

Active Member
Hey, I am alcoholic that could not in the world imagine how in the world I would be able to survive without booze. I mean there was just no possible way that it could be done. I mean others could make without driking but there is no way that I could. Well that was me 4 years ago. I am still here and living my life.
As far as right now what I can tell you is this. DON'T DO IT!!! Don't take a pi-ll. Trust me sometimes it is a minute by mintue thing to get through it. Just make it to the next minute clean and then tell yourself to go to the next one.
I will write more but just trying to help you make it to the next minute.......


Active Member
How is your family situation?
Oxycontin is a horror show, my friend had cancer and got hooked on it and getting off was the hardest thing he has ever done. You're going to need help, can you tell your parents? I think your going to need to.


Active Member
1st you have to distance yourself from the people who are involved in this... You should also seek help... are there any programs that you know of that the school or community offers?
My father-in law has had an addiction that has pretty much ruined his life... he is some what of a functioning addict... however he has a problem with a drug I won't mention... Causes him to do things you mentioned and worse... has had the same problem for 20+ years... It is a struggle... I do want to commend you for stepping up and realizing you have a problem... it means that you can get of of the addiction.


Active Member
I tried to stop drinking on my own, but it just was not going to work. I knew I wanted to quit (like you do!
) and I knew I needed help. I told my wife, because I knew that she would help me and I also knew that I needed some extra support (just like you do) It is almost like doing an intervention on yourself.
I don't know you and I don't know your parents, but I think you should tell them. They can be that extra support that you need. Also trust me, they know there is something wrong with you and would probably like to help in any way they can. I went through a nightly program for I think 12 weeks that was helpful, I guess you could call it rehab. Part of the cost of this was paid for my our insurance. If you need a program like this your folks insurance might pay for it.
Now just make it to the next minute........


Thanks all you guys for your help. My mom knows that I have done

and I know she thinks something is up. I was also bad on

at one point, which I finally got off of and now just take adivan(perscribed by doctor) when I need one, maybe one a week. I think I should tell my parents to, I just want want them to flip out and I dont want them to look down on me. I guess I could try something like a rehab-center class or something like. Do you think I can do this on my own, I fell like crap now


Active Member
wow that is impressive that you came on here to spill the beans to a bunch of faceless strangers about your problems. but at the same time, not knowing us can make it a little easier. people are going to give you advice but you are going to have to take it upon yourself to actually follow it. it all starts with you. you already admit that you are sick of being hooked and want off of it, and that is a great attitude and a great starting point, so you are on the right track. the key is dilligence and harnessing your anger into power and sheer will to show yourself first, and then everyone else, that you can beat this.
i have had a variety of painful dental surgeories which have been compared to the most excruciating procedures next to tough childbirth (by the Docs, not me). Subsequently i was prescribed with vicodins , percocets and the like to help the healing process. at first, they were great. Anything that could subside the pain, was my best friend. i didnt mind that warming feeling, the itchyness and the other minor side effects, as long as i could escape the pain. after a few days, i could feel myself getting mentally slower. it started to literally hurt as i felt like i could feel myseld getting stupider from these same rescuers. It angered but i still had to take them. Continuing on, loved one's would say they missed my personality and my smile and wanted the old me back. i wanted nothing to give them what they asked, but my pain management came first. At that point i can feel the coaxing hands of dependence starting to take a grip, but thankfully my recovery was nearing completion and i could get by with just 800mg tylenols. within 24 hours, i was starting to act normal again, (when i barely realized i wasnt acting normal) and some family member saw the difference immediately as i came out from under the cloud. for the next week i had the urge to go back to the heavy meds but, i knew where that road would lead, so i made sure to avoid that.
anyway, that is my little story for your comparison. you are not the only one. you are young, and you have your life and dreams ahead of you. but these things are not to be taken for granted. sometimes you have to work hard for them, sometimes you just have to make sure you are breathing long enough to receive them. This is not always as easy as it may seem. face your demons. beat it so you can help yourself and others. good luck.


Active Member
Dude, your parents are there to help you. That is their job. (Can you tell that I am one?) They will not look down on your or think any less of you. In fact they will be glad to help you and feel proud that you have made the step forward. Do not let your being scared to admit to them that you are an addict stop you. You are trying to get your life on track here. (Oops got on my soap box)
As far as being able to quit on your own, well that is up to you. Although in all honesty I doubt it. I mean in my class we had people who were taking a drug that would make them feel ill if they drank, and they were still drinking. This is powerful stuff you are talking about here.
You can also look up Narcotics anonymous, it is similar to AA. Although I personally could not make it through all the steps of AA. I could not make it onto step 3.


Active Member
I would agree with not associating yourself with anyone that does that or has done that with you, sold it to you, or been around you when you do it. It makes it almost impossible to quit. First thing, change your number. Only give it to those who are healthy influences around you and who would support you not doing these drugs, like family and close healthy friends. I would call a friend to come stay with you for the next week or so until the worst of it wears off, like the stiffness and bad moods. Then I would work on getting healthy and doing things that improve your life like learning, school and exercise. Clean up your diet and put only healthy foods into it while you are recovering. When you start viewing your body as a "temple" so to speak, you won't want to put any garbage in it. Drink a lot of water. That will help immensely on clearing out your system and getting rid of any of the drugs. Also, get plenty of rest so that your body can heal itself from the damage that was done. I am not touting any raw food diets or esoteric nonsense, just saying as you start to feel great, you won't want to feel like this ever again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
You can also look up Narcotics anonymous, it is similar to AA. Although I personally could not make it through all the steps of AA. I could not make it onto step 3.
I was thinking...those must be some hard steps if you didn't make it onto 3, but a quick search looks like they are all religious statements or addmissions. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing?
Best Wishes ReefDude. This was a major step, even if we are strangers. You have to feel some sort of relief just from getting this out to somebody.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hlcroghan
I would agree with not associating yourself with anyone that does that or has done that with you, sold it to you, or been around you when you do it. It makes it almost impossible to quit. First thing, change your number. Only give it to those who are healthy influences around you and who would support you not doing these drugs, like family and close healthy friends. I would call a friend to come stay with you for the next week or so until the worst of it wears off, like the stiffness and bad moods. Then I would work on getting healthy and doing things that improve your life like learning, school and exercise. Clean up your diet and put only healthy foods into it while you are recovering. When you start viewing your body as a "temple" so to speak, you won't want to put any garbage in it. Drink a lot of water. That will help immensely on clearing out your system and getting rid of any of the drugs. Also, get plenty of rest so that your body can heal itself from the damage that was done. I am not touting any raw food diets or esoteric nonsense, just saying as you start to feel great, you won't want to feel like this ever again.

all good stuff... I'd say replace the habit with something else... a positive


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
I was thinking...those must be some hard steps if you didn't make it onto 3, but a quick search looks like they are all religious statements or addmissions. Maybe I'm looking at the wrong thing?
You are correct sir! They do not say it is a religous program, but a "Spiritual" program. Also it was not my type of gig, although I did have to go to some meetings because of my rehab program. But hey it has helped millions of people so who can argue with success.


Active Member
Hl and Ry, what you say is true, but you are looking long run, long term. What RD needs right now is to make it to bed tonight without popping another pi=ll. If you think long term you are going to get all stressed out and this will lead him to taking another pill.
I was thinking about this and I guess the best way for everyone to understand how to quit something like this is for you not to drink anything for the next 24 hours. You can go 3 days before you die of thirst, so try 24 hours. Actually I don't know if this will physically harm you, so just try the rest of the day. Do not drink ANYTHING fir the rest of the day. You can't even stop at the water fountain to wet your whistle. That will give you all an idea of what it is like to try and stop an addiction like this.
Hey you two, don't think I am ragging on you. I am just trying to show all of you that this is not like going from whole milk to 2% milk. This is tough to do, but it can be done RD!!!!


This is a very real problem when I was in highschool OCS BECAME THE DRUG OF CHOICE FOR SO MANY PEOPLE. tHEY WERE PAYING 80 BUCKS A PILL AND WHEN THE COULD NOT AFFORD IT MOVED ON TO HEROIN BECAUSE ITS CHEAPER. Now what you must realize is that Ocs are an opiate like heroin, the metabolize and become part of your body's chemistry thats why trying to kick them is soooo hard. Here is the good news if you have been clean for 24 and are not getting physically ill then you are not too addicted yet. Trying to kick herion and other opiates will make you fill really sick and you don't want to use you just want to feel better but the drugs are the only thing that will do this. Like I said if you are not feeling violent physical effects yet then remember you could be in a much worse place and you should quit while you are ahead(believe me I know its not easy) now if you are going through strong physical withdraws and you think you cann't do it alone or ypu might relapse there are medications availble that block opiates from your system simply put take them and you cannt get high. Good luck from one addict to another


Active Member
WOW, not many people your age so willingly admit they have a problem. Hell, not many people twice your age can.
You got some good advice here, take it. I have a son a few years older than you. As a parent I can tell you your parents will be upset. Don't ever confuse that with anger. Want to know about anger. My brother drank himself to death at 41 because he wouldn't ask for help. Don't pzz off your parents, ask them for help.
You're going to do fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
You are correct sir! They do not say it is a religous program, but a "Spiritual" program. Also it was not my type of gig, although I did have to go to some meetings because of my rehab program. But hey it has helped millions of people so who can argue with success.
Okay, so I was reading the right thing...

I'm definately not arguing their success, as their track record speaks for itself. I guess I was just expecting to see something more tangible, or measurable.
I can attest to the powerfulness of some of these pi*lls RD is talking about. I was on Oxy after a back surgery years ago, and just reading your words makes me recall how they made me feel. I had to make a mental and deliberate point to set them aside, as I was beginning to see just where they were going to take me. I don't think it's too late for you at all RD. But I agree with Scotts, forget about next week or next month....go thru today, then you will have some pride tomorrow morning to start tomorrow.


Originally Posted by ReefDude37
No violent-physical effects. Just in a really bad mood. I have to go to pick my car up from the shop 2nite, finish my hw, go to school in the morning, then work right after. AHHHH it sucks not having a pill how am I going to do this.
How the *** am I going to do this *** I ask myself thta question dailly before I go to work, and I think the answer is different for everyone. But it sounds like you are dealing with more of a mental addiction at this point and believe those can be just as hard to beat as anything. I would suggest staying busy I know it sounds lame but occupying the mind will help. I personally use exercise because it lets me get out my anger and if I am reallyu tired I can beat thatlate night on edge cannt sleep till I get what I want feeling Remember you dont need it you just want it
We are here fot you brother and if you need soemone to talk to let me know