Acclimated my new blenny, now.....



yes, enticing with live foods is probably the best method...
milo, your tank didn't take that long to cycle. Good for you!!! How's everything working out?


Originally Posted by DaneDodger
Oh but btw, I do agree with jd on this...
i'm so agreeable... lmao!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jdragunas
yes, enticing with live foods is probably the best method...
milo, your tank didn't take that long to cycle. Good for you!!! How's everything working out?

Yeah it didn't take long at all. Only about a week. Everything has been doing fine.
I've got my 2 clowns, 13 hermits, 5 turbos snails, 10 Nass. Snails, a peppermint shrimp and now my blenny.
I got 4 of the hermits, the peppermint shrimp, and the blenny all at the same time. The shrimp and crabs are great. Everything is eating wonderfully - except my little guy.


cool, that's great! Like i said, don't worry about the little guy yet.


Active Member
Wow, this thread exploded. I was gonna say go ahead and put him in.

Those spots are for sure normal... they probably fade in bright light. I know that's how my bicolor was.


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Wow, this thread exploded. I was gonna say go ahead and put him in.

Those spots are for sure normal... they probably fade in bright light. I know that's how my bicolor was.
Cool - thank Wax!
Yes it did explode. I am glad :joy: I usually don't get many responses at all. I can always count on my same 3 NEW friends though.....Dane, you (Wax), and JD.
Thanks to EVERYONE for helping calm me down.


Originally Posted by wax32
Wow, this thread exploded. I was gonna say go ahead and put him in.

Those spots are for sure normal... they probably fade in bright light. I know that's how my bicolor was.
So it's normal for them get spots if they sit still for a few minutes? I know a few weeks ago I was looking at ours and it had a few vertical stripes going down it's side but when it moved they dissappeared. It might have a spot on the glass now that I think about it.


Awwww group hug!!!!! :jumping: I always enjoy reading wax and jd's messages on the board too, solid advice delivered with a cool head and a sense of humor to boot


Active Member
Originally Posted by DaneDodger
Awwww group hug!!!!! :jumping: I always enjoy reading wax and jd's messages on the board too, solid advice delivered with a cool head and a sense of humor to boot

I agree!! I just love you guys
I am hugging


Active Member
Yeah BBB its like some kind of photo-sensitive (I'm sure there's a better word) spots, only certain kinds of light make 'em show up! I freaked the first time I saw them on my bicolor.

I'm glad I can help/entertain you guys!


Active Member
Oh Wax,
I just got my other tests that we discussed on another thread. I bought the Salifert ALK and Ammonia (I also bought the Phosphate but it is on backorder)
Anyway here are my water tests BEFORE the new tests
PH 8.2
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 5.0
Ammonia 0-.25 (couldn't tell as the colors were to close)
Calcium 560
Alk -300 (with the dip stick)
New Test
Ammonia <0.25
Alk - 8.0dKH
Now the Alk with the dip stick and the liquid is way different. Is that a good reading???


Originally Posted by bcollie
Battosai, I didn't think more than one species of blennies could co-habitate a tank, but yours appear to look ok. How long have you had them together? Any problems at all?
I like the bi-color blennies and would love to add one but I have the one spot.

I actually have 4 blennies in there: tail spot, bicolor, lawnmower, and a blenny that looks similar to the tailspot but is missing the spot on the tail. They all get along fine I have plenty of live rock with lots of hiding places. I also have different types og Gobies. Red Head, Catalina, Yellow Neon, Hybrid Neon, Yellow watchman and a Barber Pole Goby that was paired up with a tiger pistol. It seems the pistol didn't survive it's last molt
All the gobies get along fine too.
BTW my Tail Spot also gets those spots on his head, it's part of his coloration.


Active Member
8.0 dKH is right at sea water value. And technically, when you give a reading in dKH you are describing Carbonate Hardness (KH) not alk. They translate though, it's complicated! Just when you post your results you should say:
KH: 8.0 dKH
You shouldn't see any ammonia, keep up those water changes. If you see any at all on your test it isn't good. I don't have the Salifert ammonia test, I take it totally clear is 0 ammonia?


Active Member

Originally Posted by wax32
! Just when you post your results you should say:
KH: 8.0 dKH

You shouldn't see any ammonia, keep up those water changes. If you see any at all on your test it isn't good. I don't have the Salifert ammonia test, I take it totally clear is 0 ammonia?
On the ammonia the Salifert test is <0.25 is clear I guess it means 0 - 0.24

and the colors go up from there. So I guess it actually means 0 but that is how it reads.


that is true i use the salifert also. and for the ammonia reading the lowest color and reading value they show is <.25, which is weird, but it is not a completely clear color either. imo the ammonia salifert test is very hard to determine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DevilBoy
that is true i use the salifert also. and for the ammonia reading the lowest color and reading value they show is <.25, which is weird, but it is not a completely clear color either. imo the ammonia salifert test is very hard to determine.

Well you are right it is not completely clear, but it is not the color of the next higher number either. So I figure it is the lower one. I changed from the AP Ammonia test as I find it EXTREMELY hard to read.

Anyone have a better kit for ammonia test? I have read so much on these kits and I thought I had determined that most folks recommended the Salifert tests....who knows


Active Member
Hey my blenny is still not eating. He has been sitting in the same spot in the main tank since I moved him over. I bought some formula 2 small pellets this morning and still nothing.


Active Member
Have you peeked in at night with a flashlight? Maybe he is prowling at night. Do you clowns seem to look at him funny at all?


Active Member
Originally Posted by wax32
Have you peeked in at night with a flashlight? Maybe he is prowling at night. Do you clowns seem to look at him funny at all?

I finally got him to eat just a bit ago.

I had to actually put the mysis shrimp up to his mouth with a little dispenser. He took it right in. Although I hope that doesn't show that I am going to have to feed him like that all the time
Can I spoil my fish

I haven't looked in at night with a flashlight, but I just may since the new crab has appeared. I am now worried about that. Since my blenny obviously doesn't KNOW HOW TO SWIM :hilarious , I have to make sure that new crab doesn't find his way to my little fish and try to eat him.
The clowns don't even know he is there.