Does anyone else ride horses? I think horses and saltwater fish ahve to be the two most expensive hobbies! I do dressage and eventing and just sold my Bashkir Curly. Looking for an Appaloosa sporthorse right now!
I used to ride, but sold mine 1-1/2 years ago. Just not enough time, energy and money anymore since my son was born.
I miss it sooooooooooo much! I mainly showed Western Pleasure, but my horse was also training level dressage before I got him. He is continuing his dressage training with his new owners.
I always liked dressage myself, its just not very popular in my area.
I love dressage, but I really want an appaloosa that I can show on the circuit. I want to dabble in a little bit of everything. Hopefully you will be able to get another sometime down the road, I find it helps so much to have a horse to be with when you are stressed and I'm always stressed!
I know! I think that's what I miss more than anything...just hanging out in the barn and relaxing.
I had a big App named Bo who was awesome! He could do everything...western, english, showmanship, trail, you name it. I had him from when we were both 10 until he was 25 and had to be put down due to breathing problems.
My last horse was also part App, but looked like Quarter Horse. When I am able to get a horse again it will most likely be another App, or a Paint.
I can't imagine what it must feel like to lose a horse, I knew someone whose pony what hit and killed by a truck, it was terrible.
I don't like it when people tell you that color doesn't matter in a horse. Sure it doesnt make a difference in performance, but as far as I'm concerned- color is better!
Yeah, it was a tough decision to make but it was best for him. We tried everything we could to help his breathing, but it got to the point where nothing was helping him anymore and he was suffering.
I like the color breeds best too, even there were so many times that the solid colored Quarter Horses would place ahead of us even though we had a better ride. Unbelievable that there were "color" prejudices in the show ring also!
Although one advantage of solid horses is they are a whole lot easier to keep clean. I would scrub Bo from head to foot, wrap him up like a mummy and he would be sparkling clean the night before a show, but it never failed by morning he would have a big spot on his butt!
I visit a barnboard (Saddlebrook) where you can watch the mares foal live on the internet. And today Cookie has wax!!!! That means she's going to foal soon........a few hours, a few days, a week maybe? She's due on the 19th, but looks to go sooner. I picked today for her foaling date. She's definately sausagey shaped and pointy in the rear end.
You can check out Bill and Susans sight here. I've been there several times, and they are wonderful people. If you stop in, make sure to post to their free barnboard(I'm on the buddy,paid side). I'll stop over to the other side to see if anyone posts.
REMEMBER, foalcams are ADDICTING. Don't say you weren't warned! :hilarious
I have 5 appies and grade quarter horse. They keep us busy too.
They do that here too! It's quite a pronounced bias. They even do that at ApWorlds. Most of the top ten some years are Quarter crosses. I happen to enjoy the color, but the quarter's abilities seem to make the breed show judges stand up and notice.
Ahhh, I love riding horses and I have the best arrangement. My friend raises and breeds spanish mustangs and loves for people to come over to ride as she has too many to keep them all well riden. So I get to go play horse and don't have to pay for them, clean up after them, or feed them. Another friend of ours is real serious into breeding and runs anywhere from 150-200 breed stock. He owns the grandson to san domingo the medicing hat stallion. It is such a blast to go out there.
She's an oldie but a goodie. Once she knows she has to work, she doesn't make a mistake, unless you tell her to make one. One smart horse, that's for sure. The color breeds are my favorites too, but I don't judge on color or not. I go by their personalities and disposition. My horses need to be people friendly, calm, collected. But we let them be horses when they are not in training/riding/showing. people! Hello all..yes we breed appy's! We also do timed/speed events-barrels and poles. We love our apps, most of ours has a good amount of QH & TB lines in them-champions, TB for speed and QT for conformation, temperment. Our lines include Bright eyes brother, go man go, man o war, goer, three bars. We get most of our stock from Michagan-this is our 1 yr old stud horse Some Bright Idea, we call him Domino. Tell me what you think.
Wow, he's a good size for a yearling. He looks to be a good 15 hands already.
Nice looking stud, and should throw great color! He reminds me a lot of my Bo.
And YAY Michigan! :cheer: Where in Michigan do you get your stock? There aren't many color breeders in my area. I'm smack dab in the middle of Quarter Horse country myself.
I just got last two horses were both QH/App. Bo had the color, but Clint did not and both sires were QH. Clint was a Sonny Dee Bar grandson, and as far as QH goes I am partial to that bloodline.
Well it seems like everyone with saltwater and horses has an appy! Thats what I'm gonna tell my trainer next time he asks why I want an app! If ya'll haven't seen this line check it out! I love them! I'm looking into the frist horse on the sales page "Kevin"
Originally Posted by Appaloosa1
Well it seems like everyone with saltwater and horses has an appy! Thats what I'm gonna tell my trainer next time he asks why I want an app! If ya'll haven't seen this line check it out! I love them! I'm looking into the frist horse on the sales page "Kevin"
Ohhh he's purdy! That's the color pattern we hope to achieve-the blankets. Not partial to leps-but any app really! His half brother Magic is here also but gelded-he will be our barrel horse for the appy shows. And Ellie-Mis TES Elegance is our brood mare, and Annie.
And YAY Michigan! Where in Michigan do you get your stock?
We go toward Grand Eaton. The 2M appaloosa ranch.
The first one is Mr. Magic M & Annie.