1) Hobbyists, especially new hobbyists, need to understand that people don't make these suggestions or post opinions to "rain on your parade." There is in fact a tremendous amount of experience on this board that is being shared...and we are not trying to sell anything. We aim to prevent mistakes, or repeating the same mistakes, and hope to make successful long term hobbyists (when so many fail).
2) You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
3) You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar...let's focus on remaining positive and helpful. Being demeaning, mean, judgmental, etc doesn't tend to encourage posting.
zdthompson - you are doing things that people DO have experience with not working well. You have asked questions and had no intention of considering any opinions. People actually wish to help you, but you do not want it. Sharks are not animals to just put into an aggressive tank...they are a specialized fish in and of themselves. I happen to have experience with dozens and dozens of these "pups" including seeing their eyes bitten out by being put into aggressive tanks. They belong in shark tanks with suitable larger fish. Not aggressive tanks. But yes, that is my opinion and you do not need to take any opinions other than what you already believe to be true.