

Originally Posted by LedZep fan
Hey I<3fish do you mind if i add you to my buddy list? Jsut woderin.
LedZep fan
Haha, why would I mind? Go ahead and add me to your buddy list. Thanks for all the nice comments.


those are very beautiful angels!!!!
i love the queen emperor they are all beautiful!!


Originally Posted by I<3Fish
Thanks both of you. I acually bought him from here, And I payed $90.00 for him. And he arrived very healthy and great looking. They even included 4 heatpacks without me asking! I love!
how long have you had your queen? she's awesome . I just purchased one myself at my lfs. She's about 6" and awesome colors. she eats everything and right out of my hand . How many times a day do you feed your queen?


I feed my QUeen only once a day. I have had her for about a month now. She lets me pet her. it is so cool!


I just got a queen tonight it is beautiful it is about 3-4" just got out of the juvi phase with a nice yellow color
thanx for posting the pictures!!!!


Originally Posted by drago
I just got a queen tonight it is beautiful it is about 3-4" just got out of the juvi phase with a nice yellow color
thanx for posting the pictures!!!!

please post a picture when you get a chance .


i will probally 2morrow because the lights are out in the tank right now and I dont want to disturb them also i havent got a chance to take pics of them tonight


i will probally 2morrow because the lights are out in the tank right now and I dont want to disturb them also i havent got a chance to take pics of them tonight


lots of luck with with your queen , I absolutely love mine . I was just feeding her. so what other fish do you have with the queen?


peter 1215, i heard that my queen might be a blue its hard to tell...i think its a cross between them!!!i did a little research also I<3 fish helped..... in my tank with that fish i have a powder blue, clown and a sailfin tang also 3 chromis and a coral beauty a clarkii and maroon clown....even if its not a queen i still think shes awsome!!!
hers a pic of my queen/blue?


On second thought, compring mine to yours to mine, he doesnt look at all like a juv Queen or a juv Blue. Maybe the cross. But I am completely stuck. It looks like none of them. He has no blue on his face, and being 3-4", he should still be in the juv stage, or just coming out of it. And it looks like he has almost adult coloration. I really have no idea now. Sorry.


Originally Posted by drago
anyone else??
this definitley looks like the hybrid between a queen and blue angel. Its referred to as a townsend angel. see the following comments from wet web media on queen angels:
There is some considerable confusion in the trade and hobby regarding hybrids that occur between queen and blue angels. The so-called "Townsend" angelfish, Holacanthus townsendi is a naturally occurring cross between these two; (H. ciliaris X H. bermudensis) not a true species. Also, occasionally the junior synonym (an invalid name) H. isabelita pops up in the literature for both the blue and true queen angelfish species, or some hybrid twixt the two. This is a nomen nudum.


I<3Fish's angel is a queen (Holacanthus ciliaris), basically a "teenager" in the process of changing. The

will become mostly blue and the crown will become a ring with a black center and blue spots. Notice the all yellow tail and the redish/orange coloration of the dorsal and ventral fins. The scales on the body will take on a more yellowish orange color later one and as they mature will have blue scales trimmed in yellow.
The blue angel (Holacanthus bermudensis), (Drago's fish which is in the adult color phase) shows a yellow and brown tail. Also, the brown/yellow trimmed scales are a way to tell them apart. This isn't just a camera/lighting difference. The "crown" on a blue angel will vary to an incomplete crown or sometimes just a blue spot.
Both are spectacular, beautiful and full of personality.
Hybrids occur but are rare...


Active Member
hey sleasia, awesome pics of the Juvy blue-face !!!
i have been looking for quality pics of em for a while - post more!
if you dont mind me asking, what did you pay for the juvenile? i found a webite that sells juvy's for 80-90 bucks with 3-4 week guarantee.
also is he in a reef tank or FOWLR?
if he is in reef, how does he fair with corals and what do you feed him?


Active Member
Saltn00b...The jeuvi blue face is now about 8 months old!!! I got her at reef fantasy in staten island...I think she was arount 90$ too. I really can't remember, but surely somewhere between 75-90. I have FOWLR and inverts. I don't know how reef safe she is because I had two flame scallops that got eaten by someone in my tank, and it wasn't me!
But I have never actually seen it try to pick at the seastars, or shrimp, or small hermits. but it would probably eat some of the corals..I'm not sure. It has been jeuvenile in color a long time, so perhaps it will not change? I don't know for sure if it will, but I like the jeuvi colors just as well. She's about 4-5inches now. She was in qt for 4 weeks before being introduced to the main tank. I'lll take some more pictures tonight when I'm through driving kids here and there and back again. she eats mysis, seaweed, flakes and pellet, basically eats everything. A very cool fish. Mine is not so aggressive towards other fish because she was one of the first larger fish introduced, so I think she may already be "boss" by default.