Another one of my tanks


Active Member
if this is seriously your tank i really do not want to see what else you have. who puts a trigger in a nano!?!?!


Active Member
what do u mean? most people wouldnt keep a trigger in a small tank, bc its torture for the animal. a trigger would enjoy its life better if kept in a bigger tank. maybe u hv personal issue? i really dont see ur point posting this thread, other then to start something.


Hi there,
Originally Posted by nycbob
what do u mean? most people wouldnt keep a trigger in a small tank, bc its torture for the animal (How do you know it's torture for him, did it tell you it's being tortured? How do you know this? What evidence do you have of this?). a trigger would enjoy its life better if kept in a bigger tank (Personally I agree, In fact I think they would enjoy their life better in the ocean. Also I think they enjoy the fact that someone is feeding them and providing food everyday. I think they enjoy the fact they don't have to compete for their food.). maybe u hv personal issue? (I don't understand how this relates to a personal issue) i really dont see ur point posting this thread, other then to start something. (Well it is a thread where people can share their tanks, right?)
Do you think the fish is in an immidiate danger? If so, what danger is he in?


New Member
Because its in an extemely SMALL tank.. has no room to move. yes you may feed it every day and it does not compete.
its like putting yourself in a 3x5 prison cell and not ever letting you out. ever think about that?
trigger fish should have a MINIMUM of a 75 Gal tank as juveniles. they get very big .


Active Member
the fish isnt in any real danger. its just inhumane imo. guess this goes to show how selfish and inconsiderate u r, by putting a helpless creature in such a condition.


Hi there,
Originally Posted by mpkev31b
Because its in an extemely SMALL tank (I think this is an exageration).. has no room to move (I think if there was no room for him to move, the tank must be like 5"x3"x3" or something like that.). yes you may feed it every day and it does not compete.
its like putting yourself in a 3x5 (do you mean 3'x5', if so can you work out the aspect ratio, because I don't get those numbers when I figure them out. I am 6' tall, thus it wouild be a room that is like 24'x28.5') prison cell and not ever letting you out. ever think about that? (I sure do, but I don't think I would ever be in prison unless somene comes over to my house and takes me agains my will and brings to a place of confinement for someones entertainment, it would not be fun even if it was a huge mansion with all the perks.)
trigger fish should have a MINIMUM of a 75 Gal tank as juveniles (can you explain this theory). they get very big (The Undulate Trigger can reach 12" max, not sure if they do reach taht size in captivity) .


Hi there,
Originally Posted by premilove
bring him back to the LFS (can you give a good reason for doing this, do you see any signs on him that he is either not happy or stressed?) and next time PLEASE do some research before you buy a fish (not sure to what reaserch you are refering to, but can you teach me everything that has to with this fish, other than it can reach 12" long, and the species name is Balistapus Undulatus
, and it's probalby one of the most aggressive Trigger fish along with the Queen Trigger and Clown Trigger, or that it's diet consists of; , krill, clams, small fish and hard shelled shrimp to help wear down their ever growing teeth).


Hi there,
Originally Posted by nycbob
the fish isnt in any real danger. its just inhumane imo. guess this goes to show how selfish and inconsiderate u r (We are. The reason being that we take these helpless fish from their natural habbitat for our entertainment. That way we can say I have a saltwaterfish. Either way you see it we all are selfish, because no matter how big of a tank we give it (Monterey Aquarium) they are still prisoners in our tanks for the rest of their life. They did not have a chance against us when we decided to keep them captive in our homes for our pleasure.), by putting a helpless creature in such a condition.
I understand the point about it being a fish that can reach 12" long, at the time he is only around 4" long. Can you explain how inhumane it is to put him in there at the time, vs taking him from it's natural environment were he really belongs (even if I were to put him in a 1000 gallon tank).


yes you do have a point that we are taking these critters from there natural homes to provide us with a entertainment value. to me its more then just entertainment it is a hobby and something i really enjoy. but being in the hobby we owe it to the critters we keep to give them the best life we can give. if we cant give them a proper life then we shouldnt be keeping them. yes you may be providing them with a proper diet yes you may keep perfect water quality. but all that we are saying is the tank is small and its not giving the fish much room to swim and have any enjoyment in its life.. thus meaning that in this case you arent doing everything possible to give it a chance for a proper life. that is all we are saying.
and comparing this to a prison isnt correct either. for the simple reason people in prison/jail has a reason in being there for a crime they commited.. what did this fish do to you to be put in such a confinement????


Hi there,
Originally Posted by loopy101
yes you do have a point that we are taking these critters from there natural homes to provide us with a entertainment value. to me its more then just entertainment it is a hobby and something i really enjoy. (Just as much as the other guys posting here. Did you ever stop and think if they really want to be in your tank or theirs, or mine for that matter. No we just pet them and ssume they are happy, right?) but being in the hobby we owe it to the critters we keep to give them the best life we can give. (I complete agree with this statement. If you feel that it is being iresponsible doing it this way, by all means you have that right to your opinion. I let my fishes tell me weather they are happy or not.). if we cant give them a proper life (can you explain what is a proper life, or is it ones of those terms that are so vauge that almost anyone can define it?)then we shouldnt be keeping them. yes you may be providing them with a proper diet yes you may keep perfect water quality. but all that we are saying is the tank is small and its not giving the fish much room to swim and have any enjoyment in its life (Can you explain to me how you see enjoyment on a fish considering only swimming space, I feel I have the ability to determine this, but can you explain it to me?).. thus meaning that in this case you arent doing everything possible to give it a chance for a proper life. that is all we are saying.
and comparing this to a prison isnt correct either (I did not compare it to a prison, someone else did). for the simple reason people in prison/jail has a reason in being there for a crime they commited.. what did this fish do to you to be put in such a confinement???? (I agree, any confinement at all. WHy should a bigger prison be any better tnah a smaller one. A confinement is a place where anything can't go at will)
Like I mentioned before if you see anything in the video that implies that the fish is not happy in it's environment please point it out to me. I am a firm believer in that the fish tell you everything you need to know about them and thier environement.


New Member
you're taking my point way out of context loopy, i have no idea how you interpreted 3x5 prison cell to a fish being incarcerated.. for something it did wrong?? ..
my point was you should treat your animals the way you would like to be treated in the best way you can that makes them happy.
anyway im done commenting on this , seeing the author of this post wont listen and will just keep adding smart ass remarks.


Active Member
come on bro just think about it. if the minimum tank for that trigger is 75 gallons how will 28 gallons (watch your tank be less) of swimming space accommodate the trigger's needs? here you are saying that the fish is one of the most aggressive triggers yet you keep it with fish that the trigger can easily bully?
i give up. that fish will die sooner or later. good job chief!


Originally Posted by mpkev31b
you're taking my point way out of context loopy, i have no idea how you interpreted 3x5 prison cell to a fish being incarcerated.. for something it did wrong?? ..
my point was you should treat your animals the way you would like to be treated in the best way you can that makes them happy. (once again, can you explain to me how you know a fish is happy or not only considering the size of the tank?)
anyway im done commenting on this , seeing the author of this post wont listen and will just keep adding smart ass remarks.
I think they are legitimate questions, that no one has seem to be able to asnwear. All I hear is that the tank is too small for him at the moment, but no one has given me a ligitimate reason to why this is a fact? I have other Trigger, I feel that I understand them enough to draw my own conclusion to weather they are in a small tank or not. I guess eveeryone assums he will be staying in this tank till he get to be 12".


Originally Posted by premilove
come on bro just think about it. if the minimum tank for that trigger is 75 gallons (Can you explain to me why they say 75 galllon minum, when the fish can reach 12"? Do they specifie what the size of the fish should be?) how will 28 gallons (watch your tank be less) of swimming space accommodate the trigger's needs? (At the moment he is doing fine, swiming all around. Eventually (maybe a month maybe 6 months) the fish will start to exibit behavioral changes associated with being in a tank that is too small. Thus it will be time to move him to a bigger tank) here you are saying that the fish is one of the most aggressive triggers yet you keep it with fish that the trigger can easily bully? (The Triggers agressions increases because of two reasons, but as knowledgeable as you are you must know what they are. The damsels are able to handle themselves at moment.)
i give up. that fish will die sooner or later. (If you can predict the date of him diying, could you please post it here so that it could be a reminder of how bad the fish is doing) good job chief!

Also all fish die sooner or later. However fish don't die because of a tank being to small. They die because the bad water parameters, health issue brought up by bad water parameters, or illness or parasites.