anyone going to the inauguration?

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Say what you want, but don't bring up something like 9/11 to cover up the idiocy of our now previous president. The guy is a goofball idiot that is probably a cool dude to go have a beer with, but not a person who should have been president...twice! The U.S. has been the laughing stock of the world for the past 8 years because we had a doof for a president. Seriously, I wouldn't wish something like 9/11 happening under any president's watch and granted it's no easy thing to deal with as POTUS, but the guy is just dumb. We haven't been attacked because security nationwide was tightened and the Dept of Homeland security was created(which was not his idea).Oh, and I'm sorry the "Chicago Political Machine" you speak of, doesn't get people elected president. You've got to do that on your own and apparently the majority of Americans agreed that Obama was the better choice. It's not like he stole an election like GWB, he was actually elected BY THE PEOPLE. I just hope there are more people like you, willing to say, let's give him a chance and see what happens. Hopefully things will get better. Random fact: I own two mini dachshunds.
You call the man a Idiot because his words don't come out as Eloquently as Obama's or do you have some fact that he is a bonafide Idiot?I think Bush was elected because he is a man of his word"Say what you mean and mean what you say" American trusted him with their safety.He sent a message to the rest of the world and they heard it.You act as if Bush went down to Florida and stole boxes of ballots.
So you think Obama got elected on his own EH? No help from the Chicago Machine and the Democratic Party? Obama was a perfect product,a black man that was well educated and spoke eloquently, that was bought by a majority of America and sold by the DNC.Obama has no past,he has very limited experience and no record to support he will make a good president.


Active Member
Oh let the fun begin...
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
. who he is and what he stands for.
Who is he and what does he stand for?
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
... he's a socialist (which is untrue),
Wanting to "redistribute wealth" is about as close to Marx as you can get, wouldn't you agree?
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
...he is a more honorable man than most in politics.
Based on?
Originally Posted by SteveDave08

Another reason I support him is because the man actually did get to where he is today by his own doing...
He got to where he was primarily based on 2 things;
1. Race, of which obviously he had no say in the matter
2. Getting ordained by the Chicago political machine aka "rev" Wright, Ayers, etc.
he never ran a business, spent very little time in office. Championed virtually no legislation on a National Level, holds the record for voting the most liberally, virtually never voted against party lines, hold the records for both asking to change his vote after it was counted AND abstaining from voting in Il.
when he served there...
What about that makes you proud?
Originally Posted by SteveDave08

I imagine that you're basis for saying that if the kid wants to sit and text all day he should is because we live in America and we're all free to do whatever we want. True, we live in a free country (mostly), but there are certain things you have to do aren't there? You're children HAVE to go to school, or be home schooled, you have to have a job unless you want to live on the street, etc. etc. the list goes on and on. So, when people make comments like yours what they are basically saying is: "I REALLY DON'T CARE ABOUT ANYBODY ELSE BUT MYSELF AND IF SOME KIDS ARE GOING TO BE STUPID WASTES OF LIFE COLLECTING WELFARE BECAUSE THEY WERE TOO BUSY TEXTING ALL DAY INSTEAD OF DOING SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE, THEN BY ALL MEANS AS LONG AS IS DOESN'T AFFECT ME" Guess what though? Those fat lards that sit at home all day, don't know how to put a sentence together, and play xbox live all day yelling insults at anyone who isn't american are affecting you...because your tax money goes to supporting them....
Classic Liberal thinking...
Our Nation was founded on the Right to Pursue happiness. Let people sit and play XBox and eat Cheetos all day long if they want. Just DON'T ask me to pay for it. Unfortunately, the Liberals conveniently forget they are the ones asking the rest of us to pay for them in the first place.
Your answer is always "bigger" Government. How about we simply cut down on welfare? That's a much simpler fix than expanding it and all the trappings that go with it...
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
... medicare/medicaid (which are socialized medicine BTW). So, tell you're grandparents that they're communist for using medicare/medicaid and collecting Social Security (which is also a socialist program in case the name didn't give it away). Pretty much anything that the government chooses to do for all of the citizens of the U.S. is socialism because it affects every single person uniformly. I'm tired of people saying that anything that this man proposes is socialism.
Nice try...
If I pay into my own retirement, that is NOT Socialism... Paying illegals welfare and SS would be Socialism. Guess which Party wants to do that, btw? Medicare/Medicare same thing. It's not Socialism until the Liberals begin trying to get the haves to pay for the have nots.
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
What about the blatant removal of our rights given to us by the constitution that was the Patriot Act that was given to us by the almighty GWB?
Please quote which part of the Patriot Act you lost rights under?
Originally Posted by SteveDave08

P.S. I'm totally not against social security or medicare, but I just wanted to point out that those are in theory socialist programs.
And who brought us these ineffective programs? Which party blocked reforming or privatizing them?
You're trying to defend Obama's Socialist leanings by citing Liberal programs many of us feel need to be radically changed. That's not winning you any points in the debate.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
What does that even mean? Elaborate or don't post at all. I'm one of those....oh no!
And you are calling Bush an idiot? But want me to elaborate what was a pretty clear comment. You are one of those that still bring up after 8 years of stealing an election, when it was handled under law. when independent studies showed Bush won Florida no matter how you twist it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
When's the last time you've spoken to a high school student? Virtually every college admissions form for any higher institution of learning asks about what extracirricular and COMMUNITY SERVICE projects and time has a student performed while attending school. ...
The last time I checked, and honestly it has been a couple of years, Texas Law was that the top 10% of students in each graduating class were automatically admitted into any public institution in Texas.
Has this changed?


Originally Posted by Veni Vidi Vici
You call the man a Idiot because his words don't come out as Eloquently as Obama's or do you have some fact that he is a bonafide Idiot?I think Bush was elected because he is a man of his word"Say what you mean and mean what you say" American trusted him with their safety.He sent a message to the rest of the world and they heard it.You act as if Bush went down to Florida and stole boxes of ballots.
So you think Obama got elected on his own EH? No help from the Chicago Machine and the Democratic Party? Obama was a perfect product,a black man that was well educated and spoke eloquently, that was bought by a majority of America and sold by the DNC.Obama has no past,he has very limited experience and no record to support he will make a good president.
It's not just how he speaks...the guy has trouble putting 2 and 2 together. If it's not obvious then watch more closely next time you watch this guy speak. His father wasn't like that...I actually liked him.
Of course all candidates are supported by where they come from and by either the DNC or RNC, don't be ridiculous. All elections are like that...the DNC or RNC is selling their candidate...that's the point isn't it? We'll just have to wait and see what type of president he'll be. I can say this though, the struggles the guy has surpassed in his life to get to where he's at are no joke. i respect him for it and it does upset me when people act like they just picked some guy off the street. the guy has substance, which is something that's been lacking in the white house for a while.


Active Member
crimany, guys. this is like starting a merry christmas thread and having everyone post about the evil of christianity and commercialism. i didnt ask for your friggin personal opinion on barack obama, democrats, or whatever else. i asked if anyone was going to the friggin inauguration.

whatever. Obama is now my president and i am damn proud. i wish i could have been there. but i couldnt, so i watched it at school, between exams.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Most college exams are not standardized tests. You normally have to take the SAT or PSAT to get a score to get into a college, but most college courses don't structure their normal exams like the state standardized tests. The TAKS tests in Texas are pretty much the equivalent of a final exam. They cover every topic taught during the entire school year. The high school exams go back to courses taken in 9th grade. You have the 11th and 12th grade to pass the four (now five) exams. How much information from your 9th grade classes do you remember? The TAKS is equivalent to you spending an entire semester in a college class, and ONE test determines whether you'll pass that class or not. How many college courses did you take that your requirements for passing that course were based on one grade from a single test? Like I said, some students have a hard time taking standardized tests that cover such a wide variety of information. Most kids who are in the Top 10% of their class regard the tests as simplistic. It's the kids who have retention problems (like my daughter with ADHD), and the kids who just have mental blocks with these type of tests who fail. I know a girl that was an A/B student who tried every chance she had to pass her Math TAKS test to graduate and couldn't. She ended up not being able to graduate with her class, and wasn't allowed to walk up the stage with her fellow students to get her diploma. She ended up taking and passing the GED equivalent test to get her high school diploma to go to college. Her parents spent over $2000 at one of those Sylvan Learning Centers to 'teach' her how to take the SAT. She got an 1850 and was admitted to UT Austin. What's laughable is one of her first classes was a Pre-Calculus course. She passed the class with a 95 average.
Well I'm not that familiar with TSAK's. But if your daughter or other students have a diagnosed medical condition/learning impairment, obviously some type of exception should be made. For me personally, I guess things are different in Texas vs. Florida. The FCAT's weren't related to the classes, more general education stuff. At my time it was just mathematics, and reading/comprehension. As I understand it now, they've added science and civics, which I'm all for. More people should know science and government. And trying to think back, was pretty close to the SATs/ACTs I took.
As far as college courses coming down to the final,
, is most an answer? When they're weighted at 35% of the course, and I have a 80% average, they matter a great deal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Since this thread has turned political and Obama is OFFICIAL.
All you Obama bashers you are the minority. 69,456,897-popular vote

*63% of Americans surveyed cannot find Iraq on a map
*50% of Americans surveyed cannot find the State of New York
*The majority of Palestinians in Gaza elected Hamas to power
*Hugo Chavez won by a landslide in Venezuela
*Achmedinjihad (sp?) won by a landslide in Iran
*The Nazi Party came to power in Germany through elections
History is riddled with examples of the masses not making the right choice....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
the guy has substance, which is something that's been lacking in the white house for a while.
Elaborate on this. Fidel Castro had substance. Hitler had substance, I am in no way comparing them to Obama...but to just say a man has substance, is not enough for myself. I know plenty of people of substance, yet I would never ask them to run this country. Bush, had substance in his own way. The reason his approval rating is so low in this country is not because of the war. It is because he made some of us conservatives mad with his liberal attitude towards spending....Congresses approval rating is even lower......and it didn't drop lower until the democrats took power.......I give it a year before you see Obama's approval rating dropping significantley. I hope I am wrong and he does good, but from what he has said in the lead up to the inauguration, I don't see it.
To further touch on approval rating, his current approval numbers are high. Yet the question asked to get this number was do you approve of the way Obama is handling things right now. ....WHAT WAS HE DOING....HE WASN'T IN OFFICE YET AND HELD NO AUTHORITY. So the approval rating is based off of speeches. That is all...not action, speeches, which was my problem with his campaign. And he has already changed positions on many things he campaigned on and promised.....before his first day.......


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
.... Oh, and one last thing. I love when people talk about bias media, but never mention fox news' unhealthy hatred of our new Commander in Chief.
And I love how people throw out Fox News while ignoring ABC, CBS, NBC, New York Times, CNN, MSNBC, etc....
Fox News certainly leans Right. That said, it is only one Network out of a myriad of choices and they have more libs on their staff than the others have Conservatives.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Say what you want, but don't bring up something like 9/11 to cover up the idiocy of our now previous president. The guy is a goofball idiot that is probably a cool dude to go have a beer with, but not a person who should have been president...twice! The U.S. has been the laughing stock of the world for the past 8 years ....
Popular Liberal talking point, but a lie nonetheless.
Much of Europe, for instance, has consistently voted more Conservative and voted for Pro-US candidates more the past 8 years than under Clinton.
I assure you they don't laugh about him in the caves of Afghanistan.
He's moderately well received in Iraq.
The list goes on...

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
It's not just how he speaks...the guy has trouble putting 2 and 2 together. If it's not obvious then watch more closely next time you watch this guy speak. His father wasn't like that...I actually liked him.
Of course all candidates are supported by where they come from and by either the DNC or RNC, don't be ridiculous. All elections are like that...the DNC or RNC is selling their candidate...that's the point isn't it? We'll just have to wait and see what type of president he'll be. I can say this though, the struggles the guy has surpassed in his life to get to where he's at are no joke. i respect him for it and it does upset me when people act like they just picked some guy off the street. the guy has substance, which is something that's been lacking in the white house for a while.
The your statement that the Chicago Machine had nothing to do with his Presidency then is wrong .Listen i would rather have a President that doesn't speak like Shakespeare but has a backbone Patton,than have Shakespeare with Pee-Wee Herman's backbone. Bush Had conviction in what he was doing without fear of public opinion.He did what he thought was the best for our country not flip flop with the political opinion winds. I have respect for that no matter what i think of his policy,and for the record i supported him on most policy.If you think Bush has no substance then i would like to know your definition of it?Just because you don't agree with Bush doesn't make his actions wrong,it just makes them contradictory to what you would have him do. Unfortunately for you it dosent work that way.The man stood for something that apparently you don't understand.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The last time I checked, and honestly it has been a couple of years, Texas Law was that the top 10% of students in each graduating class were automatically admitted into any public institution in Texas.
Has this changed?
It is for now, however the Top Tier schools are pushing the Texas Legislature to change that. "Automatically Admitted" and being "Accepted" are two different things. Enrollment at UT Austin, Texas A&M, Baylor, and Texas Tech is so high, they can't let the top 10% automatically in. You get put on a deferred list with an opportunity to attend when a slot becomes available. That 'list' is prioritized by what's written on the students application. Trust me, my daughter is a junior in high school this year, and she's already building up her 'resume' for college admissions. I have several friends that work in the college admissions departments (or are part of the staff) at various colleges around the country. All of them tell me a prospective student is put at the bottom of the stack if their application doesn't list at least three extracirricular activities, including charity work and community service projects.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Right and about a 30% approval rating here in the United States. Maybe GWB should go be president of Africa and send all of their children to war for no reason. I bet his approval rating would drop then.
War in Afghanistan = Justified (They were hiding Al-qaeda)
War in Iraq = Not justified ("They tried to kill my daddy!')
Yes, because no Al Qaeda have been killed in Iraq. After all, ALL Al Qaeda must forever stay within the boundaries of Afghanistan. They won't move out once we start killing them there, nope, no way...