Acclimated my new blenny, now.....


Active Member
HI all.
I got my new blenny today (Tail Spot)
and I acclimated him as per instructions that came with him.
I released him into the QT and he went straight to a corner. I know he will hide and everything for a while.
My question is should I try to Garlic Xtreme soaked algea wafer or hang an algea clip in there for him? Should I wait??

Any opinions or suggestions??
Ok just checked him again....he is sitting on the bottom breathing hard
Oh I hope he doesn't die. I wanted this fish soooo bad.
Also I got a peppermint shrimp and some new hermits that I acclimated and put in the main tank. When can I turn my light back on? I want to see if I can find the shrimp. I never saw where he went.


Active Member
Turn on your lights.
Laying, like on his side? Or just chillin'?

He is probably frightened. Do you have anything in there for him to hide in? They like to go into holes in rock. A piece of PVC pipe is a good substitute if you don't want to add rock so you can medicate in that tank if you ever have to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Turn on your lights.
Laying, like on his side? Or just chillin'?

He is probably frightened. Do you have anything in there for him to hide in? They like to go into holes in rock. A piece of PVC pipe is a good substitute if you don't want to add rock so you can medicate in that tank if you ever have to.

I have a piece of fake rock in there and he is not under it (it sort of has a cave) he is laying behind it in a corner. He is on his stomach just sitting there.

Here are a couple of pictures. Best I could get - my camera sucks for tank pictures. I am going to have to get a new camera now I guess



Active Member
I wouldn't worry about him yet, maybe test the water make sure you don't have any ammonia in there.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
I smell a new camera for xmas.

I wish. I already got a new fish for Christmas....

OH I also soaked 1/4 of a algae wafer in Zoe and Garlic Xtreme and placed it in there along with a piece of an algae sheet soaked in the same and he didn't touch it.
Any other suggestions for feeding or just give him some more time?

My shrimp has already starting eating...

I love your tank it looks great. Maybe one day I can get a decent picture and show you mine. Although it is only a cleaning crew, 1 peppermint shrimp, and 2 clowns and HOPEFULLY my blenny :happyfish


I got one of these cool little guys last week. At first he was very shy hiding where I could barely see him. It took 2 days for him to start eating, but mysis shrimp soaked in garlic did the trick, he also likes prime reef flakes. Now he goes up to the tank everytime I walk up to it looking for food. Great fish!!


Active Member
OH I AM SO GLAD TO HEAR SOMEONE ELSE ON HERE HAS THIS FISH. I just fell in love with the looks of it. Did you get it a Dr? That is where I got mine.
I haven't even been able to really see it. They shipped it in a black bag and now he is stuck in a corner and he just looks dark. I haven't been able to see his colors at all yet.
Did you try to feed him everyday?


Yeah! I got it from the same place. I love blennies and gobies. He spent most of the time hiding in the rocks and really looking dark from the stress. I mainly fed the tank, but I did try to put the food by him. Just give him a couple of days.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
If he doesn't eat what you put in there, get it out so it doesn't spoil your water.

Ok WAX thanks. I was going to leave that algae wafer in there just in case he decided to eat it. But I will take it out. He does look very stressed. Doesn't look happy at all. I just hate to keep messing with the tank and making him more stressed.
Battosai - did you QT yours or just add him straight to your display? If you did QT how long did you do it?
He is beautiful. I hope mine turns out that way. Right now he is very dark like you stated.


Active Member
I have a Bicolor Blenny, and all he does is kinda perch on different rocks and hide in caves all day. It is completely normal and expected.
I think that you chose a great fish. Blennies are full of personality, and are little busy bodies, always staying pretty active. The Tail Spot is an awesome looking Blenny too.
Mine is a pig and readily eats whatever I put in the tank. It doesn't matter if it's prime reef, formula 1, 2, marine flake, pellets, nori, frozen food, bloodworms, my hand, magfloat. If it moves and is not livestock he's testing it out.
Be forewarned....they can be a tad bit territorial though.


I have a one spot blenny from *********** too. Gorgeous fish! Mine stayed in one corner of the tank for almost a week and then one day he/she was sitting on a live rock. During the period he/she stayed in the corner, he/she did loose a little weight, but she/he is making up for it now by scraping algae off the glass. He/she has decided the top of the power head is its new home base. He/she still will not take the food I offer and he/she is still scraping algae off the glass (good thing I don't clean the inside back glass wall isn't it?)
I would like the fish to take flake food...any suggestions of mfg anyone finds to be the best as being well accepted by most all herbies? btw, the fish colors are incredible..his/her colors develop a little more every day.


Active Member
mine eats anything, but as far as flake goes I use Formula 1, Formula 2 (pellets), and Prime Reef. I mix it up a little bit to vary his diet.


I've tried algae pellets...I'll try the Formula II flake and nori. He/she totally ignores mysis & brine shrimp, Formula I and cyclneeze(sp - the frozen red food).


Active Member
Well my little guy has moved to a different spot, but he is not eating at all. Yesterday (when I got him), I tried to feed algae sheets and algae wafers both soaked in garlic xtreme. Today I have tried mysis soaked in garlic X, and this evening I tried my homemade food (shrimp, mysis, marine cusine, shrimp pellets, spinach, Xtreme, Zoe, Mahi Mahi) and still nothing.
I don't know what to do. I am worried about him.


We have a bicolor. Ours swam straight to the bottom and hid under a piece of the lr. The next day when we got up it had moved to the barncles. Most of the time it swims and hides in the barncles or in the lr. I think he's my favorite fish in our tank.
