Another one of my tanks


ima put wat alot of ppl have put, that tank is horribly small for a trigger, they need about 5' of length to swim around in, but it says saltwater tank 10 so you must have a tank that is big enough?
and it is in danger because when it gets bigger it'll get so stressed that eventually it'll die, i mean even there it was jumping about all over the place.
you are messed up in the head and your an idiot.
even when i was 14 just starting out i wasn't dumb enough to do what you do.
i hope you have a horrible life in return to how you treat your fish.


Active Member
Originally Posted by justinwwwallin
you are messed up in the head and your an idiot.
even when i was 14 just starting out i wasn't dumb enough to do what you do.
i hope you have a horrible life in return to how you treat your fish.
A comment like this on Thanksgiving Day no less

This thread is old as dirt but I'm bored at work so I'll comment.
I agree with the OP to a point. Yes the trigger may be cramped but I would say 3/4 of ALL saltwater fish out there are already. His tanks are clean and healthy. I would venture to say 3/4 of them aren't. He has a trigger in a nano and all of the sudden he's persecuted by 20 people for having a healthy fish that he said he would move to a bigger tank when needed (99% probably wouldn't).
Is the tank too small right now? Probably, but I also am a little more lax'd on the tang police rules as I keep two tangs in a 90 that are HEALTHY and VIBRANT with no signs of stress (like someone's trigger). Do they deserve bigger and better? Probably but I enjoy them in the environment I can provide for them.
Now, I'm not defending the trigger in the tank but I am trusting he is doing what he thinks is best at this point for something he paid for and wants to keep alive. I do not feel like persecuting someone for keeping a clean healthy tank.
Would I put a trigger in a Nano? No, but to each their own in this hobby as tank sizes are guidelines and many things work and don't work for various people.
Wow I was bored