Another 10g Diary.


So before I went 30g and wasted money I figure I would try a 10g first and see how it works out. I actually ended up saving quite a bit since I got a free tank and filter (brand new) from a good friend.
I will be keeping 2 fish (most likely clowns) and maybe a few zoo's. Shooting for easy. lol. ALready have a cuc in mind, but lets get the tank running and equipment chosen before we even talk about livestock.
So far here's a list of what I have on my mind for equipment:
1 nano koralia powerhead- According to the FAQ i'd need to be able to move 200gph in a 10 gallon so with that and my filter that should be more than enough flow.
The filter I have a is a marineland penguin 100. It has a bio wheel and it has space inside for 2 pieces of filter media so i figure i could customize it a bit and make it more efficient? Ideas?
I have beach sand from a local beach which I cleaned, washed, filtered and sunned out.
For lighting i plan on ordering a 20 inch fixture from current which has 3 bulbs... moon and Includes dual phosphor SmartPaq (10000°K daylight and 460 nanometer actinic) Its about 40 watts. the unit is about 70 bucks...
The live rock is fiji rock, cured at 3 bucks a lb
Salt mix will be instant ocean. 7.99 for a 10 gallon mix i think
Heater- Need a recommendation.
Refractometer- Need a recommendation.
API Master Water Test
Coralife surge and timer strip
Food- Whatever the clowns eat =P
Anything I missed? Suggestions on equipment?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Curry
So before I went 30g and wasted money I figure I would try a 10g first and see how it works out. I actually ended up saving quite a bit since I got a free tank and filter (brand new) from a good friend.
I will be keeping 2 fish (most likely clowns) and maybe a few zoo's. Shooting for easy. lol. ALready have a cuc in mind, but lets get the tank running and equipment chosen before we even talk about livestock.
So far here's a list of what I have on my mind for equipment:
1 nano koralia powerhead- According to the FAQ i'd need to be able to move 200gph in a 10 gallon so with that and my filter that should be more than enough flow. I used 2 nano koralia PHs(in the DT), with a spray bar from my canister filter(In the refugium) and personally I still think I could use a little more flow. With your filter it wont create that much flow so dont rely on that to put your flow up to par.
The filter I have a is a marineland penguin 100. It has a bio wheel and it has space inside for 2 pieces of filter media so i figure i could customize it a bit and make it more efficient? Ideas? I would put the carbon filter in, and if there is room put in some LS and LR rubble, with a small clip on light.
I have beach sand from a local beach which I cleaned, washed, filtered and sunned out. I would have just rinsed out the sand with R/O water and put it into the aquarium, since it would still be alive somewhat.
For lighting i plan on ordering a 20 inch fixture from current which has 3 bulbs... moon and Includes dual phosphor SmartPaq (10000°K daylight and 460 nanometer actinic) Its about 40 watts. the unit is about 70 bucks...Did you go with the same lights I have? Current usa 2x40watt pc lighting w/ lunar?
The live rock is fiji rock, cured at 3 bucks a lb
Salt mix will be instant ocean. 7.99 for a 10 gallon mix i think
Heater- Need a recommendation.Stealth 50watt heater. Fully submersable so you can hide it behind rock work
Refractometer- Need a recommendation. Any kind.
API Master Water TestHighly reccomend their test kits. NEVER go with red sea.
Coralife surge and timer strip
Food- Whatever the clowns eat =P Mysis, brine, and marine cusine. I also made my own food. Variety is key.
Anything I missed? Suggestions on equipment?I would buy a 18" hang on the back refugium if you can fit it into your budget. It helps greatly with the nitrates, adds to the overall volume of the tank, and give a safe place for benifitial critters to grow.

Everything in red is my answers to your questions!


Originally Posted by Katsafados
Your so tiny. lol
I take care of my fellow 10gers lmfao. I like to see what they do to their tanks!
HEY...making fun of my height is not allowed...LOL
I think you are doing a good job (insert pat on back emoticon) :)


Active Member
Katman has given you some good info here.
My only concern would be with the beach sand. Tends to have may nasty things in it pollution wise. For a 10 gallon tank I would spend the money on a bag of dry aragonite to be sure I was using something that doesn't have the potential to give me problems down the road.
Instead of the Penguin filter consider a Hage AquaClear 110.
Then go to the first link here.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
Everything in red is my answers to your questions!
Thanks very much for the input, much appreciated!! Yes I am using the same light fixture as you. Any issues with it?
Originally Posted by spanko

Katman has given you some good info here.
My only concern would be with the beach sand. Tends to have may nasty things in it pollution wise. For a 10 gallon tank I would spend the money on a bag of dry aragonite to be sure I was using something that doesn't have the potential to give me problems down the road.
Instead of the Penguin filter consider a Hage AquaClear 110.
Then go to the first link here.
Thanks for the info! Just a question, not trying to be cheap or anything but is the 110 really necessary. I can understand using it so that I have excellent filtration but is it really necessary for such a small tank? I do understand it will function as a refugium but is that also necessary for a 10g right off the bat?
The sand was collected from the dry area of the beach where no one really goes. There are also no boats of any kind in that area. I did rinse and filter the sand quite a few times so it should be fine. I will report back and let you know. but it smells good and looks good. No type of residue or oils were left in the water.
I have no plans to put anything fancy in the tank except for the pair of clowns and a few easy and hardy zoo's. All the good stuff will be in the 30 gallon and the 10 gallon will be turned into my sump/refugium.


Active Member
Fixture works great!
I would switch the blue and white lights around though. Put the actinics in the front and the whites in the back.
BTW posted new pics go check them out.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
Fixture works great!
I would switch the blue and white lights around though. Put the actinics in the front and the whites in the back.
BTW posted new pics go check them out.
Awesome. I will do that. Where did you get the legs for it? I was reading that it is a seperate purchase to get the legs.. I would need them since the filter im using is a HOB
Checking out the pics now.


Originally Posted by Katsafados
Thats wierd because my fixture came with the mounts.
YUP...when purchased new, they should...
ORRRR...anyplace that sells that same fixture, or brand should also carry the feet


Ok so I went through my equipment listing again. What I decided to do was go with a Fluval 305 canister filter which should be excellent filtration for a 10 gallon + I could use it when I get my 30 gallon. I can get a used fluval 305 in pristine shape for around $75 and I prefer that over the HOBs.
I ordered the 2 nano powerheads. Tomorrow I will buy salt and water.
Then some time this week I will pick up a test kit, surge/timer and heater.
I won't be buying everything at once so expect it to be a while before I even get water in the tank. LOL. I still have to build the shelving unit to rest the tank on, and my other tanks which have my scorpions.
So for now I will use the penguin 100 stuff some carbon material in there and there will still be space for more media if I want. (Unless I get the fluval before the tank stand is ready)
By the end of october I hope to have the bare essentials (heater, powerheads, thermometer, testing equipment and filter)
I should also by then have water in the tank and live rock cycling.
End of novemeber, a cleanup crew.
End of December, 2 clowns
So lets see how things progress, shall we.


Got my koralia nano PH today and stuck it in the tank and its working great. I will order the second powerhead once the tank gets a bit more mature and I start getting coral (zoa's).
I ordered my 50 watt stealth heater.
I wanted to run each powerhead on the timer with each light on the current fixture so as the time of day changes the "current flow" would change from one powerhead to another (different directions).
What do you guys think? I would need a 3rd powerhead though to keep the flow going when the moonlight comes on... Ideas? suggestions?
Still haven't had time to start building a stand but I think this weekend I may get some free time. We'll see how things go. At this point I'm still shopping around and buying stuff.
Still need another PH, light fixture, salt mix, filter media, test kit and refractometer. Everything else i'm missing is getting picked up locally.


Active Member
IMO 3 power heads would be to much for a 10g tank.
It would be an eye soar. I like the idea of the different currents at different times. It would work better with one of those wave makers, but its just not worth it for a 10g tank.