Anybody see transformers?

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
How the heck is commenting...on a a movie the aquarium..hijacking anything
And you know what..I am a mother, and a grandmother and damn proud of it.

We are discussing a movie and when somebody says greatest ever than that opens a whole new line of discussions .
As far as Hijacking goes I am refering to any one of the other threads where you and the teenage boys go back and forth off the topic, hijacking things . Not like you got over 8000 posts with out all the off topic chit chat .

el guapo

Active Member
We are also talking about the same young boy who is talking about a female actress running in slow motion . I highly doubt anything said in scarface is going to be something he hasn't herd before .


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
We are discussing a movie and when somebody says greatest ever than that opens a whole new line of discussions .
As far as Hijacking goes I am refering to any one of the other threads where you and the teenage boys go back and forth off the topic, hijacking things . Not like you got over 8000 posts with out all the off topic chit chat .
God forbid people chat and crack a joke once in a while....cause I can go back to A LOT of threads where there are more than young kids involved....
But let's not go off topic...
...this is a thread about isn't it?

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
God forbid people chat and crack a joke once in a while....cause I can go back to A LOT of threads where there are more than young kids involved....
But let's not go off topic...
...this is a thread about isn't it?

Oh but I must insist on giving credit where it is due ,what with the innocent chit chat . I just want to make sure you get all the credit you deserve
. Honestly I was only trying to help you out by giving you a opening to talking about cats some more .


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Oh but I must insist on giving credit where it is due ,what with the innocent chit chat . I just want to make sure you get all the credit you deserve
. Honestly I was only trying to help you out by giving you a opening to talking about cats some more .
Pretty funny how you are the one who brought up the cats...not me.
Excuse me for "whatever the heck" I ever did to you anyway.....

el guapo

Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Pretty funny how you are the one who brought up the cats...not me.

I'm sorry I am out of the loop on what todays hijacking tool was going to be .
Originally Posted by meowzer
Excuse me for "whatever the heck" I ever did to you anyway.....

Possibly try sticking to the conversation as it progresses rather than derailing it into your "I'm a mom" bit .
Originally Posted by meowzer

WHO many movies it was...
Its a fact its 13 movies not 4 . The fact that most are from before his time does not exclude them from the conversation of how they compare to the " best movie ever " .


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
I guess if it was movies about cats you would be shooting rainbows ?

Originally Posted by EL GUAPO

I can see where your confused . I'm not a teenage boy and I could care less what you think. I have an opinion just as you do and I to can voice it just the same . Sorry to disrupt your attempt to hijack another thread with your (oh so cute) MOM PERSONA .
Here are 2 examples of where YOU brought up cats and moms....
I can see that no matter what I say....or obviously don't say it will not matter.
NOW...back to the movies.............


Active Member
That opening scence w Megan Fox was just a teaser they knew what they were doing.
Came in at a back angle with her on top of the motorcylce mmmhmm!!
Isabel Lucas looked damn good in that movie. And that role she played was hott!!!

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW

Star Wars
You are telling me it has as much of an impact and influence as the ones I listed? Doubt it.
I will see it sunday. No sense sitting in a cramped theatre if I don't have to....
Its an opinion. The movies you listed, except scarface and godfather, have a following of guys who still live at home and are single get my drift?
Matrix blows LOTR series away.
Stars wars has a following like no other but that following is dying with the movie. Transformers is almost the new age Star wars. Sci Fi for a new group of kids. Most kids under 18 now dont understand Star wars and cannot relate to it. When triumph the dog was making a mockery of all those wack jobs dressed as characters thats what most kids see and its instantly not cool. I might admit it was hysterical.
You old heads need to learn to get with the times and stop beating on the younger crowd. You had your time. You had your movies. My age group grew up with Comics, X men, and Transformers. That is our Star Wars.
You have your movies we have ours and the younger kids have theirs. Respect it cause you look like an idiot when you dont.

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Its an opinion. The movies you listed, except scarface and godfather, have a following of guys who still live at home and are single get my drift?
Matrix blows LOTR series away.
Stars wars has a following like no other but that following is dying with the movie. Transformers is almost the new age Star wars. Sci Fi for a new group of kids. Most kids under 18 now dont understand Star wars and cannot relate to it. When triumph the dog was making a mockery of all those wack jobs dressed as characters thats what most kids see and its instantly not cool. I might admit it was hysterical.
You old heads need to learn to get with the times and stop beating on the younger crowd. You had your time. You had your movies. My age group grew up with Comics, X men, and Transformers. That is our Star Wars.
You have your movies we have ours and the younger kids have theirs. Respect it cause you look like an idiot when you dont.


It was NOT better than part 1. It was actually dissappointing. Too bad GM pretty much controls what cars are in the movie, except for the audi, which DIDN'T EVEN TRANSFORM! SAME thing for that Vette as well! The 2 ghetto autobots weren't that funny but some people laughed like it was. Freakin' Soundwave didn't do ----. They need to put the Lamborghini autobots in there!!! And part 3 they should put the Dinobots! Devastator was wacky and should've been more like the cartoon version instead..that would be badazz. Megan Fox and that other chic were nice eye candy though.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by crypt keeper
Its an opinion. The movies you listed, except scarface and godfather, have a following of guys who still live at home and are single get my drift?
Matrix blows LOTR series away.
Stars wars has a following like no other but that following is dying with the movie. Transformers is almost the new age Star wars. Sci Fi for a new group of kids. Most kids under 18 now dont understand Star wars and cannot relate to it. When triumph the dog was making a mockery of all those wack jobs dressed as characters thats what most kids see and its instantly not cool. I might admit it was hysterical.
You old heads need to learn to get with the times and stop beating on the younger crowd. You had your time. You had your movies. My age group grew up with Comics, X men, and Transformers. That is our Star Wars.
You have your movies we have ours and the younger kids have theirs. Respect it cause you look like an idiot when you dont.
So you are saying that Transformers 2 is the greatest movie of all time....out of the thousands of movies this is number 1? Even better than the first? Name one sequel that was better than first...rarely happens....
I grew up on Star wars, comics, Xmen, transformers, heman, as well....yet you say transformers is for the current generation. I call bullcrap, since the OP wasn't even alive when transformer toys were big.
Matrix blows LOTR away? how many awards did the matrix series get? What were the total movie sales comparatively, I will grant the first one was really good...but they dumped when they made the next two.
Yeah, only single people living with their [parents like the movies I listed
. try harder...your attempt at an insult resulted in an epic fail.


Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Well as long as we have permission to use our own opinions about the movie I am all for it .
dude, i think the roids are gettin to ya...
Haven't seen the movie yet, I liked the first one.


Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
We are discussing a movie and when somebody says greatest ever than that opens a whole new line of discussions .
As far as Hijacking goes I am refering to any one of the other threads where you and the teenage boys go back and forth off the topic, hijacking things . Not like you got over 8000 posts with out all the off topic chit chat .
If you thought that he was literally saying that it was the greatest movie that has ever been made *** . He really enjoyed the movie, but due to the fact that he has not seen EVERY movie there is, this statement could not possibly be made without being flawed. Therefor it is quite obvious that he was just exaggerating and trying to express how much he liked the movie. This discussion was so positive before. Darth threw something in that changed it a little but still kept things on a fairly positive note because he was discussing how comparatively, this isn't a very good movie. Now, you came in and HIJACKED the thread by completely flipping the conversation upside down and taking Darth's comment to new extremes and then by making fun of one of this website's best contributors.
You are going to say that she has 8000 posts of off topic chit chat. ***. You have 450 posts of what you probably consider "good information." Okay lets subtract 5000 posts from hers saying that those are "off topic." ***, she still has 2550 more posts than you! Okay, now lets subtract your poor excuse for a tank from all of Meowzer's beautiful tanks. Okay, lets subtract all of the knowledge that Meowzer has about saltwater from the little bit that you know. Hey, why do you even contribute on here pal? Oh wait, you don't! You just use the aquarium and make fun of other people for not contributing. We are all hypocrites, you more so than others.
Go pop, reread this, realize that you are actually the one starting the hijack, then come back, apologize to Meowzer and Runnerban, then stop making every thread on completely negative. Are you capable of doing this? I know the answer and that is no. You have this macho man persona that may or may not reflect your actual personality. If it does, then I find it hard to believe that there are actually people out there that would want to be friends with you. I find it hard to believe that you can ever have a mutual discussion with another human being unless said human agrees with you on every account.
So now you have three options.
Fire back and make fun of me now, ignore me, or apologize by being the bigger man and realizing your mistakes.
Of course you will choose option one. I would expect nothing better or you. You are and will always be an absolutely terrible person and I guess it is too late for you to change.
So fire back, get me good, I know you are going to. You always do. You can never be "the bigger man." You just use wordplay so that in your mind you are being the bigger man.
Well now that I just made the thread hijack complete, I'll shut up.
-Insulting other members and using profanity has never, nor will ever, be tolorated on this board -Sep

el guapo

Active Member
Well hopefully with your last out burst and this one you will be following CK out the door for a vacation . I mean first you attack the mods AGAIN lets not forget what you called SEP before or your teen forum . Then you apologize and make a new account so you can make amends by changing your actions . Now you use profanity and call me names . Good old Camfish is back .

salt life

Active Member
Originally Posted by EL GUAPO
Well hopefully with your last out burst and this one you will be following CK out the door for a vacation . I mean first you attack the mods AGAIN lets not forget what you called SEP before or your teen forum . Then you apologize and make a new account so you can make amends by changing your actions . Now you use profanity and call me names . Good old Camfish is back .
not to get involved or anything, BUT you do fuel the fire guapo, you are the one who made all the comments to meowzer about post count and the "teenage boys". Be an adult man, pez is like 16, why try and 1up him with stupidity?
and then after someone has an outburst as you call it, like pez just did, you feel the mods will disregard all your comments (which they always do) and ban pez, hope you feel like a winner.