Hello Chicagoan,
Its been awhile to hear from you all. I finally moved and still settling down. I've set up my 220gal FOWLER and 75gal reef side by side running of the same wet & dry and refegium. I've moved the FOWLER tank from the 75 to the 220 and the reef from 38 to 75 and using my 38gal for my piranha tank that is currently on a 10 gal. I also setup a 10gal feeder tank and 10gal quarantine tank. Alot of work, long design hours, but is all up and running flawlessly. Tested everything thoroughly in case power failure and no mess and flooding
Have added alot of new stuff and are still in progress of installation. Bought my self gas power generator on ---- for $200, however i need to know how to make it automatic. If any of you know how, please let me know. I know there's an automatic generator out there for 5 times the cost.
Finally got my dual calcium reactor up and running.
If any of you have the following for sale, please let me know.
I am looking for :
Dosing pump with timer.
System controller (octopus or some sort)
Wave Makers 2 or 3 of them
100# of live rocks
Thanks guys. Hope to hear how you all are doing out there.