90 Gallon Tank Diary


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Do you have anything in there right now??
What are all the readings on your tests?
Please don't say normal...lol...tell me what you are testing for, and what the test results say...

in there now is some feeder shrimp, 3 serpents and hermits.
ammonia is <.25
ph is 8.0
nitrite is 0
nitrates 20


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
in there now is some feeder shrimp, 3 serpents and hermits.
ammonia is <.25
ph is 8.0
nitrite is 0
nitrates 20
OK...I see an issue...why do you have ammonia...Ammonia should be 0....ammonia is extremely toxic to fish...probably that is what killed the tang
Do you run carbon?
When did you say your last w/c was?
DO NOT add anything until you get rid of the ammonia, and you are sure the level is at ZERO for a few days


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
OK...I see an issue...why do you have ammonia...Ammonia should be 0....ammonia is extremely toxic to fish...probably that is what killed the tang
Do you run carbon?
When did you say your last w/c was?
DO NOT add anything until you get rid of the ammonia, and you are sure the level is at ZERO for a few days
ha yea I know I have it lol.
i RAN carbon but I took it out like I was suppose to. I also have chemipure elite.
I dont plan on adding anything anytime soon... my room is still getting redone so I want to make sure there is no possible way the fish can die from any chemicals or stress or anything like that.
last one was 5 gal top off 5 min ago. other than that... about the same a week to a week and ahalf ago.


A 5g top off???? That is not a w/c....you have a 90g tank right? you need to remove a minimum of 10g-20g and replace it with new sw


Active Member
I know it's not a water change but I thought 5 gal 2 times a week would be ok which was what I've been doing for the most part. I didn't really think that it would be a problem at all to miss a week or 2 because people do them once every couple of months. Wutever it was just figure about 25 to 30 gal a month I never really care when it's added. I don't think It matters personal. It's just like 5 or 10 gal once in a wile.
Oh and btw the test kit is pretty old. I don't know if that screws with the results or not


If test kit is expired...it can mess with results...
Apparently your top off ideas...instead of doing w/c's is not working or you would not hav ammonia, or be losing fish
If you intend on keeping a tank with fish, you really have to take care of it...NOW no more preaching from me..LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
If test kit is expired...it can mess with results...
Apparently your top off ideas...instead of doing w/c's is not working or you would not hav ammonia, or be losing fish
If you intend on keeping a tank with fish, you really have to take care of it...NOW no more preaching from me..LOL
If I'm changing 30 gal a month than what's the differance if it's all at once or small ones?
Is there an actual date on the box that says when it expires?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
If I'm changing 30 gal a month than what's the differance if it's all at once or small ones?
Is there an actual date on the box that says when it expires?
IDK about a date...I think so...
I'm sorry I thought you were including top-offs as part of your w/c's..


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
IDK about a date...I think so...
I'm sorry I thought you were including top-offs as part of your w/c's..
I cant find it anwhere

and no its 25 to 30 gal a month in small changes and water top offs.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
I cant find it anwhere

and no its 25 to 30 gal a month in small changes and water top offs.
DO NOT include the amount you add for top off in with your w/c....they have nothing to do with each other


Active Member
Ha I KNOW lol we keep going in circles here sorry.
I do 20 to 30 gals a week. I meant ON TOP OF THAT the top offs which is like 5 gal a week lol. Im going to do another 20 gal today I think than test the water later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
ok...gotcha....make sure you wiat long enough before you retest water...like the next day
Ok thanks. How long can the tank go without a fish in it? I'm thinking of adding some chromises after all the paintings done?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
Ok thanks. How long can the tank go without a fish in it? I'm thinking of adding some chromises after all the paintings done?
I do not think there is a time limit to keep a tank fishless...LOL...You just have to make sure all your water is testing 0 before you add anything


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I do not think there is a time limit to keep a tank fishless...LOL...You just have to make sure all your water is testing 0 before you add anything
gotcha. I did 20 gallons and vacumed the sand. Should I be seeing a big difference iin the tests or is it more gradual?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
gotcha. I did 20 gallons and vacumed the sand. Should I be seeing a big difference iin the tests or is it more gradual?
HMMM...20% w/c...vacuum sand...did you stir a lot of stuff up? If so you may not see the result you want...if not...you may see a small change..
wait until tomorrow to test though


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
HMMM...20% w/c...vacuum sand...did you stir a lot of stuff up? If so you may not see the result you want...if not...you may see a small change..
wait until tomorrow to test though
yea kinda on accident though haha I had some sump probs...
which reminds me.... right now I have a 40 gallon sump the water runs down into filter floss, through 2 chambers of live rubble, into my skimmer compartment, through my fuge and then into the pump chamber and returned to the tank. I dont really know how much filtering its doing though. when I put my hand up to the output I can barely feel the water come out, i need to half cover it to get any kind of flow out of it at all. It just seems like its not taking in enough water and its not going through fast enough to do much filtering.
I'm thinking about maybe getting a canister filter too. I already have an older smaller one but by getting a new one will It help my filtering by much? what does the canister do vs a fuge/sump exactly? will my fuge be enugh?


LOL....HAHA I hope someone else answers that for you
I have 2 canisters along with my sump/fuge..BUTTTTTT...my canisters are mainly for flow purposes...both have those top of the water spray bar returns, and in both I have those ceramic rings, and that is it...in my sump I have a piece of micro felt, and a piece of poly fiber.....
that is all I can tell you about filtering...LOL


Active Member

Originally Posted by meowzer
LOL....HAHA I hope someone else answers that for you
I have 2 canisters along with my sump/fuge..BUTTTTTT...my canisters are mainly for flow purposes...both have those top of the water spray bar returns, and in both I have those ceramic rings, and that is it...in my sump I have a piece of micro felt, and a piece of poly fiber.....
that is all I can tell you about filtering...LOL
ha me too but I think your the only person that reads this thread lol. should I try putting it in fish discussion?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
ha me too but I think your the only person that reads this thread lol. should I try putting it in fish discussion?
maybe or in tips and techniques

sorry I sure hope I don't keep people away cause they think you got answers