Algae issue


Well-Known Member
I do also have the JBJ cube, and don't even bother trying to clean the corners with it...I use the brush for that
Thats wat im sayin lol.....i use the brush/scraper thing for the back walls of mine!


Well-Known Member
You guys clean the corners???...LOL...I gave up on corners years ago, it now belongs to the coriline. I clean the front glass. For about three years I had my tank where I couldn't see the sides so I didn't clean that either, then I moved and now I can't clean it. Someday I will replace the tank and when I do...I want a rock wall on it, I hate my plain blue background.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Flower http:///forum/thread/385763/algae-issue/60#post_3389168
You guys clean the corners???...LOL...I gave up on corners years ago, it now belongs to the coriline. I clean the front glass.
I used to clean my corners every weekish with the scrubber side of a pot sponge (tank only, of course). Now my enhanced CUC platoon of Astreas does much of that for me.


I have a oceanic mag float for my bio that has a curved side to get the front curves :flamed: I like curves