Originally Posted by
Personally, there hasn't been a lot of help because I sort of feel we've already tried. In your first stock-list thread, there were a good bit of responses with good general suggestions. Take it slow, get some nice hardy fish, etc..... Most of the fish you had listed were pretty inappropriate.Then you start this thread and what happens? You get an angel and a ray for a 90gal?
And now you want a Regal Angel??? In other threads you claim to have experience and be knowledgeable, but really, do you? Anyone uses bit of sense, and having the problems you're having, would stop, take a few steps back, regroup, and re-plan their attack. Considering some like Regal Angel at this point is pretty astonishing...
I apologize if it seems overly harsh, but it needs to be said. Seeing you run through different fish, because of appears be a lack of patience, is pretty disenchanting.
First of all this is only an idea, my tank is not ready for fish yet and I never said it was. I said it's just a thought. Because I'm essentially starting over I wanted to know some things about a regal. Since this site basically just says 100 gallons I looked them up, and found a very wide range of advice on them. Some say they are impossible while others say minimum of 55 gallons and others have said they kept it with another pygmy angel in a 75 alng with other fish.
In my previous thread I said "I’m not too familiar with all of the different things I can do because I’ve been sticking to Seahorses and Octos this whole time, so I am looking for some suggestions." meaning I DONT KNOW ABOUT THESE TYPES OF FISH I thought that I made this obvious when I said it before.
As far as the stock list goes I have been told that one will work fine and then told by another person that I'm set up for disaster. Everyone has their own opinions I realize but if I listened to everyone’s then I would most likely end up with a goby.
If I would have ever said I wanted to pygmy angels in the same tank I guarantee people would be telling me I am totally irresponsible and don’t know what I’m talking about and I need at least a 200 gallon tank. I also never had an angel or was ever planning on getting one other than a pygmy.
I'm asking for advice I'm not telling you what’s going in the tank. If you say no then by curiosity I would wonder why. Personally I don’t think that 90 and 100 are too different but I guess I can understand that. There is no lack of patience. I'm sorry for putting a 2 inch sailfin in my tank. For some reason I thought that it would have enough room but I guess that’s not doing enough research too
That’s the problem here. I come up with a question and ask if something will work because I have no knowledge of it and get shut down immediately. So far I have no real answer to my question except that my tank is 3 inches too small on the sides.
I keep up with water changes and by no means am I lazy when it comes to my tanks. I have an old test kit so maybe thats the problem too. I know im immature for not even having an appropriate test kit too but its hard getting a parent to drive you to a store and spend $45 on a test kit that I have been doing ok without untill now.
As far as the ray goes yes it was a mistake. I went with my whole family to get a rabbit for my cousin the day before easter. I pointed out how I liked the ray and how I have never seen one that small and when we got out he gave it to me and said happy easter. I wasnt really in a position to bring it back inside. BUT I admit that yes, it was a mistake.