I've seen the ocean water on sale at *****, but didnt really give it a second thought until now. I suppose it would be ok if you needed a qwik change or something, but if you're into your reef why even worry about it? You obviously would trust yourself to making water than a packaged product. The ones that need to be wary are the newbies ( not that I'm pro). I have had great success with fish from ***** as long as your not trying to purchase fish that are more "difficult" to keep, i.e. Mandarin Goby(Drogonet). As a Reefer, you should know the diff. and if not thats what this board is for. Sorry, just my .02. But dont blame the company for its sales... we all should know better. Our goal is to educate, not bash a company for its profit ratio. If no one bought Mandarins from *****, maybe they wouldnt sell them. Just in case you're wondering I DO NOT work for *****. I've made my mistakes with *****, but I've learned my lesson. EDUCATE! EDUCATE! EDUCATE! Thats what I feel we're all about and I try to learn something everyday, even if it has nothing to do "my" tank. Please dont confuse this with bashing, I just dont think its right to say that ***** is ALL BAD. If you're looking for supplies thats one thing but my other LFS has better prices on supplies and their fish are more expensive and and not as healthy looking. Again, sorry, it looks like my .02 turned into at least .10! Responses are welcome!