Hello all.
I need help with Nitrate problem. I have 220FO and 75reef with DSB and LR all tied in under 1 filtration and my nitrate is at 20.
Anyone ever use Seachem De Nitrate and does it work well?
A little info about my water chemistry
PH 8.2
Amonia .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 20
Phos 2 (fighting Hair Algae too)

Calc 500
Salinity 1.023
Temp 80-80.3
My equiptment.
220FO with about 5" sand and 75Reef with 5"DSB and about 175# LR.
Both System run on 1 US Aquarium Wet Dry Rated for 500gal 1x Magnum 220 with Phosguard and carbon and 1xFluval with carbon.
Oceanic skimmer rated for 250gal and 10gal Fuge with spagethi algae (Packed and growing like weeds).
25watt UV and MTC Dual chamber.
Live stock in 220
-Vilotin lion
-Porcupine Puffer
-Yellow Tang
-Raccoon Butterfly
-banded Moray Eel
Clean up crew in 220
-4 Large snails
-1 Chocolatechip Star
-1 Huge Cowrey
Live stock on 75reef
-2 algae blenny
-Mandarin Goby
-Scooter Blenny
-Cinnamon Clow
-Pajama Cardinal
-3 damsel
-1 Green Chromis
Clean up crew on 75reef
-2 Blk Serpant star
-1 brittle star
-approx 70 hermits
-approx 50 snails
-2 long spine urchin
-5 sea cucumber
-5 emerald crab
-3 pepermint shrimp
-Brown bubble (approx 10" diameter)
-Green Bubble (approx 5"diameter)
-Frogspawn (approx 5" diameter)
-Hair Mushrrom (approx 12" diamter)
-2 green Montipora
-2 Orange Montipora
-2 Kenya Tree
-approx 2 dozen assorted Ricordia, blue, green, red mushrooms.
-Pom pom xenia
-Open Brain (approx 6")
-Plate Coral (approx 6")
-Brown Gorgonia
-Green Grass Polyps
-Yellow Polyps
-Brown Polyps
-Green Flower Pot
-Purple Monti (currently bleached)
lighting on reef 75reef 350watt total running 8hrs/day. Bulb is about 8mo old. Moon Light run after the main light is off until 6am
I'm using RO/DI with new filter about 6mo ago
I dose Iodine and Phyto 1ml/hr
Water changes about 50gal every 2-3 weeks.
Feeding 1.5 cubes of frozen brine every 2 days in reef and .5 frozen brine and a cube of frozen krill in my 220.
How can i remove this Phos and Nitrate? Please Help!!!!!!!!!
Both tanks establish the same time about a 6 when i moved to this new house, but both tank previously set up at the old house for about a year including all LR and Sand.