anyone going to the inauguration?


Active Member
I voted for Bush twice and didn't watch either inauguration. Going to be hard to ignore this one. The media's orgasmic infatuation with him is already wearing thin.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nitschke65
My friends whole family is going and he's wearing these cufflinks with his tux. I threw up in my mouth, just a little, when I saw them.

That is the funniest thing! I can not stop laughing. I can't see or breath!!! Those are soooo lame!!! Still laughing, hard time typing!!! Oh my belly hurts. Can you get a pic of his get up so I can laugh even harder?


Active Member
Originally Posted by WangoTango
IDK, but it seems like the inauguration (this one at least) has become almost Christmas like. It's gotten very commercialized with the historic commemorative Obama coins and plates and all that other crap.
I understand that it is a historic election, but come on...
What are you tired of the medias obama loverage already? We have four more years of unbashful media man lust, of the guy.
I'm going to watch it on TV because I fully expect a harry meet sally moment at some point from the 5 am till midnight coverage. And that would really amuse me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Sorry, but that wait will have to be at least 8. If the Reps try to use Sarah Palin as their 2012 candidate, it'll be 12.
Last time I checked, two terms was the max for the US President. 8 years and you're out.


Active Member
On MSNBC, they asked people the following question:
What do you think of the inauguration so far?
I think these responses pretty much sum it up:
A waste of taxpayers' money that could be put to better uses.
—Lucille, McRae, Ga.
In this economy, the country cannot afford a multi-million dollar inauguration.
—Irene, Shoals, W.V.
Will take the day off from work and wallow in the sheer audacity of hope for one whole day.
—Cindy, Pittsburgh
Inauguration of a new president or the inauguration of the biased media?
—Miriam, Lake Ariel, Pa.
It's just another inauguration. I hope the nation does not expect Obama to be a miracle worker.
—Michael, Pasadena, Md.
There is too much ceremony and glitz. Politicians are our servants, not our kings.
—Scott, Richwood, Texas
Obama should join those who can't make ends meet and not spend the money on this celebration.
—Liz, Minneapolis
Waste of time. Get in there and get to work. People need jobs, not speeches and balls.
—Barry, Colorado Springs, Colo.
Mr. Obama is 50% white, 50% black. It is not as historic as the media wants us to believe.
—Toni, Westlake, Ohio
Serious occasion brought down by obscene amount of money spent on glitz and glamour.
—Diane, Wichita, Kan.
With the shape this country is in, should we have a party and a parade?
—Phil, Wake Forest, N.C.
The end of an era! Finally time to remove a worthless bush from the rose garden.
—Steve, Kalamazoo, Mich.
I want to see what he does after the inauguration. It's like wedding vows, nothing but words.
—Jimmy, Atlanta, Texas
Just a waste of our tax money again, and people wonder why we are in financial trouble.
—John, Troy, Ohio
I'm worrying about feeding my kids. They're spending millions for the president to party!
—Melissa, Nashville
It's just another inauguration. His race doesn't matter. His ability to do the job is all that matters.
—Dawn, Vandergrift, Pa.
As of Jan. 20, 2009, our country is going to be in worse shape than it's ever been.
—Bob, Pendleton, Ind.


Well, the cufflinks are ridiculous. The coins and plates and all that is pretty ridiculous too, but people are just trying to make money off of the whole thing. Other than that, I didn't realize how many Obama haters there were on this forum. I love baseless thoughts and comments.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Well, the cufflinks are ridiculous. The coins and plates and all that is pretty ridiculous too, but people are just trying to make money off of the whole thing. Other than that, I didn't realize how many Obama haters there were on this forum. I love baseless thoughts and comments.
Start a thread, most discussions on here, usually the Obama supporters are the coolaid drinkers. And the ones that aren't, aren't willing to use the constitution as a basis of the argument.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Start a thread, most discussions on here, usually the Obama supporters are the coolaid drinkers. And the ones that aren't, aren't willing to use the constitution as a basis of the argument.
Nor are they willing to prove any of their claims on how Obama is going to change things for the better.
"Oh I heard on the radio the other day that he promised everyone a one way ticket to Gaza. Isn't that just great! A free vacation, what a outstanding guy!"


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Well, the cufflinks are ridiculous. The coins and plates and all that is pretty ridiculous too, but people are just trying to make money off of the whole thing. Other than that, I didn't realize how many Obama haters there were on this forum. I love baseless thoughts and comments.
Hey, I voted for the guy. But I voted for his platform and the policies he wants to implement to try to get this country out of the funk it's in. I didn't vote for him because of his color or ethnic background. Unfortunately, the media has begun to portray the guy as the Next Messiah or the Second Coming of MLK. Yea, I realize he's half black, half African-American, or whatever the politically correct term is today, but I'm sick of that being stuffed down my throat by all the media moguls and Hollywood wannabes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Hey, I voted for the guy. But I voted for his platform and the policies he wants to implement to try to get this country out of the funk it's in. I didn't vote for him because of his color or ethnic background. Unfortunately, the media has begun to portray the guy as the Next Messiah or the Second Coming of MLK. Yea, I realize he's half black, half African-American, or whatever the politically correct term is today, but I'm sick of that being stuffed down my throat by all the media moguls and Hollywood wannabes.
So you voted for this policy?
"Finally, we need to integrate service into education, so that young Americans are called upon and prepared to be active citizens.
Just as we teach math and writing, arts and athletics, we need to teach young Americans to take citizenship seriously. Study after study shows that students who serve do better in school, are more likely to go to college, and more likely to maintain that service as adults. So when I’m President, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the time you graduate college, you’ll have done 17 weeks of service. "
I find that scary! I really think that if you do not see any concern over that one of very many socialist change he is trying to implement then you really do not support America as it was intended to be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
So you voted for this policy?
"Finally, we need to integrate service into education, so that young Americans are called upon and prepared to be active citizens.
Just as we teach math and writing, arts and athletics, we need to teach young Americans to take citizenship seriously. Study after study shows that students who serve do better in school, are more likely to go to college, and more likely to maintain that service as adults. So when I’m President, I will set a goal for all American middle and high school students to perform 50 hours of service a year, and for all college students to perform 100 hours of service a year. This means that by the time you graduate college, you’ll have done 17 weeks of service. "
I find that scary! I really think that if you do not see any concern over that one of very many socialist change he is trying to implement then you really do not support America as it was intended to be.

He was talking about COMMUNITY service, not MILITARY service. So what's wrong with getting every young American involved with their community? Shoot, most of the Top 100 colleges in this country pretty much demand you perform some sort of community service if you plan on even getting a chance to be accepted to their institution. Community service builds character, and teaches you to be a better person towards yourself, and other individuals. Both my daughters perform community service for at least 50 hours a year. One is 14, the other is 17. They enjoy being involved with a project that helps people less fortunate than them. It gives them a sense of worth and well being. I don't force them to do it, they want to do it. I suppose you think kids should just be able to sit on their butts playing video games, watching TV, surfing the Internet watching YouTube and MYSpace videos, and 'texting' half their lives away. I'd rather have my kids doing this than having to sit in a classroom taking some stupid Standardized Test to be able to graduate or be promoted to the next grade because of Bush's socialized program called 'No Child Left Behind'.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
He was talking about COMMUNITY service, not MILITARY service. So what's wrong with getting every young American involved with their community? Shoot, most of the Top 100 colleges in this country pretty much demand you perform some sort of community service if you plan on even getting a chance to be accepted to their institution. Community service builds character, and teaches you to be a better person towards yourself, and other individuals. Both my daughters perform community service for at least 50 hours a year. One is 14, the other is 17. They enjoy being involved with a project that helps people less fortunate than them. It gives them a sense of worth and well being. I don't force them to do it, they want to do it. I suppose you think kids should just be able to sit on their butts playing video games, watching TV, surfing the Internet watching YouTube and MYSpace videos, and 'texting' half their lives away. I'd rather have my kids doing this than having to sit in a classroom taking some stupid Standardized Test to be able to graduate or be promoted to the next grade because of Bush's socialized program called 'No Child Left Behind'.
You answered youself in your own post. The kids should want
to do community, not be forced to. If they want to sit and text all day, that's fine. They may not get into college, but that's fine.
There will always be some standardized test too. Otherwise, I can guarantee you without one, and 'teachers' just promoting kids, they will be illiterate freshman in college. Guaranteed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
You answered youself in your own post. The kids should want
to do community, not be forced to. If they want to sit and text all day, that's fine. They may not get into college, but that's fine.
There will always be some standardized test too. Otherwise, I can guarantee you without one, and 'teachers' just promoting kids, they will be illiterate freshman in college. Guaranteed.
Exactly! Forcing community service is wrong period!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
I'd rather have my kids doing this than having to sit in a classroom taking some stupid Standardized Test to be able to graduate or be promoted to the next grade because of Bush's socialized program called 'No Child Left Behind'.
So you would rather see your children pouring soup at a soup kitchen for the homeless than ensuring they learn the basic educational needs needed to succeed and learn the history of this country and the foundations of its laws and such. So basically you would rather them prepare for a job flipping fries than learning the stuff needed to code new computer programs or the math skills needed to be an accountant. Nice.


Originally Posted by AquaKnight
You answered youself in your own post. The kids should want
to do community, not be forced to. If they want to sit and text all day, that's fine. They may not get into college, but that's fine.
There will always be some standardized test too. Otherwise, I can guarantee you without one, and 'teachers' just promoting kids, they will be illiterate freshman in college. Guaranteed.
Wow. Well I'll start off by saying that there are a lot people who support Obama just because he is Obama and they should really support him based on who he is and what he stands for. In the same right there are a lot of people who do not support Obama simply because someone told them he's a socialist (which is untrue), or because they are hard core republicans that would vote for Satan if he were on the Republican ticket. It can be argued that Satan has already been on the Repub ticket and will shortly be leaving office, but I won't go there. I just wanted to clear the air, I support him because of what he stands for and he is a more honorable man than most in politics. Another reason I support him is because the man actually did get to where he is today by his own doing, unlike most past presidents or future presidential hopefuls who were born into wealthy families that groomed them for politics since they were little because they already had their filthy fingers in Congress or the Senate.
I imagine that you're basis for saying that if the kid wants to sit and text all day he should is because we live in America and we're all free to do whatever we want. True, we live in a free country (mostly), but there are certain things you have to do aren't there? You're children HAVE to go to school, or be home schooled, you have to have a job unless you want to live on the street, etc. etc. the list goes on and on. So, when people make comments like yours what they are basically saying is: "I REALLY DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYBODY ELSE BUT MYSELF AND IF SOME KIDS ARE GOING TO BE STUPID WASTES OF LIFE COLLECTING WELFARE BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY TEXTING ALL DAY INSTEAD OF DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE, THEN BY ALL MEANS AS LONG AS IS DOESN'T AFFECT ME" Guess what though? Those fat lards that sit at home all day, don't know how to put a sentence together, and play xbox live all day yelling insults at anyone who isn't american are affecting you...because your tax money goes to supporting them in their do nothing life because obesity is a "disease" now and you are handicapped if you're obese. So not only do they get the best parking, but you pay for their gas and the grease filled food they're going to buy after they wheel themselves into the restaurant on their power scooter that you also paid for through medicare/medicaid (which are socialized medicine BTW). So, tell you're grandparents that they're communist for using medicare/medicaid and collecting Social Security (which is also a socialist program in case the name didn't give it away). Pretty much anything that the government chooses to do for all of the citizens of the U.S. is socialism because it affects every single person uniformly. I'm tired of people saying that anything that this man proposes is socialism. What about the blatant removal of our rights given to us by the constitution that was the Patriot Act that was given to us by the almighty GWB?
BTW, standardized tests like SAT's or PSAT's are good to gauge the intelligence of the student when leaving high school to be accepted into college. These are good tests. The No Child Left Behind b.s. is absolute garbage (and is totally socialist). I'll tell you why its bad, the kids need to pass the test to go to the next grade and for the teacher to keep his/her job. So what happens? The teachers only teach the exact stuff that will be on the tests. There's no open discussion or elaboration on things in classrooms anymore just: "learn this and pass the test".
P.S. I'm totally not against social security or medicare, but I just wanted to point out that those are in theory socialist programs.