Another Tank Build...?


So you just set up a 180? What did you go with for stocking. ? I am looking at some tangs and a blue throat trigger once the tank is a little more mature... nice to have the options with the size of tank now.

matt b

Active Member
I took 3 chromis, 2 B&W clowns, 2 banggai, bi colored blenny from my 75g and added a tomini tang and powder brown tang. So right now it is
bi colored blenny
2 banggai
2 clowns
tomini tang
powder brown tang
3 chromis.
And I plan on adding
two fire fish
mystery wrasse
and 3 anthias.
Here is the link to my build


Active Member
Very nice!!!!
How do you like your LifeReef system? Which one did you order? We had a custom built by him in the spring and I absolutely love the system.


I ordered the LFI 200S In sump skimmer with a refugium The product is awesome and the customer service is great as well.


thanks. been alot of bumps on the way to setting this one up....sump and size of tank adds an all new challenge.


No I never got around to taking pics. I will do another search in the tank and see what kid of pics I can take, alot of them rooted under rocks and in crevices where the current pushed them. My urchin managed to grab one of them and now resides on its back.
It did work though, which was surprising.


Some quick pics tank progress. Toadstool looks ill cuz I just fragged a chunck off of it. New home for pink skunk... e.t.c



I have 6 out of 20 left. 5 in the display and one that is happily living in my corner overflow. ( been in their since it got sucked in day 1 in December )
haha. chromis are great looking in numbers, but those numbers do not last long at all.