An exchange I had with Rush Limbaugh...


Originally Posted by oscardeuce
Your attitude about the internet and work comes across as a "slacker". No one wants slackers on their payroll. I KNOW there is plenty of work to go around, and even if you are not at a code, there are meds to pass vitals to chart rooms to clean etc.
I wonder how much you do know about critical care. "meds to pass vitals to chart rooms to clean etc" ?
My patients are on continuous infusions of vasopressors, inotrops, abx, insulin, ect. Maybe I should "pass them some meds" while they are intubated and chemically sedated? And, the cool thing invented a few decades ago for ICU pts: Invasive hemodynamic monitoring! PAP, ABP, MAP, ect are all downloaded to our computer so our intensivists can see trends, effects of vasocontriction, ect. We haven't charted "vitals" for decades. As far as cleaning the room, we have special biohazard containers. I couldn't tell you where we dump the garbage.
My job is very busy at times, and very slow at times. I wait for surgeries to come back, I watch sedated, paralyzed, intubated pts turn back and forth on their rotator beds, I answer questions for newbies. Once in a while, we all team up to stabilize a patient sent up from the ER (two or three times daily) or we code a patient on the floor. We are paid for our knowledge, not our brawn.
Previous posts you've made make me wonder about you. Your posts come out very uncaring and mean. If you want to play a Doc on the internet, you might reconsider calling nurses slackers.....
And, I'd quit instigating a fight with the attorney, if I were a Doc....
Just what I would do....


Active Member
I drive and deliver food food for a living, i work four days a week with full benefits and retirement, i made just over $65,000 last year. Oh yeah no college education, just a stint in the marine corps. Just because you go to school does not automatically warrant you a huge income, YOU HAVE TO WORK FOR IT. Yeah the economy sucks, but all we can do is go with the flow and do our best. Life is'nt fair at times.