A Puffed Up Puffah

jonny bolt

LUCKY I had my digi-cam right near me! I finally saw me Puff puff himself up lol :hilarious Had him since last May. I noticed him scratching himself and then the white spots appeared, so I figured I was witnessing my very first instance of Ich. I decided to give Puff a freshwater bath before it got out of control. Considering how hard it is to get fish out of the tank anyway, I tricked me Puffah and waited till night time when he was sleepin' up against the glass lol. As soon as I picked him up he puffed up and stayed that way for almost 2 minutes while in the bath....


jonny bolt

:hilarious Yup. I freaked Pooff out lol. Snipered him when he was sleepin'

Most of the white spots are gone, but he is still rubbing and scratching his beak against the LR a little, so I imagine there are a few more on or under his skin. I will probably have to sniper him again tonight when he goes to bed! :scared:


Active Member
I want a puff puff...to bad I'm switching to reef
...thats why I might just have to get another tank


Active Member
Am I missing something here? Why is it funny that you are purposely stressing out your puffer unneccessarily? I would hope that you know this is bad for the fish.
Also, why are you giving him a freshwater bath for ich? That makes no sense. When you take him out of the tank, you stress him out and then you are putting him in freshwater. Yes, it might kill the ich that is on his body, but his immune system is being weakened and if you are putting him back into your display, you are putting him back into an envrioment with ich still in it and the ich will just reattach. You are not going to get rid of the ich that way.The best thing you can do for your puffer is to just hypo it. Either that, or after you do the freshwater dip, acclimate the fish to a QT tank so that he does not go back into an enviroment with ich still living in it.

jonny bolt

Oh here we go....I knew one of the "Bleeding Hearts" wouldnt be able to resist posting.
All I can say is that I am sorry if you have a problem with me trying to help my fish. I have studied marine biology for several years now, and I really dont need your, or anyone elses, condescending "I do hope you know" posts. A Puffer "puffing" up is a Puffer reverting to its own NATURAL defensive instinct. If my Puffah didn't "puff up", then I would be worried. And my hospital tank is in the midst of being set back up, as I was using it to cycle some LR, and the Puffer will be placed in it tonight. So before you blast off on people, why dont you ask and inquire about the circumstances and situation instead of tell and demand.
And yes, I will launch back at you when you include smug little comments, I wont cower in the corner. I see how a certain few people treat others on here from time to time, and no, I wont sit back idly and take it.
And yes, I think its funny when a Puffer puffs up. I find it fascinating, and interesting, that a creature is capable of such natural things. However, unlike what you may assume, it was done on purpose. And I dont pull my Puffer out of my main tank every night to see it Puff up. If you'd read a little closer, you'll see above that I said it was the very first time I have seen it puff up since I got it last May

Are you going to call PETA on me now??? :hilarious If so, you should let them know that I am a avid recreational catch & release fisherman too. We all know how they feel about us baaaaad fishermen!!!!! We be hurtin' da fishies!

P.S. If it would make you feel better, you may come over and help me with hypo fa me Puff. I wouldnt want you to get too upset or emotional over this. So you're welcome to join us!

jonny bolt

S.P.S. I just looked and noticed you EDITED the first few lines of your post. Nice try. Quit ya poutin', or I'll sick my Puffah on ya.


I agree. Why laugh? You made him puff up before you stressed him. Stress can lead to death of your fish. Puffers don't just puff up for fun.

jonny bolt

"Why is it funny that you are purposely stressing out your puffer unneccessarily?"
Yeah, I was purposely trying to stress my fish out in order to kill it. Yup. Thats what I was doing. Suuuure. A regular pre-meditated attempted murder of a Puffer charge from the Peanut Gallery and Emotional Crew on Saltwaterfish.com :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
Remember, I'm not trying to help the fish, I'm "purposely" trying to "stress it out unneccessarily" and kill it. Yup

There are some hilarious folks here


Active Member
I love the people on SWF that go for the throats...
Most fish when they react to an unusual situation or stress they bolt and hide...a puffer puffs, hence the name a PUFFER FISH! He has studied marine biology and is looking in the fishes best interest. If you guys insult someone don't expect someone to take it. I'm 15 and at lunch some kid was getting picked on, the person who was picking on the kid expected him to be quiet and back down, the kid actually tackled him and beat the crap out of him. Cool actually watchin a person stick up for themself. I'm getting at he is looking to help the fish and you guys don't expect anyone to get mad back, thats not how life works. HE doesn't find it amusing that a fish gets stress it's neat seeing something that you've never seen before. Like are you saying it wouldn't be fun to watch a lion fish eat a damsel, it's not good, sucks for the damsel, but you have to do it otherwise the fish won't survive.


Active Member
I would just be concerned about him sucking in air. Isn't it hard to catch a puffer and keep him under water the whole time?
By the way, he looks rather nice, never seen a valentini puffer puffed up.. That is a valentini right?


Active Member
I think its a valentini, from my knowledge (some book) when a puffer puffs up water it's fine, when you get air theres no way of getting it out which can cause all sorts of digestive problems


Active Member
Well..... then.... all these people HATING cause you are trying to save your puffer pain of ICH...... But after reading all those posts ....... I am never watching Finding Nemo again..... cause they made that puffer PUFF UP... That is so cruel....... Ohh wait they do it to pertect them selves..... It doesn't kill them... they do it to protect them! I found it funny when it did it on finding nemo, and he doesn't mean his fish any harm, he want to save it from ICH....... Just cause a PUFFED UP PUFFAH looks funny..... I am going to laugh.... He's not going to kill the fish!!!!! You can back off with that
story you are givin him!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
"Why is it funny that you are purposely stressing out your puffer unneccessarily?"
Yeah, I was purposely trying to stress my fish out in order to kill it. Yup. Thats what I was doing. Suuuure. A regular pre-meditated attempted murder of a Puffer charge from the Peanut Gallery and Emotional Crew on Saltwaterfish.com :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious
Remember, I'm not trying to help the fish, I'm "purposely" trying to "stress it out unneccessarily" and kill it. Yup

There are some hilarious folks here

Okay, since you have studied marine biology for "many years", tell me, how is it helping the fish if you do a freshwater dip only to put him right back into the place where he got ich in the first place? Explain that to me, please. Not only was the fish stressed to begin with (since he has ich), but he is further stressed by you taking him out of his home and dipping him into freshwater, causing him to puff up. Not only that, but you are lucky that he did not suck in air. The pics seem to show that his mouth is nearly sticking out of the water. Sucking in air can be fatal to puffers, but I am sure you know that already.
Secondly, why didn't you just wait to do the freshwater dip when you would have your quarantine tank ready, if it would only be a day later that it would be ready anyway? This doesn't seem to make sense either.
Next, I never said that you were, "purposely trying to stress my fish out in order to kill it." You did stress him out unneccessarily, in that, there are better and easier ways to kill ich that don't involve dipping the fish into freshwater. Maybe I can see justifying the freshwater dip if you had placed the puffer into an ich-free tank, but you didn't. You stuck the fish right back in the tank where he contratced ich in the first place. Do you have any reasons for not just waiting and putting him in the hospital tank? To me, it seems like you either a) don't have the hospital tank that you said you did or b) wanted to see him puff up, so you just dipped him and justified it because you were "helping the fish".
How did you take him out of the tank, by the way?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Yimmy
He has studied marine biology and is looking in the fishes best interest.
I don't see how this is looking in the fish's best interest. If he was looking in the fish's best interest, he would have just waited a day and put it in the QT tank either after he did the freshwater dip or just to do a hypo.


Active Member
Puffers generally DO NOT float upside down when they "puff" under normal circumstances...(defence)
They suck in water and maintain a neutral bouyancy...
Yours has definitely sucked some air...That is NOT a good thing no matter how you justify it..


Active Member
If it had air then you aren't doing a good to the puff. I was wondering why it was floaring upside down though