Active Member
Originally Posted by tdog7879
I dont even drip my corals for that long.....I guess fish are more sensitive than corals
I will drip the fish for longer than normal and see what happens.......Also in first post i said i would float the bag for 15min and then drip for 15 min. I guess you guys dont think thats long enough if everone is saying PUT ON THE BRAKES....gosh settle down people its my money im wasting not yours.....When i got the yellow tang and the clowns i just let them float in the bag and drop them in and there doing great so is the scooter..Thats why i was saying i got a new shipment of fish from the fish store except for the scooter that had been there for a while.
yes they actually can be more sensitive and inverts are even more so. there are several fish that require 3 or more hours of acclimation time with the drip method. I actually don't float the bag at all and let the drip cause the temp to regulate but then I drip them for an hour or more depending on the fish. Some fish can take being dropped in but honesly you will have a ton more success if you are a bit more patient in your choices.
I know that people on here can seem kind of like they are jumping on you but they genuinely want to see your fish do well and for you not to be frustrated and needlessly kill fish or spend more money than necessary. However, with you saying it's no big deal if you just throw them in, it makes some people on here grit their teeth like nails across a chalkboard, so take it with a grain of salt and remember we are all here to enjoy and learn....
I dont even drip my corals for that long.....I guess fish are more sensitive than corals

yes they actually can be more sensitive and inverts are even more so. there are several fish that require 3 or more hours of acclimation time with the drip method. I actually don't float the bag at all and let the drip cause the temp to regulate but then I drip them for an hour or more depending on the fish. Some fish can take being dropped in but honesly you will have a ton more success if you are a bit more patient in your choices.
I know that people on here can seem kind of like they are jumping on you but they genuinely want to see your fish do well and for you not to be frustrated and needlessly kill fish or spend more money than necessary. However, with you saying it's no big deal if you just throw them in, it makes some people on here grit their teeth like nails across a chalkboard, so take it with a grain of salt and remember we are all here to enjoy and learn....