Any other vista users?!


Ok I know alot of people are agaisnt vista and went back to XP, but i like vista. the only thing i do not like is the stupid tool/button bar that pops down from the top of the screen everytime you put your cursor up there... which is CONSTANTLY and it wont go away after it has dropped down. I can not for the life of me figure out how to disable it.
Anyone know how? Please and thank you!


Active Member
I have XP and my bf has vista. He hates it with a passion and I love XP. Nuff I don't know how to do it. Maybe call microsoft assistance hotline?


Active Member
Sorry, can't help. Just got my new Dell laptop today with Vista on it. Within an hour I was installing Linux.

Btw, Ubuntu is a good linux distro to start on, you can use a "live cd" to see how you like it without installing it.


Active Member
have you seen the mojave experiement?
It's an ad campaign that microsoft did to expose randomly picked people from certain areas to "The Mojave Experiement" which was supposedly this awesome new OS from Microsoft which will replace vista.
So these people walk in and the guy interviews them about Vista and these people throw vista under the bus... talk about how horrible it is.... then the guy shows them "Mojave" ... and the people are later told it's just vista. Then the people are like "oh no way! cool!"
But watch the ad carefully and check this out - when they're checking out this new OS, before they know it's vista.... pretty much the entire time, the guy conducting the experiment is explaining to them how it works and the people are just sitting watching.
I think Vista may be more popular if it came with 1-on-1 support from a guy who can just show you how. That's why I like XP and also why I'm a Mac guy as of late.... because the interface is far more intuitive... it doesn't really NEED someone holding your hand explaining it like Vista does, and like Mojave did.
Make sense?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
Ok I know alot of people are agaisnt vista and went back to XP, but i like vista. the only thing i do not like is the stupid tool/button bar that pops down from the top of the screen everytime you put your cursor up there... which is CONSTANTLY and it wont go away after it has dropped down. I can not for the life of me figure out how to disable it.
Anyone know how? Please and thank you!
I had this happen to me.... I clicked a button or hit some keys and my browser address bar etc disappeared and would only come down if I moved the curser up. I'll look and see if I can remember how I fixed it... it's a feature you need to change.
I like vista too... even if it is a memory hog.


Active Member
vista is a decent OS if you have a nice system with some serious resources. anything less, and it will really slow everything down. the problem is that they made too many changes , too fast. Microsoft learned this lesson the hard way, and so the next windows OS will only be slightly different, and then slight differences will be incorporated with every new edition that will come out every 2 years, so people gradually get used to small changes.
my problem with it is that is a nightmare to try to network a vista machine to anything else.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Jaymz
Ok I know alot of people are agaisnt vista and went back to XP, but i like vista. the only thing i do not like is the stupid tool/button bar that pops down from the top of the screen everytime you put your cursor up there... which is CONSTANTLY and it wont go away after it has dropped down. I can not for the life of me figure out how to disable it.
Anyone know how? Please and thank you!
If you right click on the toolbar and then choose properties you have some options. You can unlock it and drag it to the bottom. There is also a box you can uncheck that has the toolbar appear on top of other windows. Unchecking that may be the answer to your problem. Once you do that you have to minimize the window you are working in to bring the toolbar back up.


Active Member
I just got a new computer so now it is running nicely. When vista was put on my old computer is craaaaaawled. I really wanted a 64 bit OS so I could get a big pile of RAM but none of my programs were 64 bit.


Originally Posted by Rylan1
its a big learning curve... much different from xp... MS word is hard to navigate.
what does ms word have to do with vista

if you mean word 2007 is hard to navigate, then yes it sure is compared to earlier versions.
Regarding vista, i kept xp until i recently put together a new machine. Now i wish i would have installed vista ages ago. I like it and the new features are nice. I have vista 64 ultimate installed and do not know about the toolbar that the op mentioned. I dont have that on my system.


Active Member
I'm jealous of your 64.
I can't remeber what I did to correct it... but I found the solution through an online search.


its somewhere in the settings.
my computer is not super high end but its up there and it has problems. I have 2 gig of ram and still have to shut all the bells and whistles off to be able to play some of the games and programs. There are alot of bugs in Vista even with the upgrades there are problems. My computer run great for the first six months with Vista and slowly started to develope problems. To date I have resinstalled it 4 times and need to do it again. vista has it good points but to me there is much more negatives to it than positives.
This mojave project thing sounds more deceptive. If you turn everything off inthe settings it runs better but looks horrid. my copy of XP is a student copy which all those liscense is going to be null in the near future if they arent already. So it wouldnt do me any good to install it. I think they could have made a less memroy and resource hog version. The basic computers that come with it installed I dont see how they run it they just dont have the resources and ram needed for the program.


Active Member
"The program needs your permission to continue" (click yes) "Do you want to allow -insert program here- to continue?" (click yes) this gets old an really pisses me off.
I don't know. It looks pretty but it's slow compared to XP. I was reading about "windows 7" which I guess is the mojave experiement. Sounds like it's going to be a lot better.
Everything in the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" commercials is dead on though. My next laptop is going to be a Mac.


Originally Posted by Cranberry
Try pressing F11.
Thats for the browser. what im talking about it part of windows vista. its a button bar thing that if you put your cursor at the top of the screen it pops down. doesnt matter what application you have up if you put your cursor up to the top of hte screen it pops down.. then wont go away unless you mess with it and then it pops right back down as soon as you put your cursor up there..
there has to be a way to disable it. i just cant figure it out.


Active Member
windows 7 is not mojave, mojave is basically outing people who are vista haters for no other reason but because they think they should be, and everyone else seems to be. so you put some people in a room that have never actually played with vista, and cover up the places where it says "vista", replacing it with "mojave" and these people walk out saying wow thats cool. just a marketing effort to remove the bad feelings associated with vista.
windows 7 is the replacement for both XP and vista, and the first installment of what i was talking about above. so basically it wont be too much of a stretch from XP, so that people can get used to it, and every two years the new versions will offer continuous change. the cool thing about 7 is that it will be built similar to how the iPhone works. next gen computers are going to be using a new type of touch screen technology, so a lot of time and development is being put into incorporating this. there are a few really cool vids on youtube demonstrating some betas.
for example, there is one that shows a windows 7 machine laying horizontal under a glass coffee table. HD water ripples screen saver type program looks super realistic, and reacts with touch. you can put a hot coffee mug down and it will highlight it red and still take multi- finger commands... pretty wild stuff.


Active Member
no love for vista... wow my desktop has XP pro 64 bit (due to 8GB of RAM) and my laptop has vista home premium 32 bit.. and I have to say from just the looks alone I like vista more, I really don't think its that slow either of course I am comparing it to my desktop which is lightnign fast and laptops aren't that fast to begin with. I guess it would all be the use of them... my desktop is any and every thing form movies, music and games to videos and streaming videos.. while my laptop is for school only and types papers and checks the schools website. I HATE the fact that you cant really get Xp on computers from the factory anymore either... through Dell its like a $50 up charge to have that instead of vista!!!


Active Member
I have vista I hate it, it has more compatability issues with games than ANY other operating system. try and find a solution, cost for support from microsoft about their crap software 59 bucks for ONE call. If I could swear on here I would say XXXX vista.


Originally Posted by SilverDak
no love for vista... wow my desktop has XP pro 64 bit (due to 8GB of RAM) and my laptop has vista home premium 32 bit.. and I have to say from just the looks alone I like vista more, I really don't think its that slow either of course I am comparing it to my desktop which is lightnign fast and laptops aren't that fast to begin with. I guess it would all be the use of them... my desktop is any and every thing form movies, music and games to videos and streaming videos.. while my laptop is for school only and types papers and checks the schools website. I HATE the fact that you cant really get Xp on computers from the factory anymore either... through Dell its like a $50 up charge to have that instead of vista!!!
they wont be doing that very long micrsoft is discontinueing XP all together and I think after 2010 or somewhere in there they wont even offer any type of support for XP.
what exactly are you having trouble with is it the shortcut menu type thing that comes up a first start up which I believe has a clock and several other things in it?