ADVICE Please (Advanced aquarists only)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Emporer
I am not claiming i am an expert , But there is an ethics involved when troubleshooting a tank. The first are the annitial and (OBVIOUS) specks. I covered all of that myself and stated it also.. i was just looking for A CRAZY guess... because something crazy happened.
well a crazy guess would be, either it ate some silverside and had an adverse effect on it, or even crazier, forgetting about water parameters, you should know that angels are delicate, and it could have just passed away from a long term problem, and maybe just maybe because it was changing you didnt notice a bacterial infection it could've had. there are lots of reasons fish die, and initially you did not specifically state that all of you basis were covered. you said your water is perfect. perfect means nothing. you never did state your calcium, alkalinity, or phosphates. there is a lot that can happen yet you seem to assume that people can read your mind, and are chillin with you next to your tank.
lets try to back this down a notch and breathe, do you still need advice? or are you done? and just going to write it off?


im not criticizing or being mean, just want to state a fact.....
this entire post has consisted of only you arguing with everyone else, and after 20 posts or whatever, nothing has been solved. you are no closer to figuring out your problem now than when u posted this thread. just think what you could have done different, all this boils down to three little words....advanced aquarists only....
i know u meant no offense by those words, but some people took offense. if you had not typed those three lil words you might have a plausible explanation by now..kinda sucks
so a word of advice, when asking for help, choose words wisely.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jmick
Someone has my vote for Tool of the Week

stirring the pot.. its calm he is just pissed because he lost a cool angel, it looks like he is calm now.. and im still fired up, but we need to put an end to silly argument threads. you agree?


Originally Posted by Emporer
I am not claiming i am an expert , But there is an ethics involved when troubleshooting a tank. The first are the annitial and (OBVIOUS) specks. I covered all of that myself and stated it also.. i was just looking for A CRAZY guess... because something crazy happened.
Ethics when throubleshooting a tank? What the heck. Next thing you are going to do is say that there are certain morals to posting on this forum.
My next post is going to say "Advanced people only - Fish Killers and those with less than 3 tanks and 5 years need not answer"


I agree, ithorian_r... and i also see my spelling has also become an issue. LOL. Thankk you cat shark BUT I pay very close attention to my fish and study them also. I would and have notice infections in the past. thank you
I already know that angels are delicate, and have come to a conclution myself along time ago that either the ammonia spike due to extra wastes and excessive feeding killed the fish... which is unlikeley.. or something killed the fish and that spiked my ammonia... whic i think happened. BUT that could have been answered if you truted me by my 1st post. I said i did a water change 3 days ago and ammonia was 0. I also said the angel eats formula not silversides. WOW even when i do waste time I still seem to have to repeat myself,, and even get futher off topic by some more irrelivant questions.


Active Member
How is the anemone? I dont think it would do well under normal strip lights and may be dieing, releaseing toxins into the water and efecting your fish and water parims. Just a non expert thought.


funny,,, but curly q anenomes dont need alot of lighting,, infact they are very hardy. but the will die if the ammonia stayed for more than a couple days. wHICH CONCLUDES That my ammonia just rescently spiked!!!


Active Member
This thread has really went no where. I wonder WHY THAT IS!
I guess we are not so experienced. IMO (which is not worth anything obviously; 15 years) Just because you think the water parameters are ok, maybe you are not as good as you would like to think and missed something.
You really cut yourself short if you ask me(which you didn't). I'm not addressing this to you Emporer; it is addressed to the rest of the aquarist that offered help and was shut down. Good for you and thanks for trying!
I value everyones opinion because THEY might have 56 posts but a world of knowledge and have/had experience in the exact area of the targeted trouble!
I hope people like that wake up and realize this is for enjoyment and to learn.
There seems to be WAY to many threads and posts that go over the limit with sarcasum and a "Holier than Thou" attitude.
Just my $.02


Active Member
well slap me around and call me Susan, i believe a non expert answered it, and i slipped right by it, the anemone could definitely have an effect, and under normal strip lighting, which an expert would know better, could most certainly be the culprit...


If i ask for something, its my post,,, I should have never been critisized on how i ask the question. If you had a problem with that and felt you can help then just post. Dont for one second tell me how i should post a question,, it is snowballing and The wrong one is the person telling another how to choose their words. Think about that and be cool..


Active Member
ok just stop replying to this thread its obvious that he truly does not care and would rather argue. i will advise if you do not trust what anyone is saying, go check out fenner's site, and better yet go to the anemone page here at this site, i believe it states specifically that it needs strong light. strong light does not include NO strip lights, matter of fact it really doesnt mean VHO either. pc, t-5, or preferable metal halide is what moderate to strong lighting means


Ok I see they need strong light you are absolutley right. My LFS said they can thrive in my aquarium and took there advise sinse they had theirs in the same setup. But However The anenome isnt dead yet, and i will prob move it,,, So the anenome didnt die and cause a spike


Active Member
What happend to your foxface and purple tang. Didnt a month or so ago you have them? Mayby Im wrong and you may not think its relevent but could matter.


My Purple past from infection,,, i added a sick blonde naso tang from this sight, and it said
the tang will have light blotches... my stupidity strongly about it being an infection,, and my purple tang also died from my mistake,, that i feel bad about