An eel question...


Active Member
I would like to get an eel for my tank, but I don't want to risk anything being eaten, if there was a great chance of it eating one of its tank mates then it will be a no go.
here are the fish
Cleaner Shrimp
2 Clowns
Hippo Tang (small about 3in)
Flame Angel
Sixline Wrasse
LN Butterfly
Bicolor Blenny
Thanks for all the help


New Member
nope, i wouldnt do an eel in that tank setup. When i first started with my eels, i put a viper eel with a clown for 30 sec, just to move some rock and that baby was g-o-n-e. What kind of eel are you thinking? The only eel i could see living in there would be a dwarf eel but those run aroubnd 250 bucks


If you were wanting to upgrade later on (depending on the size of your tank) you could do a small SFE. I have one in a 29 right now with clowns, a coral beauty, and a royal dottyback. I am planning on upgrading within 8 to 10 months though.


Active Member
I'm open to spending a bit of money, nothing as much as a hawaiin dragon. Are dwarf eels sensitive or more fragile in comparison to other eels?


Active Member
not really but what size is ur tank and what kind of skimmer do u have? i no of atleast one true eel that could go in ur tank


Active Member
My bad I thought I put in the tank specs...its a 95gal, it has about 120lbs of LR. As for a skimmer I'm without one. I have a cannister, a UV and my tank is balanced out to undetectable nitrates. My tanks been up since xmas of last year


Active Member
ull def wanna get a skimmer and a good one for any eel or messy predator fish. have u checked ammonia and all ur other levels? u could do some species, id watch with smaller fish and inverts. on the other hand maybe u shouldnt get a eel til u get a skimmer, plus uve got alot of fish i can see ending up in a eels mouth


its a misconception that all eels eat fish that fit in their mouths. Alot of people keep SFE w/ smaller fish that COULD easily be eaten but are not.
Its just a chance you would have to take.
Your problem is that you are pretty much already at your max bio-load


What kind of clowns do you have? If you really wanted to do a eel i would get rid of the canister filter and do a sump/fuge set up. You could use a used 29 for the sump/fuge. Than get a asm-g2 or a g3 skimmer. You could get a SFE for your 90.

67 demon

Would you be open to ANY eel?? I have a Ghost eel that does very well with it's tank mates. Currently, it is about 14 inches long or so and maybe not TOO much wider than your index finger. I would say the only thing in your tank you would need to worry about would be your shrimp. Hope that helps with your decision. Here are a few pics:



Sorry Yimmy, but I have to bud in on your thread and ask 67 Demon where I can get more info on the ghost eel. I love those pics of it, and want more info.

67 demon

True, i don't mean to hijack this thread either, but the little bit of info i post anyway may help you in your decision, Yimmy.
cagRN (and others): to be quite honest, i have not seen a great detail of information on the web about the Ghost eel. So everything i state will be from personal knowledge and experiences.
I have had my Ghost for about 7 months now, which is about as long as i have had my tank. I have not had ANY issues whatsoever with this eel. The Ghost is listed as a semi-aggressive eel, which can attain a length of about 18 inches if i am not mistaken. I would estimate that it is currently about 14 inches or so. I typically feed my Ghost krill, with an occasional helping of ghost shrimp to "balance" his diet. Currently he resides with the following:
Dragon Goby
Valentini Puffer
Chocolate Tang
Coral Beauty
Volitan Lionfish (about 3 inches in length)
Falco Hawkfish
(3) Chocolate Chip Starfish
Numerous/Varied types of snails as cleaning crew
I'm not exactly sure what additional information your interested in, but if you guys have any questions, just let me know.


Active Member
no prob post away...i have ocellaris clowns...i just told my mom I was thinking about getting an eel...she looked like she was about to pass out so I have a hunch an eel is out of the question

67 demon

My wife was the same way when i initially expressed interest in obtaining an eel. Now that we have it, she has actually gained an appreciation for it. She has actually hand fed my eel when i have been away which i thought was remarkable considering her initial disinterest for it.

67 demon



New Member
My peppered Morey (Siderea picta) has never eaten any of my small fish, he is now in the tank with a green chromis and a wrasse and was in the tank for 5 years with a maybe 2" clown fish, and a pepperment shrimp. And he's is about 24in long.



New Member
My peppered Morey (Siderea picta) has never eaten any of my small fish, he is now in the tank with a green chromis and a wrasse and was in the tank for 5 years with a maybe 2" clown fish, and a pepperment shrimp. And he's is about 24in long.
