any one else see this at there local deathco opps *****


Active Member
i was there for a non fish related reason and i saw they sell ocean water for sw tanks. what the heck is that who would buy that crap.
sorry i had to vent on this subject.

but the new smiles will make me happy again:joy: :yes: :joy: :yes: :joy:


I think its for people who dont want to mix it themselves. Whatever works i guess. :santa:
Well my local ***** used to be good with fish but not anymore. I hate them now. Cause they tore out all there tanks and put in new ones.
Except the new ones are tiny about 1x1 foot cubes and they put way to many fish in all of them. Before they had more like 20 gallon sized displays.



Originally posted by nicky1.8t
i was there for a non fish related reason and i saw they sell ocean water for sw tanks. what the heck is that who would buy that crap.
sorry i had to vent on this subject.

but the new smiles will make me happy again:joy: :yes: :joy: :yes: :joy:

I buy that crap!!!
The water I get is taken 15 miles off the California coast, filtered, tested and very clean.
Why would you need to vent on a subject such as this?!??! You do realize that fish live in the ocean don't you?
If seeing ocean water for sale at the ***** sets you off I can't imagine how you would react when a REAL problem arises.

Active Member
seaslug was just wonting to know have you do any test on the water yourself and how did it turn out for you and is there anyone else using it other then seaslug and have you do any test and how did it turn out for you.
O how much did you pay for it and how much did youget for what you payed.



Originally posted by
seaslug was just wonting to know have you do any test on the water yourself and how did it turn out for you and is there anyone else using it other then seaslug and have you do any test and how did it turn out for you.
O how much did you pay for it and how much did youget for what you payed.

Hi Mike,
I test for PH (8.2), Nh3 (0.0) No2 (0.0) and No3 (0.0) plus salinity (kinda high at .026)
I add RO to it to level it out salinity wise and bring it up to tank temp before using it.
I pay $0.30 per gallon
(also, I should mention that the ocean water I use is from my LFS and not from a *****. It is the same water that they use in all their tanks)

Active Member
thank for the info 1 more thing we all do water changes so what does your LFS do with the water they take out of there tanks do they put it back where they got it from and if so do you think that they add any thing bad to there water in there tanks. at .30 cents a gallon you got a great deal there when most people that us DI water pay about a $1.00 per gallon.



Originally posted by
thank for the info 1 more thing we all do water changes so what does your LFS do with the water they take out of there tanks do they put it back where they got it from and if so do you think that they add any thing bad to there water in there tanks. at .30 cents a gallon you got a great deal there when most people that us DI water pay about a $1.00 per gallon.

I've never asked them that question but I will. I doubt they put the bad water back in the tank. The ocean water is trucked in and pumped into a large holding tank, (over 8 feet tall). If that little guy is hauling buckets of water up there and dumping them in then he is nuts!
(I think they get the water from the same company who provides water to the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. There is no filtration system in the world that's effiscient enough to clean the water around the Port of LB!}
I'm not sure what they sell their RO/DI for since I have my own RO system.
I would definately mix my own if the price wasn't right.


Active Member
Yeah, what would be wrong with ocean water? We had 10,000 gallons trucked to Cincinnati to use on one of our displays.


Active Member
What I was getting at is the laziness of *****. They are lazy as hell. Thay buy fish that shouldnt be put in a 10 gallon tank. They sell mandarins out of a 10 gallon tank, that wouldnt ever have a chance of growing any pods. That place just sucks when it comes to salt watre fish. The ocean water in a bottle is just as lazy as the rest of the whole lame ass ***** set up. Thay are all about the dollar sign, and not the hobby.
As far as sea slugs comment about I would hate to see to how you would react if there was a real problem, Lets see what you got to say about *****.


As far as sea slugs comment about I would hate to see to how you would react if there was a real problem, Lets see what you got to say about *****. [/B]
I believe your question was "Who would buy that crap" in reference to ocean water!
My response was in regard to the purchase of "ocean water"!
Never been in a *****, so I don't have a qualifed opinion on what they do or don't do correctly.
Seems to me like you have a lot of pent up frustrations about a certain chain of pet supply store! If you don't like it, why do you go in there?


Active Member
i wouldnt trust it for the fact you dont know where they get for all we know it could be tap water mixed up with tabel salt. i use ro/di and io and i test it every time before it hits my tank.
Yeah ***** does take pretty crappy care of their fish and unfortunately their are people out there that are lazy enough to buy pre-mixed saltwater. But I guess thats one of the luxuries you get to relish in when you live in this great lazy ass country we call America :) If you ask me people today have become more lazy and self-centered then ever before. They either try to blame others or the government for their problems instead of going out and doing something for themselves. People need to go out, get a job, and do a little work, and then if they still want to

they can come to me!!! phew.....sorry had to get that off my chest :speak:


I've seen the ocean water on sale at *****, but didnt really give it a second thought until now. I suppose it would be ok if you needed a qwik change or something, but if you're into your reef why even worry about it? You obviously would trust yourself to making water than a packaged product. The ones that need to be wary are the newbies ( not that I'm pro). I have had great success with fish from ***** as long as your not trying to purchase fish that are more "difficult" to keep, i.e. Mandarin Goby(Drogonet). As a Reefer, you should know the diff. and if not thats what this board is for. Sorry, just my .02. But dont blame the company for its sales... we all should know better. Our goal is to educate, not bash a company for its profit ratio. If no one bought Mandarins from *****, maybe they wouldnt sell them. Just in case you're wondering I DO NOT work for *****. I've made my mistakes with *****, but I've learned my lesson. EDUCATE! EDUCATE! EDUCATE! Thats what I feel we're all about and I try to learn something everyday, even if it has nothing to do "my" tank. Please dont confuse this with bashing, I just dont think its right to say that ***** is ALL BAD. If you're looking for supplies thats one thing but my other LFS has better prices on supplies and their fish are more expensive and and not as healthy looking. Again, sorry, it looks like my .02 turned into at least .10! Responses are welcome!



Originally posted by nicky1.8t
Thay are all about the dollar sign, and not the hobby.

Of course, they're a national chain store. Thats all that matters. If you want something else go to an owner-operated lfs, mom & pop grocery store, local

, etc. etc. What can you expect?


This isnt premixed saltwater its water straight from the ocean. I know some people that use it. Its not a ***** brand, they just buy it and stock it.
I see nothing wrong with real ocean water. I know the salt companies have done lots of R & D to see what exactly is in sea water to make the salt close to the real thing, well this is just the real thing....


I have seen it at the local *****. The brand kinda rang a bell. I think it's the same brand name as the stuff they used on Monster House when they did the fish tank recently. As far as using it, I wouldn't because of the cost. But if it's a good product I'm not going to throw rocks at someone who wants to give it a try.