Blacks.


Active Member
I like clowns but I would want to put them with an anemone which I can't because I don't really wanna spend 800 bucks on lights just for a nem. Plus my dad has a maroon clown pair already with a nem.
Is there anything else? Can I add my lunare wrasse, and a bluethroat trigger?

crypt keeper

Active Member
you want big fish. LOL. Im not saying this in a dickhead manner. Why dont you sell your tank and upgrade. Do it correct. A good 125 can be had for $350- $400. You could get $250 to $300 for the 90. The 125 is 6 feet long vs the 90 being only 4. That would allow a few of the fish you like and longer for them to outgrow it. You could keep a emp angel or regal or what ever you wanted for two years at least


Definitely not a lunare wrasse. These fish get big and love to have lots of space to swim, they're constantly on the move.
Some suggestions on what you can keep: foxface, flame angel or coral beauty, some of the smaller wrasses like the yellow wrasse, fairy wrasse, flasher wrasse (get a pair), fuzzy dwarf lion or other small lion, some sort of angler, a blenny (bi-color, lawnmower or other), hawkfish, scorpionfish, even a smaller eel like a snowflake. No I don't mean to keep all these, just pick some that you like and pick ones that are compatible. Like don't pick a blenny and the scorpion for the same tank.


You can do so much with a 90.....you already have your horses...And you can do more if you don't want any corals....there are a lot of really nice wrasses...the falco hawkfish is neat...I like red..LOL


Active Member
I was really thinking of getting a new tank but idk what my parents would think. Right now I have 400 exactly (thanks to making national honor society and other things)
I'm not looking to spend to much...car in a couple of years and that sort of stuff
hows this?
P.S it says its 62" on the stand. does this mean its not really 180?