All of this over cartoons?


Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
You are correct..those that took part in 9/11 did not wear we must all view those that ressmble the enemy in a different light now. Sleeper cells are probably still present in this country due to our lack of border control.
The only thing I am pretty sure of we will be hit again ...and I applaud those that are doing whatever they can to prevent it this time....regardless what they must do on a daily basis....and what we must do.
This enemy is non-conventional...they do not ride into town with tanks and marching soldiers. They realize they will be elminated QUICKLY should they go the conventional route...but these rats usually move around under the cover of darkness...and so do roaches.
yeah that is why it is so hard to pin point who the enemy really is. they look just like us have people in their families who are our friends. educating their new generations is our only hope for peace.

37g joe

how many of yoyu have read the koran or the hadith? I had to read parts of it for world religion classes and later on a perspectives on islam class let me tell you read it and you wel be freAked out. Surah 55 in the koran pretty much spells it all out. and thats not the only parts it is filled with hate towards the infidel. The infedel in thier opinion must be killed and destroyed by whatever means they are not about converting they are about obliverating those who dont fall to the will of allah. we are those infedels and all muslims fell this way even if they are not radical muslims they feel this must be done to complete Dar-islam (the house of islam). this is what muhamid set forth and thier are no other options for muslims they are comanded to destroy us. But right now they have conflicts between themselves but if any one is ever to unnite the muslim world under one individual we are doomed. thier is no negotation, they well slauter us in the droves. all we hold dear well be destroyed. This is all gaining momentium the tide is coming you see it all around the world. We have tried to pacify them but that has not worked it has just given them more opertunities. Thier is no easy solution to this problem thier might not even be a solution to it we might just be doomed.


Originally Posted by Teeny
i was not going to say anything about this topic but this one blew my mind. history will always bite us in the butt and we are not as different form back then as you think.
watch the movie CRASH and you will really change your mind.
the sterotyping is still around us, that is proven in this forum alone. someone else wrote hate breeds more hate, i think hate breeds fear and then more hatred. most people fear what they hate.
do i agree how the people are handling this "cartoon" issue, of course not but that is how most of them are raised. it sounds like most of you are pretty upset that we as americans sit back and allow racist, stertyping, and any other form of negative behavior happen, well that is our fault. there was another cartoon that was put out where they showed jesus being turned over to the pres. and someone else and jesus was listed as a traitor. why wouldn't you use your choice of "freedom of speech" and talk out about it? why would you allow that??
the difference between us and other countries is that we are afraid of getting sued for any stupid thing. that is why many folks choose to "ignore" it or remove articles from persons so not to offend.

So you are saying we are not much different when there was slavery. Ok. Where is your facts. We were not a capitalist society back then. We did have any amendments from 12-19 and did not have women suffrage. Not to mention the nation was split up in two parts, the confederacy and the union. And also not to mention we did not experience are manifest destiny whcih basically means if you don't know the USA was the chosen country from God for us to expand in which we did. Westward that is.
And if a black was accused of ---- or murder back then, about 99.9999% they would be hanged. And your saying were are not much that different. I wonder what you must say about Europe?


Originally Posted by waterpolo
So you are saying we are not much different when there was slavery. Ok. Where is your facts. We were not a capitalist society back then. We did have any amendments from 12-19 and did not have women suffrage. Not to mention the nation was split up in two parts, the confederacy and the union. And also not to mention we did not experience are manifest destiny whcih basically means if you don't know the USA was the chosen country from God for us to expand in which we did. Westward that is.
And if a black was accused of ---- or murder back then, about 99.9999% they would be hanged. And your saying were are not much that different. I wonder what you must say about Europe?

Most black men in this country are pulled over for "driving while black". Not because they actually did something wrong.
Mike Tyson served prison time for "raping" a women. The Kennedy who was accused of the same thing, did not.
Women still get payed less then men to do the exact same job and 90% of the time we do it better.
Women and most people are looked over for job promotions that are given to a white man yet we were the more qualified party.
Woman and people of color are used to fill a "quota" white men are not.
In the 1960's the black men down south were still getting lynched as well as getting wrongly convicted:
The Scottborro Boys 1931-1937
Mississippi Burning (US Vs. Cecil Price) 1967
Emmett Till 1955
Mary Turner 8 months pregnant lynched in the earlky 1900's
Between 1882-1968 4742 black men and women were lynched for being "uppity"
James Byrd Jr. 1998 dragged to death Jasper, Texas
Oh i am sorry, Slavery was still in existance I guess in 1998! Please.
We haven't moved on much further than you think.
Just type in the word LYNCH and you will get updates as well as information that go back to the slavery days.

darth tang

Active Member
1998 dragging is a rarity. Not the norm.
Racism is a human thiung and will never be stamped out completely. The Kennedy was proven innocent. Mike wasn't. O.J. was acquited when accused of Murder. So that part of your arguement has a hole in it.
We as a whole society are far better than we were 50 years ago. If you don't thinks so....then you have learned nothing.
Darth (apparently a card carrying member of the KKK) Tang


Active Member
I agree that as a nation we are far more accepting then we were 50 years ago and have made huge strides. Yes, racism is still out there and it’s a product of ignorance and fear of things we don’t know or understand and like Darth said, it’s a human thing.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Teeny
Most black men in this country are pulled over for "driving while black". Not because they actually did something wrong.
That is a ridiculous statement. It is not a defensible arguement (at least not the way you present it), rather, it is an assertion. Just because you think that's true doesn't make it true. If you have some factual information for supporting this, please present it. And please don't say that it's because your cousin who is a police officer told you so.
Originally Posted by Teeny
Mike Tyson served prison time for "raping" a women. The Kennedy who was accused of the same thing, did not.
I didn't pay too much attention to either trial, but anyway this is just one example out of millions. What about OJ, many would argue he was set free from murder when he actually did it. So if one court case against Tyson can prove you right, then can one for OJ prove you wrong? Bottom line is that one or two court cases don't prove anything for this arguement.
Originally Posted by Teeny

Women still get payed less then men to do the exact same job and 90% of the time we do it better.
Women and most people are looked over for job promotions that are given to a white man yet we were the more qualified party.
Woman and people of color are used to fill a "quota" white men are not.
In the 1960's the black men down south were still getting lynched as well as getting wrongly convicted:
The Scottborro Boys 1931-1937
Mississippi Burning (US Vs. Cecil Price) 1967
Emmett Till 1955
Mary Turner 8 months pregnant lynched in the earlky 1900's
Between 1882-1968 4742 black men and women were lynched for being "uppity"
James Byrd Jr. 1998 dragged to death Jasper, Texas
Oh i am sorry, Slavery was still in existance I guess in 1998! Please.
We haven't moved on much further than you think.
Just type in the word LYNCH and you will get updates as well as information that go back to the slavery days.
On these points, sure there is still some discrimination. But even the facts you use to say we haven't improved say otherwise. You have one example after 1968 that happened in 1998. I seriously doubt America is approaching thousands of lynchings since 1968, in fact I'd be surprised if it was 100. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the people on this message board weren't even born in 1968, or were too young to know what was going on racially. The point is 1968 was a pretty long time ago now. When you give one example from now back to 1968 it sounds like huge improvement over the 4742 you mention prior to that.
The world will never be perfect, and is often filled with personal trials that are very difficult to deal with. Why make it out to be worse or harder to deal with than it already is? If you insist on saying people in America today are slaves in any way then I think you at least have to qualify it with a definition contrasting the word with what it meant before the civil war. There is absolutely no comparison to those days.


It was brought to my attention that things like the items I listed were basically only done back in the days of slavery. I was asked to give facts, I did.
Yes we have improved, in my eyes not as well as we should for us being such an Intelligent species.
Sadly someone put out there that OJ simpson is considered more "White" than black.
Is it true.........don't care...............he got away with so many white men in the world have done.


Originally Posted by Beth
What does allegations of racism in American have to do with a Denmark cartoon? Please get back to the topic, or let this topic die.

This is a part of the topic. things are handled with violence..........if you can't follow then why close it just stop reading


Originally Posted by hagfish
That is a ridiculous statement. It is not a defensible arguement (at least not the way you present it), rather, it is an assertion. Just because you think that's true doesn't make it true. If you have some factual information for supporting this, please present it. And please don't say that it's because your cousin who is a police officer told you so.
Actually I am taking a course that is being taught by a Police Officer who teaches Ethics (to police departments as well) and has been on the force for 25 + years. Also a cities ahve to send out a report that includes Race of person pulled over due to the MANY complaints that only people of color were being pulled over.....hmmm turned out it was true form the own police men's reports. Live in L.A.Ca; Oakland, Ca; San Jose, Ca and many of the other bigger cities that are here and of course you would also have to be a person of color to even begin to understand.
I didn't pay too much attention to either trial, but anyway this is just one example out of millions. What about OJ, many would argue he was set free from murder when he actually did it. So if one court case against Tyson can prove you right, then can one for OJ prove you wrong? Bottom line is that one or two court cases don't prove anything for this arguement.
There are more than just 2 court cases. These ones just stand out.
On these points, sure there is still some discrimination. But even the facts you use to say we haven't improved say otherwise. You have one example after 1968 that happened in 1998. I seriously doubt America is approaching thousands of lynchings since 1968, in fact I'd be surprised if it was 100. I wouldn't be surprised if the majority of the people on this message board weren't even born in 1968, or were too young to know what was going on racially. The point is 1968 was a pretty long time ago now. When you give one example from now back to 1968 it sounds like huge improvement over the 4742 you mention prior to that.
This are documented cases, can you imagine what ones weren't documented. Maybe in your eyes this is a huge improvement, you want to ask the families that live in the south that question. Sorry, the black families.
The world will never be perfect, and is often filled with personal trials that are very difficult to deal with. Why make it out to be worse or harder to deal with than it already is? If you insist on saying people in America today are slaves in any way then I think you at least have to qualify it with a definition contrasting the word with what it meant before the civil war. There is absolutely no comparison to those days.

There was a referance regarding that history doens't bite us in the butt, this was the repsonse to it. History will always bite us in the butt, IMO.


Originally Posted by Teeny
Most black men in this country are pulled over for "driving while black". Not because they actually did something wrong.
Mike Tyson served prison time for "raping" a women. The Kennedy who was accused of the same thing, did not.
Women still get payed less then men to do the exact same job and 90% of the time we do it better.
Women and most people are looked over for job promotions that are given to a white man yet we were the more qualified party.
Woman and people of color are used to fill a "quota" white men are not.
In the 1960's the black men down south were still getting lynched as well as getting wrongly convicted:
The Scottborro Boys 1931-1937
Mississippi Burning (US Vs. Cecil Price) 1967
Emmett Till 1955
Mary Turner 8 months pregnant lynched in the earlky 1900's
Between 1882-1968 4742 black men and women were lynched for being "uppity"
James Byrd Jr. 1998 dragged to death Jasper, Texas
Oh i am sorry, Slavery was still in existance I guess in 1998! Please.
We haven't moved on much further than you think.
Just type in the word LYNCH and you will get updates as well as information that go back to the slavery days.
90% do it better. Don't start another argument that you can't back up.
And all of your little lynchings that you posted is useless because we are talking about the present not back then. And yes we have moved forward. Do you know what progressivism is? Well if you don't go look it up and get your facts straight and once your all together then come back to this thread.


Sorry I am exercising my right to FREEDOM of Speech. So I am not going anywhere.
90% was sarcasm but when it comes to you I am sure that I do it 100% better.
Obviously you need to reread the thread because it was said in here that "history doesn't bite us in the butt"
Also there is no such thing as a "little lynching". I am sure if you were about to be lynched you sure wouldn't want it to be referred to that way.
James Byrd Jr. 1998 dragged to death Jasper, Texas I am sure he felt we had "progressivism " while he was being dragged around by a truck.
So when folks say that we as Americans handles things with out violence you really need to go back and re look through out history.


Originally Posted by Teeny
Sorry I am exercising my right to FREEDOM of Speech. So I am not going anywhere.
90% was sarcasm but when it comes to you I am sure that I do it 100% better.
Obviously you need to reread the thread because it was said in here that "history doesn't bite us in the butt"
Also there is no such thing as a "little lynching". I am sure if you were about to be lynched you sure wouldn't want it to be referred to that way.
James Byrd Jr. 1998 dragged to death Jasper, Texas I am sure he felt we had "progressivism " while he was being dragged around by a truck.
So when folks say that we as Americans handles things with out violence you really need to go back and re look through out history.

Oh I am sorry about your sarcasm. I didn't catch the humurous tone in your voice.
And just for the record, I have read the thread but people tend to get off topic beause of people like you.
And I never actually called it a little lynching in that way. I meant that your little lycnhing posts that you were showing to me didn't mean anything because we are talking about the present not the past. I don't know maybe you are still living in the past but that is not my problem.

37g joe

Originally Posted by Teeny
Sorry I am exercising my right to FREEDOM of Speech. So I am not going anywhere.
90% was sarcasm but when it comes to you I am sure that I do it 100% better.
Obviously you need to reread the thread because it was said in here that "history doesn't bite us in the butt"
Also there is no such thing as a "little lynching". I am sure if you were about to be lynched you sure wouldn't want it to be referred to that way.
James Byrd Jr. 1998 dragged to death Jasper, Texas I am sure he felt we had "progressivism " while he was being dragged around by a truck.
So when folks say that we as Americans handles things with out violence you really need to go back and re look through out history.
I have a way to settle this. When I was going to college (was getting my Degree in cross cultural Comunications) Apart of the program was to travle to another culture I went with 7 other students and one faculty member to Kenya. Now kenya is mostly westernized but we traveld up to the norhern parts near somalia to a large town called Garrisa it is a very much controled by Muslims. Even the kenyan military does not like to go up thier due to danger. Well let me tell you we had some very close calls another groupe of westenrs while we where thier where mobed by a crowed and where beaten with rocks. Several times I had individuals Grab me and threaten my Life while I was thier just for walking in the streets. well I sujest you go to Garrisa and tell them how you feel about how they are just missunderstood and see how they make you understand. They HATE us . Your right thier is racism but it is Directed towards us. They look at you and me as dogs and they feel it is thier Job to Purge the world of us.


1998 wasn't that far into the PAST.
Again this isn't off topic, again you really need to RE READ it. This thread is about how the people (who are offended by the cartoon) are handling this. Which is violently, like we Americans never have handled things violently. There seems to be a shocked feeling that this is soooo barbaric. We are far from innocent on how Americans have handled issues. My comments are just a few that are being added to the additional comments that have been posted.
Sorry that I didn't get your "little lynching" as your way of saying "little lynching posts"
You told me to educate myself, I think it's you who needs education.
The past will ALWAYS be a part of the present, that is how we learn.
Maybe they don't teach History in your neck of the woods.


Originally Posted by 37g Joe
I have a way to settle this. When I was going to college (was getting my Degree in cross cultural Comunications) Apart of the program was to travle to another culture I went with 7 other students and one faculty member to Kenya. Now kenya is mostly westernized but we traveld up to the norhern parts near somalia to a large town called Garrisa it is a very much controled by Muslims. Even the kenyan military does not like to go up thier due to danger. Well let me tell you we had some very close calls another groupe of westenrs while we where thier where mobed by a crowed and where beaten with rocks. Several times I had individuals Grab me and threaten my Life while I was thier just for walking in the streets. well I sujest you go to Garrisa and tell them how you feel about how they are just missunderstood and see how they make you understand. They HATE us . Your right thier is racism but it is Directed towards us. They look at you and me as dogs and they feel it is thier Job to Purge the world of us.

I suggest you go to Hunter's Point, Ca or Compton,Ca or Long Beach, Ca and tell them that lynching is just something in the past and get over it. Or anywhere else in America that is dominately a "non-white" neighborhood.
Same with going to the South and telling the KKK just to get over their hatred cause this is America and we just don't do things like that here.
I love how folks think that other countries are misunderstood of their hatred for us. We have the same BS here.
We just call it CRIME.
The Koran can be read by anyone and took for whatever way that individual takes out of it. They can read it and take away from it the same way folks out here read the bible and take away from it what ever they want.
It is sad on anyone's end that they feel that violence will get you "heard" but unfortunately that has been the trend that has been set.