Active Member
Originally Posted by 1boatnut
Also in the point of the anti-tang police brigade,this site along with many others states a Blue Hippo can be in anything from a 40 gal to a 75 gal on up. Why should they believe the Tang Police,when many use sites just like this to aid them in their purchases?
Also this leaves me a little perplexed :You state"
Now, I've noted several times on threads that a tang in a 55g will work for up to a year if that tang is a juvenile. In fact, IMO, it's probably better for the tang if it's in a tank where it's not pacing half the tank to try and fight for food, especially if it's staking out territory on the other side of a 6' tank from the veggie clip. I do, however, think that often times people get something in a small tank rationalizing that they're going to upgrade and then never do. I am, my hippo lived in a 55g for 7 months and will be going into a 180 as soon as it's done cycling, but it's taken a lot of work/time/money to get to this point and I had often considered giving up the upgrade. The driving force, however, is the well-being of my fish and the fact that I personally want to keep more tangs that I know won't live in my 55g.
Yet here is quite the opposite:
mOnk,I certainly don't want it to look like I'm targeting you,but this is all part of a debate,that in my opinion will never really be settled,and just stuff that has recently been posted.
I have probably made most mistakes you can in this hobby,and I am sure I will make more. Hopefully I learned from these mistakes,and if needed I can aid someone ,with the experiences I have dealt with.But I will never FORCE or BERATE people to see things only my way.
I will however say the boards/forums CAN be brutal.
When I 1st started and would post questions in hoping for guidance, I would get all sort of replys like "if your not going to properly take care of your fish,GET OUT OF THE HOBBY" All of the fish in question are still in my original tank.
I once got banned/time out
for 1 week on a forum where I requested that I would like to have some information /references on something they posted. They went on and on defending their position,but never solidified their information.Then the moderator gave me a time out stating I had no right asking for such information. This pretty much told me they were clueless.
I believe much of the information passed down in forums in NOT 1st hand,does not come from experience,and is just stuff that was read bye someone else with no true experience,or those who just like to hear themself talk and show how smart they are.
I am NOT saying ALL information is that way,but much is.
Thanks for taking the time to read through my pretty winded post, I realized it was pretty long when the reply function wouldn't let me post it until I cut it down.
The size listed here on swf.com is actually something that's referred to quite a bit and I would like to point out one thing on that; the Blue Hippo Tang - Large listing has 150 gallons listed as the Minimum Tank Size, while the Blue Hippo Tang - Small is the listing with 40 gallons.
I try not to be rude to others when posting my opinions, and the one you quoted was actually a posting further down in a thread when several people had already stated their opinions yet the OP there had gotten somewhat rude themselves. Honestly, I probably could have worded it a little less "forcefully", there were just so many threads concerning tangs in one day that I had come across that sort of upset me to an extent (not that I would try to excuse being rude), which was part of the reason I started this one. But to the point, though, that when above I noted that I had previously posted that juveniles would work, I was actually trying to show how it was before my own negative experiences, and the realizations that upgrades are very difficult and might often never materialize, and that this brought me to the determination that it's often not a good idea ... so I stopped recommending it. As with most situations, opinions in this hobby evolve, which is another reason I started the thread. I'd like to read other people's views and see what I might change in my own. It still does upset me when people are indifferent to the well-being of their fish, with comments like "it's just a fish, not a dog" or something.
You're correct about message boards, how sometimes they're brutal. I've been to many that are this way, it's just human nature it seems. It's great that you stuck around, and stayed with the hobby.
Also in the point of the anti-tang police brigade,this site along with many others states a Blue Hippo can be in anything from a 40 gal to a 75 gal on up. Why should they believe the Tang Police,when many use sites just like this to aid them in their purchases?
Also this leaves me a little perplexed :You state"
Now, I've noted several times on threads that a tang in a 55g will work for up to a year if that tang is a juvenile. In fact, IMO, it's probably better for the tang if it's in a tank where it's not pacing half the tank to try and fight for food, especially if it's staking out territory on the other side of a 6' tank from the veggie clip. I do, however, think that often times people get something in a small tank rationalizing that they're going to upgrade and then never do. I am, my hippo lived in a 55g for 7 months and will be going into a 180 as soon as it's done cycling, but it's taken a lot of work/time/money to get to this point and I had often considered giving up the upgrade. The driving force, however, is the well-being of my fish and the fact that I personally want to keep more tangs that I know won't live in my 55g.
Yet here is quite the opposite:
mOnk,I certainly don't want it to look like I'm targeting you,but this is all part of a debate,that in my opinion will never really be settled,and just stuff that has recently been posted.
I have probably made most mistakes you can in this hobby,and I am sure I will make more. Hopefully I learned from these mistakes,and if needed I can aid someone ,with the experiences I have dealt with.But I will never FORCE or BERATE people to see things only my way.
I will however say the boards/forums CAN be brutal.
When I 1st started and would post questions in hoping for guidance, I would get all sort of replys like "if your not going to properly take care of your fish,GET OUT OF THE HOBBY" All of the fish in question are still in my original tank.
I once got banned/time out

I believe much of the information passed down in forums in NOT 1st hand,does not come from experience,and is just stuff that was read bye someone else with no true experience,or those who just like to hear themself talk and show how smart they are.
I am NOT saying ALL information is that way,but much is.
Thanks for taking the time to read through my pretty winded post, I realized it was pretty long when the reply function wouldn't let me post it until I cut it down.

The size listed here on swf.com is actually something that's referred to quite a bit and I would like to point out one thing on that; the Blue Hippo Tang - Large listing has 150 gallons listed as the Minimum Tank Size, while the Blue Hippo Tang - Small is the listing with 40 gallons.
I try not to be rude to others when posting my opinions, and the one you quoted was actually a posting further down in a thread when several people had already stated their opinions yet the OP there had gotten somewhat rude themselves. Honestly, I probably could have worded it a little less "forcefully", there were just so many threads concerning tangs in one day that I had come across that sort of upset me to an extent (not that I would try to excuse being rude), which was part of the reason I started this one. But to the point, though, that when above I noted that I had previously posted that juveniles would work, I was actually trying to show how it was before my own negative experiences, and the realizations that upgrades are very difficult and might often never materialize, and that this brought me to the determination that it's often not a good idea ... so I stopped recommending it. As with most situations, opinions in this hobby evolve, which is another reason I started the thread. I'd like to read other people's views and see what I might change in my own. It still does upset me when people are indifferent to the well-being of their fish, with comments like "it's just a fish, not a dog" or something.
You're correct about message boards, how sometimes they're brutal. I've been to many that are this way, it's just human nature it seems. It's great that you stuck around, and stayed with the hobby.