Any Chicago Trader?


as far as the measurement goes hmmmm
48"length maybe 12" wide and 8-10" height
just a guess
let me know


Junbug or anyone else, I'm trying to figure out how a refugium connection to a tank works. I'm new to refugiums and sumps all I use is a power filter so excuse my ignorance.
I connect an overflow box to my DT that brings down the water to the refugium (placed in the DT stand). In the refugium tank (probably a 10 gallon maybe a 30 gallon I have both laying around), I have a powerhead that sucks in water connected to a hose that leads to the display tank. Is this how it works or am I missing a step?
If so please correct me.
A couple more questions, the overflow box. I seen a pic of one and it is a Hang on one (my tank is not predrilled) that has a small box that sits in the DT and a small box that sits outside the DT with an opening for a hose that will take the water to the refugium. How does it get the water in the DT to the box outside the DT? And how strong of a powerhead would I need to actually send the refugium water up the tube back in the DT?
How much is an overflow box?


sorry, i didnt reply sooner.
You are right so far. the overflow box will come with u tubing.
this will feed the water from the front box to the back box. u will need an air tube to get the siphon going.
here's pic and hope this give you an idea. keep in mind the picture is a dual. you can just use one.
over flow boxes is cheap when you buy them use or on ----
about 30bucks
to get the siphon goin here's what you need to do.
get an airline tubing
insert thru the u tube until the one end is at the top center of the u tube.
now placed the u tube in place. both opening of the u tube must be submerge in water in the front of the box as well as the back of the box.
you might need to pour some water in the back box. keep in mind there will be a devider on the back box. one side of the devider is the drain hole to the sump. you want to place the u tube in the other side of the devider.
now to get the water to fill the u tube, just suck the air out and you will see the water will rise to the center of the u tube until there's no more air pockets.
in the sump use a submersible pump about 250gal/hr. nothing big. but make sure your overflow box is rated at least 250gal/hr as well.
do not fill the sump all the way full, just enough for the pump to be fully submerge
place the return line just slightly above the water line in you DT.
in case of power failure, you will have enough room in your sump to drain the water from the display tank to the sump with out over flowing. you will need to play around a little to set the height of your over flow box in your DT.
If you submerge the return line in your DT, when power fails, you will have a back flow. ( i learned this the hard way)
i hope this help. i know if hard trying to imagine it, but once you started to play around with it, you'll know what i'm talking about.
i hope i explained it right.
good luck.
i dont know where you live, but if you need help one day, i'd be more than happy to help you.


here's a sump picture that might help you visualize things.
you iwll need to devide your 10 gal tank to make a fuge and a sump section. see pic below.


anyone have any used overflow box rated at least 500gph? i need to set up another sump and my cpr50 is just too small


anyone have any used overflow box rated at least 500gph? i need to set up another sump and my cpr50 is just too small


did you find out yet on that spare tank? havent heard from you.
please let me know asap otherwise i need to buy one


i dont see your thread for lfs store.
i did notice you have 30gal long. still have it? how much?
please let me know


Active Member

Originally posted by junbug1970
anyone have any used overflow box rated at least 500gph? i need to set up another sump and my cpr50 is just too small

I've got an Amiracle U-tube overflow that I'm not currently using. It has a 1" U-tube and 1" drain with a flex hose attached.


Active Member
Here is a pic of the overflow hanging off of an old wet dry I was trying to sell awhile back. The wet dry is still available if anybody would like that.


still have 30 long with stand plexiglass top dual strip light with 10000k corallife and atnic floresant bulbs all $125 pickup only


rob? give me a price please for both wet dry and over flow please. i live in wheaton, i can prolly pick it up tonight
Bill, would you sell just the tank? i just need the tank to upgrade my 10 fuge


anyone else have 30 gal long and short spare tank to trade or sell? i'm looking to upgrade my 10 gal fuge and in need of a bigger tank.
If you need overflow box, i have cpr 50 we could trade off.


i would like to be apart of these meetings i dont live in ill. but have some people in that area and would like to be invited as well family lives in mchenery please email if possible