All Lions Welcome


Active Member
My tank size will be fine for now, I am in the process of building a cafe and i'm putting a 250G+ tank in there that is where the lion will end up. As for the live feeder fish I just got my lion about 5 days ago and i'm just making sure he eats and he is eating frozen krill if you read my post
Here is my tank as it stands as you can see the lion has more than enough room. I have done my homework no worries



OK superH, Time to rename your fuzzy (is it lenny or Vinny?) because it looks like a female to
BTW Nice Lions........


Thanks for the compliments V-Lioness. How can you tell it's a female? You have some nice lions as well! Are they all in the same tank?


Females have 4 - 6 bands on the fin and males have 6 - 10 bands, another way is adult males have larger heads and longer pectoral fins.
Look at the picture of your fuzzy and count the stripes, I see 4 large ones, now look at my male.
My lions are all in the same tank, my tank is a 300g.


New Member
no there is no way to tell if ur lionfish is male or female they are sexualy dimorphic, ive never read in any science journal about being able to tell the --- of a lionfish. head size, no, fin stripes, no, dorsal pectoral size, no.
but here is my fuzzy dwarf.
his name is aslan

blending in quite well here



no there is no way to tell if ur lionfish is male or female they are sexualy dimorphic, ive never read in any science journal about being able to tell the --- of a lionfish. head size, no, fin stripes, no, dorsal pectoral size, no.
Nice dwarf, Female you have, there is a way to --- the Dwarfs, this is how you can keep them in pairs where males should never be kept together. Just read the article by Frank Marini, it will help guide you when it comes to lions, he is excellent when it comes to this species. If you would like a link where you can speak to him and let him know this please feel free to email me.

jonny bolt

DRON, I agree with Kaye, there IS a way to --- Dwarf Lions. Please do a little more research before you provide (allegedly) definitive answers to folks here, or anywhere for that matter


Originally Posted by Jonny Bolt
DRON, I agree with Kaye, there IS a way to --- Dwarf Lions. Please do a little more research before you provide (allegedly) definitive answers to folks here, or anywhere for that matter

How about determining the --- of a Volitan lionfish, is this the same way?


New Member
i appologize for my hasty reply, i havent come across a journal yet or any article with the facts, but if there is one i would LOVE THE LINK!!!! once again, i appologize for the hasty answer...and yes i believe my fish is a female, and if the case i would love to find her a mate and move the two into a seperate habitat where they can thrive.


Active Member
Here are a few pics of my 15" Volitan:
*sorry about the flash, in the last one*
*disclaimer* - I'm sure I'll be asked questions about the Volitan and the Clown Trigger, in the same tank. I do not recommend this. The Clown was much smaller than it appears in that pic and was not in the tank for very long. I did not, however, have ANY problem with the 8" Blue Throat Trigger that was in the tank, which was kept with the Volitan for a very long period of time.*disclaimer*



Originally Posted by AW2
Here are a few pics of my 15" Volitan:
*sorry about the flash, in the last one*
*disclaimer* - I'm sure I'll be asked questions about the Volitan and the Clown Trigger, in the same tank. I do not recommend this. The Clown was much smaller than it appears in that pic and was not in the tank for very long. I did not, however, have ANY problem with the 8" Blue Throat Trigger that was in the tank, which was kept with the Volitan for a very long period of time.*disclaimer*

That lionfish looks little but that is compared to that eel and he is probably huge in person