am i over stocked?

b bauer

Originally Posted by zdthompson
they act seem pritty happy and suprisingly my perm have gone to norm now before i had all the fish the trates and trites where crazy high
what are your results now?and why add fish if they are high?


Active Member
Originally Posted by zdthompson
im not taking any of them back if any thing i will feed the damsels to my eel and lion. i got all 80 pounds of live rock in there with my coral and annom. with all fish and amazingly the fish are happy as can be they are swimming around like crazy
I do like the idea feeding the damsels to the lions.....


Active Member
I'm not going to repeat what everybody has told you regarding if your tank is overstocked. They told you and I 100% agree with them. You posted similar question in another thread regarding your missing fishwith the Bamboo cat. So Stupid is, Stupid does ...
I think it high time you start listening to your advices here rather than your supposed "friendly neoghborhood LFS owner". He's got you right where he wants you. You are getting ripped off, not to mention him telling you that your fishes will be OK in a tank that size with this # fishes by your LFS.


I had a similar problem when I first started my marine aquarium. I was an extreme novice, and asked lots of questions, and i got some of the wrong answers from my lfd. In turn I overstocked my newly cycling system with high priced specimens that my lfd told me were hardy. turns out my tank ran smooth for a couple of weeks and then crashed. I came home from work one day and the majority of my fish were dead.
I wish that i would have known about this board beforehand, but that is neither here nor there.
Now when I run into a problem, this is the first place that i post my issues. I trust the opinions of the majority on this board.
sometimes we don't like or want to hear the advice that we get, and sometimes the posters come across a bit crass, but the truth is the truth.


Active Member
Originally Posted by zdthompson
im not taking any of them back if any thing i will feed the damsels to my eel and lion. i got all 80 pounds of live rock in there with my coral and annom. with all fish and amazingly the fish are happy as can be they are swimming around like crazy
Good plan; otherwise, all those mean little damsels should bring down the tank's population themselves.


Active Member
Only so much you can do. Eventually, there will be problems where he loses money, and that will probably get his attention. It will be unfortunate for the fish that cross his path in the meantime though :( But this is the way MANY hobbyists go, this is why there are often loads of tanks for sale in the classifieds and such.
BUT, there is a chance, because he came here and asked questions. So you've all tried to do something good
It is just down to the audience to listen. Even if he doesn't, someone else reading it may


Active Member
Originally Posted by Sly
Your sergeant majors are going to die in that tank...

What isnt going to die in there? If it doesnt crash the shark will eat 'em...


New Member
A 48 gal isn't near big enough for a tang and a wrasse along with all the other fish to thrive in. Take fish back or get a bigger tank


the wrasse is long gone i put it in with the lion and eel. the eel ate it.
BTW i am a girl.
all fish are still alive and perm. are still great. the perm were crappy due to not enough live rock and no plants. so every thing is fine now.
i guess what i have to say is just cause it happened to you or you claim something to be true does not mean it allways is. all my fish are fine nothing wrong with the tanks and all the corals as well are doing great and spreading like wild fire. so please dont doubt what the LFS have told me.
oh and the cat bamboo is alive and well he has been in the reef for over a 3 months and is still alive he is only in there till he gets bigger then will be moved to the 150 aggressive ( due to i do not want him eaten by the eel)
thanks you!


Originally Posted by zdthompson
I have a 48 gallon.
1 - looks like a cross between a lunare and kluzinger wrasse ( not sure what the lfs said it was
1- yellow tang
1 powder blue tang
2- srg majors
1 - bluefin
2 -blue damsels
2- lemon belly damsels
5 - turbo smails
2- blue leg herm.
2 - baby queen chonche (sp?)
What about the bamboo shark?


What do you plan on doing with the tang? He can't go into the agressive tank. BTW a 150 is no where near big enough for that shark/cat.


im keeping him as a pup and have allread made arangments for a friend to take him when he gets to large, we may decide at some point to go to a bigger tank as well

b bauer

Originally Posted by zdthompson
the wrasse is long gone i put it in with the lion and eel. the eel ate it.
BTW i am a girl.
all fish are still alive and perm. are still great. the perm were crappy due to not enough live rock and no plants. so every thing is fine now.
i guess what i have to say is just cause it happened to you or you claim something to be true does not mean it allways is. all my fish are fine nothing wrong with the tanks and all the corals as well are doing great and spreading like wild fire. so please dont doubt what the LFS have told me.
oh and the cat bamboo is alive and well he has been in the reef for over a 3 months and is still alive he is only in there till he gets bigger then will be moved to the 150 aggressive ( due to i do not want him eaten by the eel)
thanks you!
didnt you say you got the shark at the end of july not 3 months ago.and you listen to a lfs that told you to put the wrass with your eel.lfs should have taken it back not give your ell an expensive dinner


People take time out of their day to reply to posts so that they can help others who are learning the in's and out's of keeping a SUCESSFUL tank. If you are going to listen to your LFS anyway, why come here and waste time when these people can be helping others who really want to learn. You have been giving some really good advice. If you don't like what they have to say, then why ask in the first place?


New Member
Originally Posted by Michaud65
People take time out of their day to reply to posts so that they can help others who are learning the in's and out's of keeping a SUCESSFUL tank. If you are going to listen to your LFS anyway, why come here and waste time when these people can be helping others who really want to learn. You have been giving some really good advice. If you don't like what they have to say, then why ask in the first place?
Thanks Michaud65... I am a newbie and appreciate all the help I have been receiving from the seasoned SWF and reef hobbyists on this forum... Please don't let one bad apple spoil the bunch... If it weren't for this forum and the people taking time out to help me out of the mess my 2 LFS put me in I know I would of spent much more on what I don't need and isn't right for my tank... Let alone the fish I would of killed... I would like to thank you and all the people who take the time out of your life to help us serious newbies learn and understand the "reral" hobby...


Active Member
1) Hobbyists, especially new hobbyists, need to understand that people don't make these suggestions or post opinions to "rain on your parade." There is in fact a tremendous amount of experience on this board that is being shared...and we are not trying to sell anything. We aim to prevent mistakes, or repeating the same mistakes, and hope to make successful long term hobbyists (when so many fail).
2) You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink
3) You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar...let's focus on remaining positive and helpful. Being demeaning, mean, judgmental, etc doesn't tend to encourage posting.
zdthompson - you are doing things that people DO have experience with not working well. You have asked questions and had no intention of considering any opinions. People actually wish to help you, but you do not want it. Sharks are not animals to just put into an aggressive tank...they are a specialized fish in and of themselves. I happen to have experience with dozens and dozens of these "pups" including seeing their eyes bitten out by being put into aggressive tanks. They belong in shark tanks with suitable larger fish. Not aggressive tanks. But yes, that is my opinion and you do not need to take any opinions other than what you already believe to be true.