So what? You have a private business getting hassled in one state because they didn't put enough effort into making sure minors weren't able to go in and buy cigarettes vs. government funded group giving people advice on how to defraud the government, exploit underage girls for prostitution, violating immigration laws, offering to help violate immigration laws, Voter registration fraud, tax evasion etc.
Yeah, I'm not seeing how one is anywhere close to the other.
One effects us directly(tax money), the other is a private institution getting in trouble over selling cigarettes.
The bigger question is how involved is ACORN with SEIU or vise versa. How high does the corruption go? Who is giving the marching orders? These people were taught to deal with people this way, they didn't just pull this out of their @sses.
This is only going to get better. Also, it sounds like they have more tapes but aren't releasing them so I wonder how many more establishments they hit?