An Interesting Peice of Livestock

dea bad lt

Are you guys for real. Remind me to never do anything in front of you for fear of being turned into the authorities. I can see you guys now writing down people's license plate numbers when they run a red light or go over the speed limit. You can sound as pure as snow on this website if you want. You have to live in your skin. That's why I said it was a personal decision to do what skiutah did. He had to make that decision and has to live with it. No one was there to tell him what to do.


Active Member
I find this funny how everybody here is saying that these creatures should be left in the wild but that others are ok to have in your home. Kinda hypocritical of you guys in my opinion. A wild animal that lives in the ocean is a wild animal that should be left in the ocean . and yet we all have fish of somekind or another. JUDGE NOT YET YE BE JUDGED people .


Active Member
yep that is true mitzel, yet most of us (at least I hope...) keep the WC critters we have in a "proper" environment, whereas, IMHO, this turtle is not bieng kept in.


OKay...I have been following this since my initial post and I am just shocked at the "justifying" a wrong that I see. It's illegal...period....the kid/father shouldn't have had it in the first place. If they had done what they should have from the outset and reported the seller themselves, they wouldn't even be in this situation....instead, the kid is "showing off" his illegal contraband. That in itself is an are getting on to the person who reported them when you should be wondering what person participates in an illegal activity and then invites total strangers to be a witness? Someone who has no respect for the law....and don't even try the "he didn't know it was illegal" defense....these people (if we are to give them the benefit of the doubt here and say they were "responsible" turtle buyers) had to have done some research before or at the time of purchase - so they knew it was illegal. If you choose to participate in an illegal activity, whether you choose to speed, steal, or buy an illegal turtle, you assume the risk and the consequences that it entails. Don't feel bad for these people....they knew there were potential consequences. It has to stop somewhere.....there have to be laws and regulations....and no, we are not all perfect, everyone breaks some law at some point - it happens....but we made the a people...majority ruled....and this is what we decided needed to be done for our animal friends that cannot help mother and I face it time and time again. We have friends who want that squirrel or raccoon as a pet....who want the bear or the alligator that is currently in rehab....and we must restrain ourselves because legally, and morally, it is the right thing to do. So all this bs about someone being two-faced and wrong for doing the right's a bunch of crap. You are either for the animals welfare or you're can't walk away from the right decision because it's can't put a personal concern for the law breaker ahead of your concern for the animal....or you lose sight of the reason these laws are in place to begin with....and you take a thousand steps back in the process. Without people who care, the world will be over run with people who don't....
My additional 2 cents.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by drea
thats messed up, leave the kid alone, if i had the money, i would do it...... lif isn't fair at all... so who cares, not like the turtle will kill anyone!
although this kid may have taken very good care of this turtle for 5 yrs its illegal for a very good reason.this particular turtle and other captive sea turtles will never have the chance to reproduce.these turtles can live for 50+ years some if they are lucky over 100.they have precise paterns in which they live even large aquariums dont keep them for long they only do hospital care then release them back to the wild so they can live a long reproductive life.yes he may have saved this turtle from being eaten as a hatchling but in doing so he has taken its entire chance of reproduction from ever your eyes you think hey it only one lousy turtle I want one to it would be so cool.but in the eyes of consiensous understanding of this species how many its just one lousy turtles are to be overlooked how many baby turtles are to be sacrificed from a species that was damned near extinct from humans interfering with the life cycle of this wonderful animal.for the sake of a show peice.whats one turtle?think about it for a minute.this has nothing to do with one single turtle this has everything to do with hundreds even thousandsof turtles that will never be conceived due to this irrisponsable behavior of this so called inocent act for profite and show
to see so many people willing to accept this is just discusting
, yes I keep fish I do not keep endanger species.if this hobby is to become self endulging who cares about whats right we might as well start keeping our tangs in 5 gal tanks sharks in 50 gal tanks lets keep 50 fish in our tanks.lets all just stop caring?we sit here and spew out how things should not be done for the sake of each species we keep they all have guide lines we try to follow why?we all say do this, dont do that why do we bother.who is to report this? in my eyes a responsable hobbiest that gives a rats butt about others things than herself.someone who cares whats morally and legally right.if shes wrong for doing this for accually caring then she and I both are in the wrong hobby and definately the wrong forum
I praise you for this act its nice to know some people still care about life other their own.


My new opinion abotu this is thats its all about your morals. If your morals lean towards obeying the law then you would turn him in. If your morals lean towards being loyal/appreciating the person ect. then you would have let him go. I think i have a total of $.06 on this thread now.


hmm laust do you hate hispanic people? it seems like you do....racist. people like you make me sick. on a side note, how big is a 500g aquarium anyways...?


Wow. I never knew this was going to be such a controversy. Having time to think about this situation again and again. I would have done the EXACT same thing if I could go back in time. So to all of you who thought it was wrong to rat on the kid, I don't really care what you think... and you know what else??? This guy in this scene is talking about me!!! I'm AWESOME for making the decision I did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by skiutah
Wow. I never knew this was going to be such a controversy. Having time to think about this situation again and again. I would have done the EXACT same thing if I could go back in time. So to all of you who thought it was wrong to rat on the kid, I don't really care what you think... and you know what else??? This guy in this scene is talking about me!!! I'm AWESOME for making the decision I did.


I agree with you if thats what you think was right then thats what you should do.
But you have to remeber you did post this obviously to get feedback so people gave you their opinions.


SO not going to even defend myself against the racist remarks.
it was a joke. ya'll remember jokes right?
you dont even know what race i am and you cry biggot... geeze...*handing out some "lighten up"

and when i say "lighten up", it is in the context of stop stressing out over b.s. like this... it is not in the context to suggest that your skin needs to be a shade or ten lighter...


I know funny, you're not it. (Then again I haven't seen what you look like)
You weren't making a joke, you were giving a narrow minded scenario that used insulting names. Whatever your skin color is doesn't change the fact that what you said was ignorant.
Think things out before putting it down in a civilized forum. Also, don't try and project the blame on others, insinuating we are to blame for your inappropriate remarks. We aren't being over sensetive by wanting your rude remarks to remain absent from our forum.


I read the 1st few post. way to go skiutah :mad: :mad: :mad: "you did it for the turtles" know the turtle will end up dead. poor little turtle.
sounds to me as if he was a responsible teenager. unlike most adults. always someone in someone elses business causing troubles. just my opinion :notsure: :notsure:


Originally Posted by skiutah
I don't know the species. One more thing... Do you guys really think I wanted to turn the kid in???? I was doing it for the turtles!
Leave me alone! Geez! It was a spur of the moment decision! ARGGHH!!
tha'ts what you should have done after seeing the kids stuff SNITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :


You're awesome? That last post shows me you're a loser. You should have left the kid alone. You were a guest in his house and the turtle was well taken care of in a 500 gallon tank. I'm sure even those few defending you would never have you over to their house!
It's weird but part of me believes this story is made up. What number did you end up calling anyway? You said you called in the night but it's unlikely that anyone would answer at that time?
Made up or not, it was a rotten thing to do, the animal was fine. It's an endagered species that was being well taken care for 5.5 years.
Originally Posted by skiutah
Wow. I never knew this was going to be such a controversy. Having time to think about this situation again and again. I would have done the EXACT same thing if I could go back in time. So to all of you who thought it was wrong to rat on the kid, I don't really care what you think... and you know what else??? This guy in this scene is talking about me!!! I'm AWESOME for making the decision I did.

darth tang

Active Member
Here is my thoughts on this whole thing. Many of us know people that smoke piot or do other drugs. Many of us have been in a bar or at a party and watched someone get behind the wheel that is over the LEGAL limit. If your whole justification for turning the kid and dad in is they were breaking the law, ask yourself how many times you haave placed a call to the authorities when you have seen these actions by either friends or a stranger. If the answer is zero than I find it hypocritical. Citing the law as justification is one thing....but unless you obey the law and are a concerned citizen ALL of the time it speaks of jealousy.
Also, Tigers are endanged, yet many in this country own them and have received a license to own them.....could this not be the case?


I dont think it was ok to tell on that kid, should just leave him be what if hes a billion $$$ and hunts you down and kills u?


I can't believe I am reading this crap...

skiutah ~ maybe you should put on a cape and call yourself Batman! better yet..Turtle to the rescue!
I hate to bring up the Bible...but doesn't it say the let those who has not sinned against me cast the first stone?
For all of you not familiar with the Bible...didn't Tupac say Don't hate the player, hate the game???
What are you jealous that you can't afford 10k for a pet?!
Yes! it's illegal! but who do you think you are?! calling the cops after you 2 faced the kid and went to his house??? if you feel so strongly that an injustice has been done...go join the SPCA, join the LAPD, join the boy scouts and help old people across the street...but to hide behind the phone???? what a wuss...
1. Having that turtle in captivity is both illegal and WRONG!
2. IMO!!!!!!! Skiutah's cowardly, wantabe super hero actions are the root of my anger!


Yeah... I'm going to make up a story for a bunch of people I don't konw. Whatever you want to think, I don't really care. I'm going to post the phone call as I remember it, so you guys know what I said. It was about 5:30 and I called from John Wayne airport. As I left I just got the house number so in case I wanted to call. The reason i didn't call right when I left his house was because I knew I was going to feel really bad about ratting on the kid. I was trying to think of a way to report the incident, but not get the family in trouble. Like I said before in the first post, I would tried to find out who the dealer was and bust the dealer, but I don't have the time to do it. I It took me 3 hours to get the guts to call. I called 411 and asked the operator to give me a wildlife animal protection group in California for ocean life. They gave me a number and a girl answered at the office. I gave her the address of the house and told her the situation. I said that I knew you weren't supposed to keep sea turtles and that I was concerned. I said that the kid told me that his father got it from some guy up the coast that was selling them for about 10K. I also said that he had the turtle for 5 1/2 years and that I was concerned about the guy breeding them and selling them. The lady thanked me over and over and over again and said they were going to do some research on the situtation. I don't believe the protection group that I called was the one that was going to look into it, I believe that they knew who to contact.