An exchange I had with Rush Limbaugh...


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
Fact is, a person who spends five years and $100,000 dollars on education should expect to make more than $10 an hour, don't you think?

Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid

And as far as good money, I am making $42k per year. Which by no means is bad. I mean I am more lucky than most, but with bills, loans, and gas and food, it seems like I'm living paycheck to paycheck.

ok, i'm confused, are you making $10 an hour, like you led everyone to believe, or are you making $42k a year?


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
I mean I am more lucky than most, but with bills, loans, and gas and food, it seems like I'm living paycheck to paycheck.

You and the rest of America really.
I don't think the economy is that bad, it's not great, but it's not bad. A recession is a 6 month or more period of falling GDP. Ours has gone up .6% so I don't think we're experiencing one. If we were there would be far less construction and fewer people being hired. And as far as unemployment it's about 5.2%, and anywhere between 4-6% is normal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
If I come across as having an attitude of entitlement, that's not what I was trying to do.
If someone works harder than me, then by all means they deserve the job more than I do.
No questions asked.
I just am sick and tired of the government (both sides of the isle here people) trying to make it look like the job situation isn't really that bad.
It is.
So instead of wasting time trying to use numbers to make us feel like its not really that bad... Why don't we do something to actually improve the job market. That's all I'm saying.
When I first graduated form COllege I took a job as an auditor assistant...making far less than I was a blue collar carpenter before I went back to college. Through hard work I have achieved much success financially.
Just because you graduate from college does not guarantee you anything. Once you get a foot in the door you work hard and should move up the ladder.
To somehow extrapolate your job situation as a representation of the entire US job market is laughable.
Perhaps it is your attitude that is holding you back.
Your attitude is one of entitlement.....which is typical for many liberals.
Quit blaming the government for your situation. It appears to me you are relying on the governemnt to take care of you.
The only things you are given in life are;s all in what you decide to do with the oppurtunity given. It appearrs to me you are waiting for governemnt to come along and give you'll be let down much like others who do not have the motivation to solve their own situations.
Those that rely on gevernment to sustain them or take care of them will always be let down.
YEs, I for one expect folks to relocatefor jobs...I did. I guess you are waiting for the governemnt train to come to your town and drop a job in your lap.
Your problem could be your attitude. If what I read here would manifest itself in an interview you would not get the job. You obviously lack motivation, drive and desire.
I'm not here to say nothing is wrong with the ecomnomy...but something is obviously wrong with your attitude. If you are looking to assign blame for your situation...look in the mirror.
If you want others to agree with on a far left liberal'll find many that agree with you. You'll probably get a 100% approval rating for your saga and little advice that will help
If you plan to live in a certain area of the your homework and make sure there is a demand for your selected field. If not, major in something different based on research or perpare to relocate after graduating.
Perhaps you are being paid exactly what you are worth. THe economy does not guarantee you compensation for what you think you are worth.
Quit complaining and do something about it. If you have trouble finding a job in yourn choosen obviously did not do your homework when selecting your major for your area of the country.
Other options are available...but I see you are waiting for the governemnt to take care of you. You want Uncle SAm to fix all your problems for of'll lose that battle.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Rylan1
Just look at the Housing Loan (M)situation... I don't think you can make this argument now given the billions of right offs and foreclosures. With this much growth. you'd think there would be some oversite of the Housing Loan (M) industry... We are in a recession... a month ago many of you said we weren't... Look at the prices and rate of inflation.
Just look at how many banks are in serious trouble...
Those that decided to take out interest only loans in the early years and/or ARM's did so based on short-term planning.
THe sub-prime market was opened to allow those with lower credit scores (higher risk default) to enter the market.
many of those decisions are now coming home to roost to use a phrase form Uncle Rev Wright..... It;s a combination of many things regarding the housing market.
Blaming Bush as you've done on numerous threads is a cop out and demonstrates a lack of understanding.


Active Member
Originally Posted by spanko
Therein lies the rub. Most grads are conditioned to believe that their associates, bachelors, or even masters degree is a free pass into wealth immediately. You had to work for the degree, you have to work for the real world experience to be able to make yourself more valuable to a company and really to yourself.
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
To somehow extrapolate your job situation as a representation of the entire US job market is laughable.
Perhaps it is your attitude that is holding you back.
Your attitude is one of entitlement.....which is typical for many liberals.
Quit blaming the government for your situation. It appears to me you are relying on the governemnt to take care of you.
The only things you are given in life are;s all in what you decide to do with the oppurtunity given. It appearrs to me you are waiting for governemnt to come along and give you'll be let down much like others who do not have the motivation to solve their own situations.
Those that rely on gevernment to sustain them or take care of them will always be let down.
YEs, I for one expect folks to relocatefor jobs...I did. I guess you are waiting for the governemnt train to come to your town and drop a job in your lap.
Your problem could be your attitude. If what I read here would manifest itself in an interview you would not get the job. You obviously lack motivation, drive and desire.
I'm not here to say nothing is wrong with the ecomnomy...but something is obviously wrong with your attitude. If you are looking to assign blame for your situation...look in the mirror.
If you want others to agree with on a far left liberal'll find many that agree with you. You'll probably get a 100% approval rating for your saga and little advice that will help
If you plan to live in a certain area of the your homework and make sure there is a demand for your selected field. If not, major in something different based on research or perpare to relocate after graduating.
Perhaps you are being paid exactly what you are worth. THe economy does not guarantee you compensation for what you think you are worth.
Quit complaining and do something about it. If you have trouble finding a job in yourn choosen obviously did not do your homework when selecting your major for your area of the country.
Other options are available...but I see you are waiting for the governemnt to take care of you. You want Uncle SAm to fix all your problems for of'll lose that battle.
For one, I'm not extrapolating my job situation to represent the entire national economic situation. Never once claimed that. Telling you what is happening in northeast Ohio and expecting you to believe that is what is going on everywhere else would be foolish.
As of this sense of entitlement you speak of. There is a difference between doing NOTHING and wanting something in return, versus busting your butt earning not only two degrees, but starting a small business on the side, getting in volunteer work, going on several international missions trips, while at the same time working 50 hours a week for almost a year getting paid less than what I felt I was worth.
If you think that is being lazy and having a sense of "entitlement", then by all means you keep riding that horse.
Fact of the matter is, the GOVERNMENT is the one who regulates tax codes, and thus tax breaks, as well as signs into trade agreements which directly affect the jobs in this country.
It's you and other conservatives who have this holier than thou attitude where just because YOU are alright, you could care less about everyone else. And you know what, that's your God given right.
I would just love to see you step into the shoes of someone less fortunate than the both of us (because realistically we're both gonna be fine in this life) and try living their life for a week.
Try realizing that the rubber plant you worked in for 30+ years has just given you your papers because they are closing their doors. Or maybe that plastics manufacturing plant that you and your father and grandfather worked at has to close because they can't keep up with the cheap labor.
Because obviously that's THEIR fault for living here, and taking that job twenty years ago, and not giving themselves the chance to be anything else. I mean wow, talk about lazy, HOW DARE THEY?!?
And then try looking for a new job, when that is all you ever knew and were trained for. Good luck with that. You'll just end up fighting for a job at McDonalds with the rest of the talent pool who just couldn't cut it.
So by your logic, anyone who expects the government to step in and do more to help create jobs is a lazy person looking for handouts eh?
I'd love to see you walk down to the unemployment line in places like Youngstown, Cleveland, Akron and spout your mouth off there...
I bet you'd see a VERY different picture.
Originally Posted by ScubaDoo
YEs, I for one expect folks to relocatefor jobs...I did. I guess you are waiting for the governemnt train to come to your town and drop a job in your lap.
If you plan to live in a certain area of the your homework and make sure there is a demand for your selected field. If not, major in something different based on research or perpare to relocate after graduating.
Quit complaining and do something about it. If you have trouble finding a job in yourn choosen obviously did not do your homework when selecting your major for your area of the country.
Other options are available...but I see you are waiting for the governemnt to take care of you. You want Uncle SAm to fix all your problems for of'll lose that battle.
And here is a news flash for you! In 1999, when I chose my career path, there actually WERE jobs in Ohio. Plenty of jobs actually. In fact, I can remember plain as day the meetings I had at both Ohio State and Kent State when I was looking at my masters programs information. They were both 100% confident that there would be more jobs than people to fill them.
Then, 9/11 and the Bush presidency happened and that all changed. Somehow, in just six short years, Ohio went from a stable job market to losing the second most jobs in the entire country.
Again, much like the people who have lived and worked here their entire lives... is that our fault?
Of course not.
But because you live in Texas, or Arizona, or wherever it is you live, you simply assume that because things are good there, they must be good everywhere. Or if not good, the people at least have a chance to make good if they "work hard" and don't look for handouts...
Here is a simple math problem for you.
You have 300 people in Phoenix and Cleveland, and they are all looking for a job. Phoenix has 300 jobs available, and Cleveland has 100 jobs available.
Does the fact that the 200 unemployed people in Cleveland are unemployed because of their location... does that somehow make them less of a person?
I wouldn't think so... but a lot of "conservatives" sure do...
I'm not trying to be disgruntling with this post but here'goes
I remember when I was younger, my father worked in telecommunications and was CONSTANTLY in college getting degrees to stay ahead of technology, so when a low grade form of internet was born, and it was important for very high end hotels to have (not for customer use, but rather internal networking) he went and got a degree in the field needed, and we traveled the world for years while he hooked up the hotels internet service, because he knew that the hotels weren't coming to him. We had to live in Germany, France, Spain, Russia, Sweden,UK, Poland, god the list goes on.
All I am saying, which I'm sure is what a lot of others have said on here is, that you have to go were the demand is needed, regardless of what they told you in college about the demand percentage. Think about it, what are the Colleges going to tell you, "Oh go ahead and get all of these degrees and spend a saltin's fortune on them, but there really isn't a demand in our area" Doubt it.
You need to go where the demand is mate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
But because you live in Texas, or Arizona, or wherever it is you live, you simply assume that because things are good there, they must be good everywhere. Or if not good, the people at least have a chance to make good if they "work hard" and don't look for handouts...
By that same logic, just because in your opinion it is bad in Ohio doesn't mean the whole economy is bad


Active Member
Originally Posted by TheClemsonKid
....Try realizing that the rubber plant you worked in for 30+ years has just given you your papers because they are closing their doors. Or maybe that plastics manufacturing plant that you and your father and grandfather worked at has to close because they can't keep up with the cheap labor.
Because obviously that's THEIR fault for living here, and taking that job twenty years ago, and not giving themselves the chance to be anything else. ....
Did they not see change coming? Do they not have the same opportunities to get a better education as you or I have?
Look, I respect the problems many workers face. They make house payments, car payments, have children to feed, etc.
The truth is, however, they brought those issues on themselves. I'm not in debt. I don't have children to support. I paid off my college loans. I make choices in life just as each and every one of the workers you talk about have.
It's all about personal responsibility. Should we have outlawed automobiles because all of the ferriers and blacksmiths would lose their jobs? Should we outlaw air travel to accomodate luxury liner and rail workers?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
This sounds good to me!
If you want to see a real depression that is the way to go! It would destroy our economy. Look at other closed countries. Probably the best example is the Chinese back in the day. They were the leading country as far as technology, ship building ect, then they closed everything their borders and everything, and are just today catching back up to the rest of the world.


Active Member
TheClemsonKid;2579916 said:
So by your logic, anyone who expects the government to step in and do more to help create jobs is a lazy person looking for handouts eh?
It is the peoples' job to create jobs, not the gov't. Come up with an idea, start a business, don't wait for the gov't. I'm trying to put my own business together. It may flop or it may make me millions, at least I will try to live the American Dream.


Active Member
First off it was not the Bush presidency that caused the globalization of the goods we buy. It was happening long before even Bush One took office. I was in the auto industry and saw the pressure coming down to reduce cost or loose work to at that point Mexico.
Secondly while I enjoy the lifestyle that I have and wish for my children to have it as good or better I am not convinced that this is possible. Times have changed my friend. Our parents were able to go to work for a company and stay there for their entire career and retire with excellent benefits and pension. I believe that this opportunity for them has put the U.S. in the position it is in now, a country that has priced itself out of the marketplace because of high wage and benefit packages. Then their children and our children, have this sense that anything less is bad and someone has to make it right. I agree someone has to make it right. And oscardeuce hit it right on the head. It is not the governments job to provide work. It is the marketplaces. It is the governments responsibility to allow the system to work and not interfere with higher taxes to support entitlement programs. it is not the governments job to say that companies can or cannot drill for oil int he ANWR or the Gulf of Mexico. it is not the governments job limit the amount of coal burning power plants or nuclear power plants.
It is the job of the free market and supply and demand to drive what is going to work and what the prices are going to be. Out of work because you went on strike and American Axle couldn't stay in business? Maybe something is better than nothing and you count your blessing for what you have and you keep looking for something better while you work your way up. In my opinion your college degree teaches how to learn and gets you in the door somewhere. what you do from there is up to you to deliver. Get your head out of the clouds and see the real world for what it is, a dog eat dog environment where you are in control of your destiny. The economy I know provides the opportunities, you provide the drive to get to where you want.


Originally Posted by Beth
I listen to some talk radio just about every day while driving. And most of that is conservative, because that really is all there is out there. I'm an independent
Its pretty obvious that they take calls based on the most traction they can get at "entertaining" their right leaning audiences. He really does take left wing bozos with an IQ of 5 as call-in on the show, hangs up on them, then rips them to shreds over the airs. Does anyone really not know that much of this kinda of stuff is staged? Come on. Its a radio talk show meant to ENTERTAIN.
I don't think anyone who is independent would listen to Rush. NPR, BBC, so many actual independent choices one could listen to.
But, when I read your post, it makes me think of this forum. It is entertaining for a bit, a way to waste time at work. I think a lot of the posters here are staged. How many times can a person be insulted and yet they still come back and post more? Really, the OP started a thread that was funny, and it turned into 3 pages of personal attacks on him. Why would a real person keep posting?
No one even mentioned that fact that Rush is so stoned he can't even make up the "entertainment"!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Suzy
No one even mentioned that fact that Rush is so stoned he can't even make up the "entertainment"!
LOL and you know this how? If you are going to say stuff, at least don't make things up.
And talk about a personal attack.
I love how you just make unfounded claims and whatever you don't agree with you can't substantiate them then move on to your next.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Suzy
I think a lot of the posters here are staged.
You caught us. We're using a several million dollar artificial intelligence system to keep an off-topic forum lively at a Saltwater Aquarium website.
Now that the secret is out this forum is going to be boring. This will probably result in a 20% productivity gain across all of corporate america.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
You caught us. We're using a several million dollar artificial intelligence system to keep an off-topic forum lively at a Saltwater Aquarium website.
Now that the secret is out this forum is going to be boring. This will probably result in a 20% productivity gain across all of corporate america.
We call it skynet.