Any WWE fans out there?


Originally Posted by seasalt101
well vince mcmahon is alive again...tobin
Yeah, we all knew that was BS. He said it was the "Character" of Mr. Mcmahon that was supposed to have died. I knew that was nonsense from the moment it was on WWE. I told my son that if he had died it would have been in the papers. He must realy feel horrible now that the night that his fake memorial was supposed to be there was a memorial for Chris's real death.


Active Member
tobin says.....yeah it was b.s from the beginning amazingly not 1 person got hurt in that accident and they didnt even find teeth or anything- yeah everyone knew it and i hope he feels real bad for them


Originally Posted by shogun323
I was a fan in the days of.....
The Ultimate Warrior
Hulk Hogan
Rowdy Roddy Piper
The Bushwackers
Greg The Hammer Valentine
Hacksaw Jim Dugan
LOL I have tapes from when I was like 10 or so of those guys. I loved them all!
I got to see everyone on your list except the Hulkster. I did see Jake "The Snake", The Heart Foundation, Jimmy "Superfly" Snuka, The "Rockers"........yes, the "Rockers" in action. I still have a framed portrait in my old room! I have seen others as well.


Active Member
i saw undertaker pin nails in 11 seconds nails was the convict about 13 years back or so he was drummed up as a bad a$$ 300lb+ guy undertaker crucified him in a hurry it still might be a record it was then...tobin


Originally Posted by seasalt101
i saw undertaker pin nails in 11 seconds nails was the convict about 13 years back or so he was drummed up as a bad a$$ 300lb+ guy undertaker crucified him in a hurry it still might be a record it was then...tobin
I saw Nails!!!! I hid behind my 5' 3" daddy!!!! I was young! I was so scared of him!! I am glad the Undertaker pinned him! The Undertaker was supposed to be there when we went to go see Smackdown and ECW this May. He wasn't but Batista, Kane, and Benoit faught MVP, and two guys from ECW that I don't know but my son would. They won of course (the Smackdown team) It was a great match!


i was at the wwe samckdown / ecw in pittsburgh pa when edge came in and cashed in the money in the bank briefcase and beat taker for the title gay lol i hate edge


Originally Posted by BrandonCena
i was at the wwe samckdown / ecw in pittsburgh pa when edge came in and cashed in the money in the bank briefcase and beat taker for the title gay lol i hate edge
You saw that? Nice!!! I am not a fan of Edge either. He is a sneaky guy who apparently knows how to "get things done" his way. He is not a champion. I am looking forward to him losing that title to a real champion!


This is from the Washington


Google "Chris Benoit" and see how many actual newspaper press release you come up with. There are other stories out there but the actual papers have their postings there as well. He laid Bibles next to each of their bodies. I don't think he was in the right state of mind at the time. I am sure more stories will spill given time, whether correct or not.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
You saw that? Nice!!! I am not a fan of Edge either. He is a sneaky guy who apparently knows how to "get things done" his way. He is not a champion. I am looking forward to him losing that title to a real champion!
remember people this is a character not the real person now the good news he will have to face khali then batista will get it back or undertaker, i do not like the edge character either...tobin


Active Member
All I can say is this - the future of WWE and Vince McMahon don't look too bright. He's in damage control. They never should have done a tribute show to Benoit after what he did to his own family. Hope he rots in h377. You watch - the Feds will get McMahon. Sherri Martel died just last week also of drug overdose. Do the math ...

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
All I can say is this - the future of WWE and Vince McMahon don't look too bright. He's in damage control. They never should have done a tribute show to Benoit after what he did to his own family. ...

The details of the families death weren't released until after the show was is that McMahon's fault? All the WWE knew at that point was they had all been killed. The fans expected a tribute show, just like with Eddie.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
All I can say is this - the future of WWE and Vince McMahon don't look too bright. He's in damage control. They never should have done a tribute show to Benoit after what he did to his own family. Hope he rots in h377. You watch - the Feds will get McMahon. Sherri Martel died just last week also of drug overdose. Do the math ...
they did the show before the police released any info they will recover on that no problem just a mistake...tobin


Originally Posted by sepulatian
You saw that? Nice!!! I am not a fan of Edge either. He is a sneaky guy who apparently knows how to "get things done" his way. He is not a champion. I am looking forward to him losing that title to a real champion!

yea and he will probably loose to undertaker cuz batista cant face him again and i hate batista anyway so hopefully taker comes bak soon


Active Member
C'mon ! Everybody knows Vince McMahon most likely pushed his wrestlers to use steroids. It's been a known fact that the Feds haven't really proved it. Look at the Hulk Hogan/McMahon lawsuit fiasco a few years back.
Now do you why I stay steroids is illegal in sports (and I'm not talking WWE is a sport).


Active Member
Originally Posted by Ice4Ice
C'mon ! Everybody knows Vince McMahon most likely pushed his wrestlers to use steroids. It's been a known fact that the Feds haven't really proved it. Look at the Hulk Hogan/McMahon lawsuit fiasco a few years back.
Now do you why I stay steroids is illegal in sports (and I'm not talking WWE is a sport).
i won't argue what you say but put it in a different light, maybe the wrestlers do this voluntarily to try to keep an edge in the business, the "superstars of wwe" are freakin old ri flair=58 benoit was 40 undertaker close or over 40 shan michaels over 40 just look at how many years we have watched these guys triple h, kane, sandman, tommy dreamer, rvd, booker, sting, the list goes on...tobin


they are saying that chris wasnt on steroids that he was injecting his son with growth hormones. they said his son was covered in needle marks. all the drugs were legal prescriptions. wwe's press release said that he was tested by an independant co. in april 2007 and was negative for steriods. its just so crazy. now wwe has taken all of his merchandise down all tribute banners erased, they've even cancelled the canadian tour. they've basically erased him and appoligized for the tribute they did give him. i was at the ecw one night stand ppv 2 nd row and chris benoit was standing right in front of us as a lumberjack in the lumberjack match. we kept asking him to turn so we could get a pic. he wouldnt smile or turn or nothing. he didnt seem happy


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishcurse
they are saying that chris wasnt on steroids that he was injecting his son with growth hormones. they said his son was covered in needle marks. all the drugs were legal prescriptions. wwe's press release said that he was tested by an independant co. in april 2007 and was negative for steriods. its just so crazy. now wwe has taken all of his merchandise down all tribute banners erased, they've even cancelled the canadian tour. they've basically erased him and appoligized for the tribute they did give him. i was at the ecw one night stand ppv 2 nd row and chris benoit was standing right in front of us as a lumberjack in the lumberjack match. we kept asking him to turn so we could get a pic. he wouldnt smile or turn or nothing. he didnt seem happy
Who is saying that Benoit was injecting his son with growth hormone? Where did you read that? I wanna verify your source and read that with my own eyes, or better yet just post the link.