A Puffed Up Puffah

jonny bolt

It is a Valentini. And it puffed before it was removed from the water, not after. I attribute this to that I caught him while sleeping. And I used a plastic specimen container to capture the fish. I would rather go about it this way, than chase the fish around a 72 gallon tank, while it thrashes, smashes, wipes out, contorts, and pounds itself off of every obstacle in the tank. The fish was FAR less beat up the way I did it than it could've been. I have seen Puffers jump straight out of tanks and land on the floor because of people chasing them around tanks with nets. If my fishes best interests were not on my mind, I wouldnt even bother trying to help.
Which brings me to why I have to sit here and defend myself, because of a few cantankerous members who see it fit to judge others and immediately add arrogant, smug, condescending comments to start off their replies. It seems to almost be a past-time here.
"Am I missing something here? Why is it funny that you are purposely stressing out your puffer unneccessarily? I would hope that you know this is bad for the fish."
This was your very first paragraph, a (smug) assumption and (condescending) comment. You throw it in there as a "jab", like nobody will notice. Why is it funny that I am purposely stressing my fish out? I told you, I am not purposely stressing my fish out. It happened, and I just happened to have the camera in arms reach. A lucky shot. Maybe use it for the purpose of study, instead of the purpose of whining and puling. I posted the pics knowing FULL WELL that atleast one of the SW Peanut Gallery & Marine Fish Patrol would come in and piss on the parade
I will continue to treat the fish, if it dies, it dies. The world isnt going to cave in or crack in half. Nature will take its course, and I wont WHINE about it.
But since you are the judge and jury, are perfect, and have never stressed a fish out and/or lost a fish, I have already invited you to come help with the process

I'd also like to respectfully disagree with a statement above that puffers dont puff up for nothing. My friend has the same fish, and it has been in the same tank for almost 31 months straight, with the same number of fish. Never any disease, never a lost fish. We started recording fish behavior after the tank was up for 6 months to the day. It seems his Puffer will "test" his "puffing ability" every so often, because it is done between every 120-140 days. Quite a weird phenomenon. It's as if the fish has been in such a comfortable and stable environment, that it feels the need, almost on a schedule, to "test" its natural defense mechanism, to make sure it still works. Very interesting what you can learn and witness from fish, especially when you study them over a long period of time.
Anyway, gotta go, my Puff is hungry and PETA is ringing my phone off tha hook


Active Member
Okay, explain to me what I assumed and how I spoke condescendingly, please. I did not assume anything. I said that you purposely and unnecessarily stressed him out because there are better ways to treat ich on a fish. You chose to ignore these. I do not know if it was out of pure laziness or ignorance, but you still chose the easiest way, which was a quick freshwater dip. I only post here because you seem to think it is funny that your fish is stressed out and puffed up. You made six references above to it being funny. And as natural as it might be, do you think the puffer likes it? Do you think he is laughing with you? Tell me, do you laugh everytime you see another person crying? This is a natural response as well, and some may find it fascinating that tears are expelled when a person is upset. How do you think another person would feel if you laughed at them when they were crying?
Also, you are still not answering my questions. If you would have had the best interests of the fish in mind, you would have put him into the QT, instead of right back into the main tank. It seems convenient that the QT tank would be all of a sudden ready to be used tonight. Why didn't you just wait to do the dip tonight then? You still did not answer any of my original questions, while still making jokes of the matter with the PETA stuff that you keep mentioning. Never once did I say I was perfect and know everything. I learn something new here every single day. You however have studied marine biology for several years now, so is that the attitude that you have about yourself?
Also, nature would not be taking its course if the fish died. Since you introduced the fish into the tank without a QT, and then further did not treat the ich appropriately, you would have caused the fish's death, not nature. If you need my help in explaining how to do a hypo procedure, I am more than willing to help. All I want is to see the fish helped rather than harmed.


Active Member
would both of you just SHUT UP your sooo anoying,
If its good or bad its his fish and he believes he is doing the right thing so let him do it. if you think its so wrong then wait until he posts a thread about the fish dieing then laugh at him. but the fish isnt dead yet so please calm down.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
would both of you just SHUT UP your sooo anoying,
If its good or bad its his fish and he believes he is doing the right thing so let him do it. if you think its so wrong then wait until he posts a thread about the fish dieing then laugh at him. but the fish isnt dead yet so please calm down.
You dont have to read their post either....lol..... So techincaly they can just work their diffrences out and not shut up.......lol.... I agree that it is kinda childish bashing on the guy for a pix....... He had good intentions.... and a Puffed up puffer is funny..... Or I wouldn't of laughed when Finding nemo's baby puffer puffed up... It is funny looking..... Yeah they might be stressed, but if some one was crying and looked funny I would laugh.... If it is funny IT IS FUNNY!!!!! Cool Pix they were nice to see.........


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefiness
would both of you just SHUT UP your sooo anoying,
If its good or bad its his fish and he believes he is doing the right thing so let him do it. if you think its so wrong then wait until he posts a thread about the fish dieing then laugh at him. but the fish isnt dead yet so please calm down.
wow....i might just stay nuetral.....just please take this somewhere else. You both seem to be ignorant (not in a mean way, since im very ignorant
) so let the other one be and leave it at that. Thank you...end of thread.


Active Member
Okay, you are all right. Since he did not ask about it, I had no right to stick my two cents where it did not belong. It is his fish that he paid for with his money, so he can do whatever he wants with it.

jonny bolt

I got an email about another lion crazz response, laced with more assumptions. But I'm not going to waste my time and respond, as he already deleted his post.
And yes, I stand by what I said, a Puff puffin up is puffin' funny. If you dont think its funny, then you're either lying, or have no sense of humor and take things way too seriously. I see a few of those types on here from time to time, they see something they "dont like", and start whining and puling, and as someone else mentioned above, "going for the throat". I think some people need to relax a little bit, maybe get a grip. It was unfortunate that my Puff puffed up, but I felt alteast somewhat lucky that I knew why he was doing it, and that I was able to capture it with the camera. Maybe someone can learn from it. As far as the Peanut Gallery and the Fish Police being critical of others, I could less what they think. Live and let live. I've never been one to go into someone's thread and start hammerin' away at em. But thats probably because my ego isn't all PUFFED UP

BTW, Puffahz is doing great in the Hospital tank. I made sure I put his fave fake coral to sleep on. And I have spent a few hours with him tonight, and gave him his favorite dinner a few hours ago.....a hand picked mussle. And as always, he enjoyed it very much

So nobody Puff Up about it. Just worry about your Puff, and I'll worry about mine


Active Member
Lion_crazz -
Thank you for apologizing and deleting your posts. I am not certain you needed to (I can read them). However, you realized that it was causing issue and took action without escalating the thread even futher. Many could learn from this example.

I also do not find it funny to see a fish stressed, sick and clearly in trouble. But then we sorts have been put in our place in this thread, I guess.
If you find it funny, so be it. But when I have put a fish into such situations, I try and learn from it, and that means listening to what people have to say. Not everyone must agree
If you disagree, say "I disagree" and leave it at that. There was no need for the bickering in this thread. This is a two way street.
I'm sorry that may sound harsh, and I do think you are doing the best you can for the fish...but there were some unecessary comments in this thread. Perhaps on both sides, but unecessary.


Active Member
Well I wasn't going to reply but I did post that I thought it was funny. I didn't think it was due to stress but now it makes sense. I thought puffers puffed for other reasons besides stress (mating, defense, ...). Since I do not have one, I don't know much about them.


ok when i saw the pictures the first time i didnt laugh and i did think y owuld he do this? but i didnt think of replying. not cause i thought it wasnt neccisary or what ever i just didnt think about it. i read the whole thread today. when i was done i went up to the top and tryed to find the humor in the pictures.c ouldnt find it. but thats just me. when i see a fish stressed, being semi new to the hobby, i get worried and scared for the fishes life. u being a marine bioligist know that it problly wont die. you know where it puffed. you know its fine. so its funny. like when u see videos on the internet of someone jumping out from behind a corner and scaring some one. we laugh cause we know theyre fine. but the person that thinks its real for a sec is scared. so i can see people being skepitical about it. but replying with out reading it and reading how u fell is inapropriate. i dont think its funny. but i dont think your in the wrong. amazing pictures. thanks for sharing


lol great pic of that puffuh!
how big is your valentini and is he mean to your hermits or snails? or do you have a FO tank?


I thought it was not good if a puffer puffed up. I have always heard that that means it is severly stressed. I know in the wild they puff up to make themselves appear larger so bigger fish dont eat them.


If it puffs up only water no harm. But why He would give it a fresh water dip I can't understand. I just can't understand why. It won't cure anything. I wish the mods would del. post lick these. Kick ich it works. No stress no mess.

jonny bolt

It doesnt matter if you cant "understand" why. It WORKED for me. The spots disappeared and my Puffer has been back to normal SINCE. This is an old post, drudge up for some reason. I have a 67mb video of my puffer eating one of his favorites, a clam, if you'd like me to post it.
I'm sure glad I didnt post any pics or a walk-through when my friend and I had to knock his Valentini out cold with Clove Oil in order to trim his teeth down so that he could EAT and LIVE. We knew a bunch of the bleeding hearts would've thrown some comments out on that one fer sure! We decided not to post about it in detail, we wanted to thinking it might help some folks out, but we just didnt want to hear any more whining
I posted the pics as a resource, to show people what can happen. Yet, the bleeding hearts and the emotional liberals couldnt help offering up negative feedback and smug comments.
So mods should delete posts just because you
dont "understand" them? Get a grip.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
It doesnt matter if you cant "understand" why. It WORKED for me. The spots disappeared and my Puffer has been back to normal SINCE. This is an old post, drudge up for some reason. I have a 67mb video of my puffer eating one of his favorites, a clam, if you'd like me to post it.
I'm sure glad I didnt post any pics or a walk-through when my friend and I had to knock his Valentini out cold with Clove Oil in order to trim his teeth down so that he could EAT and LIVE. We knew a bunch of the bleeding hearts would've thrown some comments out on that one fer sure! We decided not to post about it in detail, we wanted to thinking it might help some folks out, but we just didnt want to hear any more whining
I posted the pics as a resource, to show people what can happen. Yet, the bleeding hearts and the emotional liberals couldnt help offering up negative feedback and smug comments.
So mods should delete posts just because you
dont "understand" them? Get a grip.
Where can I see that post? Don't worry I don't cry just interested.


I firmly disagree to whoever said puffers puff only in defense and or stress. Some puff when excited or happy to see the fishkeeper, or once in a blue-moon they puff for the sake of puffing. Or when they wake up it's just a big stretch/yawn


Man You sound like one sick dud. Do you put cats in a micro. just for kicks too. O never mind you are in Hampton, NH That explanes it all.