All the best products for sale, need to sell! Make an offer!


Active Member
Well that was quite a ride to read through...
Jon, if you are the last poster waiting for a refund I'll wait to close this thread until you post that you received it.
Fishfrenzy, thank you for quickly addressing the issue. I hope your son is in the process of getting a job to pay you back for all the trouble.


Lesson learned folks...if it's too good to be true, it probably is. Why did I think I could buy 2 Tunze 6100's in working order WITH a multicontroller for $200?

Here is my question however since I am new at this 'refund' thing...I send this individual $210 dollars but when he sent me back my $210, paypal took $10 for 'receiving money'. Am I supposed to be out the fee for being refunded? I don't see how this is right...


you guys should have been refunded through the original transaction. Then no fee would have been removed from your funds.


Active Member
Originally Posted by KrazyK
you guys should have been refunded through the original transaction. Then no fee would have been removed from your funds.
actually i just checked. No fee has been charged for the refund so far so......I am straight as long as it goes through with no snags. Not worried. All is good. An error was corrected and thats all that matters. Its not like I was out the 510 for week or so. It was gone only for 48 hours which is no big deal. Its soon to be over and done with. I give him props for taking this seriously enough to handle it so swiftly. My thanks to you fishyfrenzy and no hard feelings.
Originally Posted by jessica47421
wow 2 days of pms deciding to buy or not to buy the sump for nothing.............
tell me about it but i guess its not his fault but next time your computer ask to save password and username i bet you will check no or a good idea would to put a bois password on your computer from boot up due to there is only 1 way around that and i donno if people are smart enough for that!


Active Member
Originally Posted by jonthefishguy
Okay, Just to let everyone know, REFUND TRANSACTION was just completed so MODS, please close this thread.
Great to hear Jon. And hopefully this has allowed fishfrenzy to save face and hang around????


obviously it was not him trying to sell the stuff. im PRETTY shure he knows tunzee's are worth more than $25..... as his sun realized they are a gold mine when he was offer $200
you guys are lucky he cought this, when you get caught by a good scammer your not gettin a dime back, no matter what you try. they set up accounts, then drain them when the deals are done. paypal cant do a thing.