90 Gallon Tank Diary


Active Member
I just did like a 15 gallon water change and he seemed to be moving around more. I dont know if its from the water or what but it seems to be doing a little better.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
I just did like a 15 gallon water change and he seemed to be moving around more. I dont know if its from the water or what but it seems to be doing a little better.
Have you tested your water? Has it eaten? Did you get the shrimp yet?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Have you tested your water? Has it eaten? Did you get the shrimp yet?
I called my LFS at about 6:40 and then I was going to bring him in but they close at 7 and its over a half hour away. I was going to try to keep him alive untill the morning but he didn't make it through the night.

Thanks for the help though meowzer.


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
I called my LFS at about 6:40 and then I was going to bring him in but they close at 7 and its over a half hour away. I was going to try to keep him alive untill the morning but he didn't make it through the night.

Thanks for the help though meowzer.
I'm really sorry to hear that
.....Sad lesson to learn though...research before you buy....Could've been anything...it was tiny, I think the substrate was wrong for it too..
How are your other fish? Did you test the water?


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I'm really sorry to hear that
.....Sad lesson to learn though...research before you buy....Could've been anything...it was tiny, I think the substrate was wrong for it too..
How are your other fish? Did you test the water?
Yeaa I know, definatley wasnt smart but now I learned my lesson haha. I was expecting more bashing than that.
Yea I tested the water and everything was where it was supposed to be and the sailfin is doing really well.
I also add some carbon after the water change. do I keep it in for about a week?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
Yeaa I know, definatley wasnt smart but now I learned my lesson haha. I was expecting more bashing than that.
Yea I tested the water and everything was where it was supposed to be and the sailfin is doing really well.
I also add some carbon after the water change. do I keep it in for about a week?
IMO bashing you won't help, nor will it change anything...NOW if you go get another one...WELL

IMO a week should be ok for the carbon...if your water is ok, and clear.
You are running it as only a precautionary method???


Active Member
I have been out of money recently so I haven't even bothered to think about what to add to my tank next ( not like anyone follows this thread anyway LOL) but I've been looking at angel fish and I decided I wanted to get one next

I really like the blueface but I relize I need a bigger tank. My question is how long will it take them to outgrow my 90?
I also like the flame and potters angels. Is one more hardy then the other ? Will they both be fine with my tang? Which do you recommend?
Thanks a lot!


Active Member
Oh no! I tried feeding my tang today but he wouldn't come out and eat, just hide in the cave but I thought nothing of it because it was very late. When I woke up the next morning I found it dead! Idk what it could be, there were no signs of idk and it was fine the day before. I think my tank is cursed! What could cause it to die so suddenly?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
Oh no! I tried feeding my tang today but he wouldn't come out and eat, just hide in the cave but I thought nothing of it because it was very late. When I woke up the next morning I found it dead! Idk what it could be, there were no signs of idk and it was fine the day before. I think my tank is cursed! What could cause it to die so suddenly?
Maybe you just need to step back a minute and evaluate your tank....test all your water parameters...are you spendingthe time required to maintain it?
Please do not consider adding anything else until you make sure your tank is ok...
ALSO don't get something on a temporary basis...since you are dependant on your parents, and really have no clue when and if you will be able to upgrade...keep fish that fit in the tank range you already have


Active Member
I didn't think my little sailfin would have outgrown that tank, everything I looked up said it would be fine in my 90 so why would I need to upgrade?

I'm not planning on adding anything temporarily, I never really was, I didn't really think i was going to fast with the tank either.
I was so suprised because of the fact that I was more on top of my tank than usual actually so I'm keeping up with water changes and everything etc.. the only thing that I forgot about was to remove the carbon now that I think about it. Nothing else has changed. The carbon is now obviously removed.


I was referring to a few posts up about the blue angel...and your question on how long would it be before it outgrew your tank....sorry didn't mean the tang
I don't think carbon would kill a fish...I do realize that sometimes fish diw, BUT you lost the ray quickly, and now this, and I was thinking something else...sorry just can't remember right now,...was there?


Active Member
A Sailfin would defintely outgrow the tank. It probably would take years, but adults are larger then dinner plates. I wouldn't put on in my 125g.

crypt keeper

Active Member
test your water. when was the last time you did a water change? your tang may have had a parasite and it killed it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
I was referring to a few posts up about the blue angel...and your question on how long would it be before it outgrew your tank....sorry didn't mean the tang I don't think carbon would kill a fish...I do realize that sometimes fish diw, BUT you lost the ray quickly, and now this, and I was thinking something else...sorry just can't remember right now,...was there?
i dontt really get it? i knew the carbon wouldnt kill them but im just saying. my last water change was 5 gal last week. how could i tell if it was a parasite that killed it? thanks!
what.can i be doing in the mean time to get ready for the next fish?


Originally Posted by runn3rb3an
i dontt really get it? i knew the carbon wouldnt kill them but im just saying. my last water change was 5 gal last week. how could i tell if it was a parasite that killed it? thanks!
what.can i be doing in the mean time to get ready for the next fish?
Do you have anything in there right now??
What are all the readings on your tests?
Please don't say normal...lol...tell me what you are testing for, and what the test results say...