windows 7 is not mojave, mojave is basically outing people who are vista haters for no other reason but because they think they should be, and everyone else seems to be. so you put some people in a room that have never actually played with vista, and cover up the places where it says "vista", replacing it with "mojave" and these people walk out saying wow thats cool. just a marketing effort to remove the bad feelings associated with vista.
windows 7 is the replacement for both XP and vista, and the first installment of what i was talking about above. so basically it wont be too much of a stretch from XP, so that people can get used to it, and every two years the new versions will offer continuous change. the cool thing about 7 is that it will be built similar to how the iPhone works. next gen computers are going to be using a new type of touch screen technology, so a lot of time and development is being put into incorporating this. there are a few really cool vids on youtube demonstrating some betas.
for example, there is one that shows a windows 7 machine laying horizontal under a glass coffee table. HD water ripples screen saver type program looks super realistic, and reacts with touch. you can put a hot coffee mug down and it will highlight it red and still take multi- finger commands... pretty wild stuff.