An exchange I had with Rush Limbaugh...

haha im a self taught artist and didnt get out of the 7th grade and i make a 100 grand a year. i love the fact that all of my teachers said if you dont go to college you wont have anything now i own 3 shops and love it. college is a waist of time and money!!!!!!!!!! college wont gaurantee anything except you think you are gauranteed to think you are better thn everybody else and you will have to pay for the schooling for the next 20 years. i saved my college money and opened a buisness. just my 2 cents
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Well considering I was born and raised in the upstate of S of time outh Carolina I don't think I owe anyone an apology. And I used that state as an example because it has always carried the stigma of being "backwards"... just ask anyone who has lived there. Including my parents, grandparents, and great grandparents who all live(d) there.
And who says because I have two degrees that I should be getting paid more?
I do.
And if you think that is being arrogant, then you are grossly misinformed about the way the American economy is "supposed" to work.
Do you tell your kids to study hard so they can get into college and get a good job one day? I would hope so. I hope you don't tell them to try and be mediocre so they can land somewhere in the middle.
Fact is, a person who spends five years and $100,000 dollars on education should expect to make more than $10 an hour, don't you think?
If not, then what's the point of getting that higher education?
And you say "If you are just out of college with no experience you are just worth that amount. You get to start where most college educated people get to start...........
You're EXACTLY right. I'm not asking for a million dollars, I'm just asking for something starting at the $35-40k a year I was promised coming up...
And that fact of the matter is, that most of the companies have sent their engineers and scientists overseas, giving the jobs that I went to school for to someone else in another country.
What upset me about Limbaugh, is that he acts as if that is not the case.


Originally Posted by Bang Guy
You caught us. We're using a several million dollar artificial intelligence system to keep an off-topic forum lively at a Saltwater Aquarium website.
Now that the secret is out this forum is going to be boring. This will probably result in a 20% productivity gain across all of corporate america.
Of course not! You can get real intelligence to come here and insult people! Some more intelligent than others obviously....
But, seriously, RudeDog was insulted enough until he left. What is up with a persons self esteem that they would come here just to be slammed by Rushites? It's like a car wreck. We bitch about the rubber neckers causing a traffic jam, yet when we go by we slow down to look to.
I am so sorry I attacked Rush! He is a wonderful American, a great asset to our society! We need more people like him to make us hate each other more. Our country was way tooapathetic pre conservative talk dittoheads. Now look at us! Plenty of great talking points to make us more partisan than ever. CutNRun! TaxandSpend! Sissies!
I do think their is a major difference between Cons vs Libs entertainment. You got Rush, we got Stewart!
And, Letterman...


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
... But, seriously, RudeDog was insulted enough until he left. ...
Just to correct this misconception... The only part of that statement that is accurate is that Rudedog is gone, at least temporarily.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Suzy
I do think their is a major difference between Cons vs Libs entertainment. You got Rush, we got Stewart!
I prefer Playing Poker and BSing with friends. That and instigating debate among my liberal friends. It appears you give Rush much more serious attention than I do.
Who's Stewart?
Oh, I just checked out your website.

It's awesome!! I would encourage anyone to go browse it.


Actually, he is too busy looking at my chest to care about my attitude. Men!

But, I do like to talk politics with our Docs. These guys really seem to care about people. I know some go to med school 'cause they think they are going to make lots of money, but most of the men and women I know personally aren't that way. They really seem to like people. Not like the ones who choose the career to make big bucks. They get all bitter and mean 'cause they really don't like to have to care about people. It's sad to watch them get old, hating their life.
But the ones who got into medicine because they wanted to help people seem to get happier as they age. One of our surgeons took a leave to help Doctors Without Borders, and another group went for 2 weeks. Another surgeon ran for Congress. Weird thing, though. It's only the progressive Docs who seem happy......


Active Member

Originally Posted by Suzy
.... Weird thing, though. It's only the progressive Docs who seem happy......
That is very weird actually. You obviously work in a unique place Suzy, considering studies show Conservatives are more happy in general as well as more charitable....
( The following statistics taken from a Syracuse U. study 17 months ago:
*Although liberal families' incomes average 6 percent higher than those of conservative families, conservative-headed households give, on average, 30 percent more to charity than the average liberal-headed household
*Conservatives also donate more time and give more blood
*Residents of the states that voted for John Kerry in 2004 gave smaller percentages of their incomes to charity than did residents of states that voted for George Bush.
*Bush carried 24 of the 25 states where charitable giving was above average
*In the 10 reddest states, in which Bush got more than 60 percent majorities, the average percentage of personal income donated to charity was 3.5. Residents of the bluest states, which gave Bush less than 40 percent, donated just 1.9 percent.
*People who reject the idea that "government has a responsibility to reduce income inequality" give an average of four times more than people who accept that proposition.
*Brooks demonstrates a correlation between charitable behavior and "the values that lie beneath" liberal and conservative labels. Two influences on charitable behavior are religion and attitudes about the proper role of government

Maybe its just the "progressives" in your office simply talk more about the "good deeds" they are doing? Maybe its just the Conservatives in your office don't choose to share with you their charitable acts?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I don't think anyone who is independent would listen to Rush. NPR, BBC, so many actual independent choices one could listen to.
But, when I read your post, it makes me think of this forum. It is entertaining for a bit, a way to waste time at work. I think a lot of the posters here are staged. How many times can a person be insulted and yet they still come back and post more? Really, the OP started a thread that was funny, and it turned into 3 pages of personal attacks on him. Why would a real person keep posting?
No one even mentioned that fact that Rush is so stoned he can't even make up the "entertainment"!
NPR independent

Tucker Carlson and Bill Oreilly are about as close to independent you can find since they took Gordon Liddy off. Liddy was great, he went after everybody. While Oreilly gives you a large dose of his traditional values promotion he is pretty middle of the road on political issues over all. Carlson is a libertarian and was pretty even handed to both sides. I know a few Democrats that listen to Limbaugh because they think he's entertaining and they like to make fun of him. When I was driving all the time for work I would switch back and forth from Limbaugh to Err America. It's always fun to see what the other side thinks.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I am so sorry I attacked Rush! He is a wonderful American, a great asset to our society! We need more people like him to make us hate each other more. Our country was way tooapathetic pre conservative talk dittoheads. Now look at us! Plenty of great talking points to make us more partisan than ever.
Hate each other? My fiance is a liberal...Just because someone has different political views does not mean we hate them. You might, but I don't hate anyone for their political views. Guess that is what it means to be progressive.


Originally Posted by stdreb27
LOL and you know this how? If you are going to say stuff, at least don't make things up.
And talk about a personal attack.
I love how you just make unfounded claims and whatever you don't agree with you can't substantiate them then move on to your next.
Rush not so long ago publicly stated he was addicted to

. Can't remembr the details but it was on the news. It was funny because before this he had said some things to people calling them junkies etc.... and bam Rush is on


what? it bleeps out a word for perscription medication .......oh but it wasn't Rush's perscription LOL


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
Rush not so long ago publicly stated he was addicted to

. Can't remembr the details but it was on the news. It was funny because before this he had said some things to people calling them junkies etc.... and bam Rush is on


what? it bleeps out a word for perscription medication .......oh but it wasn't Rush's perscription LOL

Actually it was his perscription, from several different docs. That was his crime, percription shoping or whatever they call it.


Staff member
Originally Posted by bs21
what? it bleeps out a word for prescription medication .......oh but it wasn't Rush's prescription LOL
Prescription drugs are included in our spam filters since there was a time when were were receiving a good deal of spam in the forums on prescription drugs.


Staff member
Originally Posted by Suzy
I don't think anyone who is independent would listen to Rush. NPR, BBC, so many actual independent choices one could listen to.
I do listen to those stations as well...until they put me to sleep.
Suzy, I can listen to anything, from far right or far left without feeling threatened, upset, put out, annoyed, or hateful. That's what being an independent means. I hold to both conservative and liberal values, and a lot of in-between. One thing that does bother me about conservatives and liberals is the fact that so many are so divisive and patrician. I don't see that kind of attitude benefiting. The political battles that occur just in this forum is a small example. I don't embrace the political "party" concept. Its very antiquated in my view, and may (hopefully) not hold out for too many more decades.


Originally Posted by reefraff
Actually it was his perscription, from several different docs. That was his crime, percription shoping or whatever they call it.
still abusing them. He talks down to other drug users while at the same time abusing himself. maybe hes self hating or just a hypocrit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
still abusing them. He talks down to other drug users while at the same time abusing himself. maybe hes self hating or just a hypocrit.

Ok. Let's assume Rush is a hypocrite.
Now let's talk about Obama.
Obama has publically stated he is against PACs. Yet, Obama founded the PAC HopeFund. He used the money that was in its account to "give" hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to Superdelegates. (Which I believe most would agree constitutes a bribe).
What do you call that?


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
still abusing them. He talks down to other drug users while at the same time abusing himself. maybe hes self hating or just a hypocrit.

lol, there is a difference between getting hooked on pain meds you took for your back, going to rehab getting clean and
Originally Posted by Suzy
No one even mentioned that fact that Rush is so stoned he can't even make up the "entertainment"!
I have no way of knowing he still is clean, just like she has no way of knowing that he is stoned.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Ok. Let's assume Rush is a hypocrite.
Now let's talk about Obama.
Obama has publically stated he is against PACs. Yet, Obama founded the PAC HopeFund. He used the money that was in its account to "give" hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations to Superdelegates. (Which I believe most would agree constitutes a bribe).
What do you call that?
Well thats not exactly the point is it because we were talking about Rush. I happen to catch his show now and then but in the interest of being fair I still listen to his point of view even though I don't always agree with him.
What politician doesn't pay or promise a certain agenda to superdelegates not to mention just the people that give them money for campaigns. No politician in this country is really concerned with the people. they do enough to get re-elected and then do the most for the people giving them money. You can't tell me the majority of House or Sen members don't do this just look at what they accomplish Democrat or Republican.....nothing they are to busy trying to keep another party from doing anything or putting extra little tidbits into proposals that might actually do some good but are shot down because they can't agree on the extras. I'm starting to think we are becoming a facist nation with all the Corporations backing politicians to protect their interests.
P.S. I don't really care for Obama but I'm banking on John Mcain causing us to spiral into Wars that we will never get out of......Possibly with the Entire muslim world.......I think that happened before? what was it called? OHHHH right the crusades. yea that worked out well especially if you were to give them modern weapons. History is there for a reason TO LEARN FROM IT. What does it tell us that religion and politics don't mix so AVOID AT ALL COSTS.......
But we are allready in a war that will never end until we kill everyone in the middle east or enough to where to many have died and the rest of the world intervenes which we will say....HEY we are American and we do what we damn well want and then a world war could start. Even if it doesnt you don't think isolating and killing Muslims isn't going to breed more terrorists

Can you blame them? If our government took advantage of us for the benefit of another nation would we just sit idly by? Oh wait that allready happened to.....but we call it a war of independence. It just so happens that religion has more control over their lives than ours which makes it that much more dangerous. We think we are so high and mighty but could care less to try and understand another culture when it doesn't make sense to us no wonder we are disliked.
I know I sound like a democrat always blowing things out of proportion but let me tell you I am getting sick and tired of so called leaders playing a worldwide game of Russian Roulette with everyones lives ESPECIALLY mine and my family or my future family. Wheeew this week just another click of the hammer


Originally Posted by Beth
I do listen to those stations as well...until they put me to sleep.
Suzy, I can listen to anything, from far right or far left without feeling threatened, upset, put out, annoyed, or hateful. That's what being an independent means. I hold to both conservative and liberal values, and a lot of in-between. One thing that does bother me about conservatives and liberals is the fact that so many are so divisive and patrician. I don't see that kind of attitude benefiting. The political battles that occur just in this forum is a small example. I don't embrace the political "party" concept. Its very antiquated in my view, and may (hopefully) not hold out for too many more decades.
Did you hear that interview with the lead singer of the FooFighters last week? The one about the miners who were stuck in a mine for weeks and they asked for an ipod with their latest release? That was cool...
If you want entertainment in the car, the ipod touch has a pretty big screen. You can watch these incredibly hot men while you wait for red lights:


Active Member
Originally Posted by bs21
Well thats not exactly the point is it because we were talking about Rush. I happen to catch his show now and then but in the interest of being fair I still listen to his point of view even though I don't always agree with him.
What politician doesn't pay or promise a certain agenda to superdelegates not to mention just the people that give them money for campaigns. No politician in this country is really concerned with the people. they do enough to get re-elected and then do the most for the people giving them money. You can't tell me the majority of House or Sen members don't do this just look at what they accomplish Democrat or Republican.....nothing they are to busy trying to keep another party from doing anything or putting extra little tidbits into proposals that might actually do some good but are shot down because they can't agree on the extras. I'm starting to think we are becoming a facist nation with all the Corporations backing politicians to protect their interests.
P.S. I don't really care for Obama but I'm banking on John Mcain causing us to spiral into Wars that we will never get out of......Possibly with the Entire muslim world.......I think that happened before? what was it called? OHHHH right the crusades. yea that worked out well especially if you were to give them modern weapons. History is there for a reason TO LEARN FROM IT. What does it tell us that religion and politics don't mix so AVOID AT ALL COSTS.......
But we are allready in a war that will never end until we kill everyone in the middle east or enough to where to many have died and the rest of the world intervenes which we will say....HEY we are American and we do what we damn well want and then a world war could start. Even if it doesnt you don't think isolating and killing Muslims isn't going to breed more terrorists

Can you blame them? If our government took advantage of us for the benefit of another nation would we just sit idly by? Oh wait that allready happened to.....but we call it a war of independence. It just so happens that religion has more control over their lives than ours which makes it that much more dangerous. We think we are so high and mighty but could care less to try and understand another culture when it doesn't make sense to us no wonder we are disliked.
I know I sound like a democrat always blowing things out of proportion but let me tell you I am getting sick and tired of so called leaders playing a worldwide game of Russian Roulette with everyones lives ESPECIALLY mine and my family or my future family. Wheeew this week just another click of the hammer

Well, this american can't defeat religion topic has come up before, but I'd ask you to consider japan, before WWII they considered the emperor as a god.
Secondly, our way of life has brought us, and other countries out of the dark ages, in a very short period of time. We took 200 years and were the leading power in the world. Japan was giving us a run for our money till the late 80's. We build that country. If we have a workable solution. Why would we not want to share it?
But other than that you are right as far as the motiviations of politicians. It is one big barrel of rotten apples as far as I'm concerned, but you forgot the quest for power.