All Lions Welcome


Active Member
Originally Posted by teaggs
That lionfish looks little but that is compared to that eel and he is probably huge in person

The Dragon is over 30" long and as thick as a beer bottle, so compared to her, yeah...the Lion looks small. lol But, you can see how large the Lion was by looking at the Dragon...he was hovering right over the top of her. Also, check out his head/ can tell a difference in the bone structure (blockier head), as opposed to younger lions.
That Blue Throat Trigger was 8" long, verified measured out of water and it was closer to the glass than the Lion was.
He was bigger than a basketball, with his pectoral fins spread.


Active Member

Originally Posted by Drewsta
My tank size will be fine for now, I am in the process of building a cafe and i'm putting a 250G+ tank in there that is where the lion will end up. As for the live feeder fish I just got my lion about 5 days ago and i'm just making sure he eats and he is eating frozen krill if you read my post
Here is my tank as it stands as you can see the lion has more than enough room. I have done my homework no worries

Just wanted to clear something up for anyone who could be reading. Feeding your saltwater
fish any kind of freshwater feeder fish
can cause fatty liver disease, regardless of whatever else you are feeding as well. Never feed freshwater feederfish to your fish.
With that said, here is my fuzzy dwarf.


Active Member
Here is my fuzzy. I have had him almost 1 week and yesterday he ate a live ghost shrimp.
There is a pajama cardinal slightly behind and below her in the pic.

reef diver

Active Member
would a antennata lion be ok with two highfin gobies, 2 clownfish, 1 algae blenny?
I am planning on adding tons of feedershrimp to keep it satisfied until i can wean it to prepared foods, or will it eatall my fish?
p.s. I read the article above and it said that the antennata lion prefers shrimp over fish


Originally Posted by AW2
Here are a few pics of my 15" Volitan:
*sorry about the flash, in the last one*
*disclaimer* - I'm sure I'll be asked questions about the Volitan and the Clown Trigger, in the same tank. I do not recommend this. The Clown was much smaller than it appears in that pic and was not in the tank for very long. I did not, however, have ANY problem with the 8" Blue Throat Trigger that was in the tank, which was kept with the Volitan for a very long period of time.*disclaimer*

What kind of hermit is that in the pic