90 Gallon Tank Diary


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
No it hasn't tried at all from what I can tell. It's pretty active. How do you teach them to be hand fed?
Burying itself in the sand is a normal thing for the ray, and something it SHOULD be doing....what else is in your tank?
I just held the food next to the glass, and it came and got it...Now that is how I have to feed it...


Watch the tang...mine does not mess with it at all...but I have heard that sometimes they pick at rays....Like I said...MINE NEVER HAS...I just read that somewhere...once again...depends on the fish demeanor


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
ok thanks, I'll see how he is doing and take another picture when I get home. Should I try feeding again?

Did you feed him today? Feed once a day...get the shrimp...and feed a silverside and shrimp...but use medium shrimp and small silversides..since it is so small
You know this is only my opinion...based on the one ray I have


Active Member
My internet was out for a few days, but the ray is doing really well from what I can see.
Hes up to eating a silverside a day thats cut in half right from my hand. He gets really exited when I feed the tang later so I try feeding him again but he just plays with it and then the hermits get to it
So i guess one a day is fine for now.
He also hasnt burried himself yet and just spends most of his time stuck on the glass.


Active Member
Yea it spends maybe half the time on the sand half on the glass. Maybe a little bit more time on the glass but not by much.


Active Member
uh oh. The ray isnt looking so good today. I just tried feeding him and he seemed more active when I put the food in but not as exited as usual. he didnt go shooting up the sides or gliding across the ground looking for the silverside. Which is especially odd because I didnt get a chance to feed him yesterday.
The hermit crabs were also grabbing on to his back fins and he wouldnt even try getting them off untill they were on him for a while. he also has been spending most of his time on the ground. He also let me touch him for about 30 seconds today. I dont know if this is unusual or not?
I havent noticed a change in the sailfin tang though. I dont know what it could be?
The only changes in my tank is that I added a koralia 4 at about noon.
My mom was also taking down the wallpaper in my room and used some spray chemical but i covered the tank with a towel and if any got in wouldnt the tang act differently too?


Have you checked your water parameters? How is that sore on its underside? What do you mean you didn't have time to feed it?
Please do not take this the wrong way, but I really really think you need to bring it back to the store...ask them if you can trade for something else....I just don't think the 90 is right for it, and your substrate seems too rough. The Ray should have been burying itself by now, and by what you are saying...something just isn't right...
ARE YOU SURE no chemicals could have gotten into the tank?


Active Member
Yea I'm sure nothing got into it. I removed the hermit crabs.
The tank was covered but I guess you can never know for certain but I'm 99% sure nothing got in there. I just was watching it a little and it was swimming around for about 5 min and now its at the bottom of the tank.
I got home at about 11 last night because I was out all day and I didnt think it would be a problem to wait to the next day.