wow that is impressive that you came on here to spill the beans to a bunch of faceless strangers about your problems. but at the same time, not knowing us can make it a little easier. people are going to give you advice but you are going to have to take it upon yourself to actually follow it. it all starts with you. you already admit that you are sick of being hooked and want off of it, and that is a great attitude and a great starting point, so you are on the right track. the key is dilligence and harnessing your anger into power and sheer will to show yourself first, and then everyone else, that you can beat this.
i have had a variety of painful dental surgeories which have been compared to the most excruciating procedures next to tough childbirth (by the Docs, not me). Subsequently i was prescribed with vicodins , percocets and the like to help the healing process. at first, they were great. Anything that could subside the pain, was my best friend. i didnt mind that warming feeling, the itchyness and the other minor side effects, as long as i could escape the pain. after a few days, i could feel myself getting mentally slower. it started to literally hurt as i felt like i could feel myseld getting stupider from these same rescuers. It angered but i still had to take them. Continuing on, loved one's would say they missed my personality and my smile and wanted the old me back. i wanted nothing to give them what they asked, but my pain management came first. At that point i can feel the coaxing hands of dependence starting to take a grip, but thankfully my recovery was nearing completion and i could get by with just 800mg tylenols. within 24 hours, i was starting to act normal again, (when i barely realized i wasnt acting normal) and some family member saw the difference immediately as i came out from under the cloud. for the next week i had the urge to go back to the heavy meds but, i knew where that road would lead, so i made sure to avoid that.
anyway, that is my little story for your comparison. you are not the only one. you are young, and you have your life and dreams ahead of you. but these things are not to be taken for granted. sometimes you have to work hard for them, sometimes you just have to make sure you are breathing long enough to receive them. This is not always as easy as it may seem. face your demons. beat it so you can help yourself and others. good luck.