anyone going to the inauguration?


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Oh yes, rev Wright and Ayers launched Obama into the world of politics and made him president. NO. He went to a church where the pastor turned out to be a nutbag. I went to a church where the priest molested several kids(totally not lying he was the pastor of our school)...does that make me a bad person because I went to that church/school?
You'll certainly need a better anology than your situation. Obama attending Wrights "church" would be a decent comparison if you knew that the preist was molesting kids and he preached about how great and liberating was it was every Sunday.
Do you honeslty believe that Obama was a longtime member of that church and didnt know what it stood for or it's core values? That is scary.


Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Right, he stood for sending my two cousins into combat in Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. One of my cousins now has burn scars over 80% of his body after his Bradley was hit by an IED. While on fire he was able to pull his driver out and save the rest of his unit. The Iraq war was not necessary, nor was it necessary for my cousin to live the rest of his life bearing those scars because of a decision made on a whim. Wow, he has balls, he made a decision and said F what everyone else thinks. Sure got us real far. There's a difference between having a backbone and having a massive army at your disposal that you can point and shoot with. Trust me, if GWB had to be out there fighting he wouldn't be.
Congress sent your cousins into combat, are you blaming them for anything or just bashing the former President? As far as one being injured, he signed up and knew the risks. No blame is placed on anyone injured in the military. It is a sad side effect of war and one where blame should never be placed on someone.
I actually have a better life then i did 8 years ago, and am less at risk for any terror attack, but i guess out of sight out of mind for some people.
Hopefully the new President will continue some things of the last administration and do some things differently.
Lastly, I hope congress changes more then anything else. They are to blame for many bad decisions, sadly the President is usually blamed for the poor choices of congress.


You people can argue all you want, but one thing that will not be changing is OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!!

So get over it


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
You people can argue all you want, but one thing that will not be changing is OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!!

So get over it

Well, I dunno, we could impeach him... He clearly had his people speak with Blagos people, when trying to buy the senate seat. Offered them good jobs once they got out. Then impeded a federal investigation in the matter...


Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
Congress sent your cousins into combat, are you blaming them for anything or just bashing the former President? As far as one being injured, he signed up and knew the risks. No blame is placed on anyone injured in the military. It is a sad side effect of war and one where blame should never be placed on someone.
I actually have a better life then i did 8 years ago, and am less at risk for any terror attack, but i guess out of sight out of mind for some people.
Hopefully the new President will continue some things of the last administration and do some things differently.
Lastly, I hope congress changes more then anything else. They are to blame for many bad decisions, sadly the President is usually blamed for the poor choices of congress.
You know I am glad you brought that up. Congress has more power than most people realize. They are really the ones who call the shoots when all is said and done. I personally do not like Obama but our congress situation is super scary and that could be argued in a different thread all together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
You know I am glad you brought that up. Congress has more power than most people realize. They are really the ones who call the shoots when all is said and done. I personally do not like Obama but our congress situation is super scary and that could be argued in a different thread all together.

Eheeehehehee Good point!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Well, I dunno, we could impeach him... He clearly had his people speak with Blagos people, when trying to buy the senate seat. Offered them good jobs once they got out. Then impeded a federal investigation in the matter...
Well you're just a big mean Repub who's out to get him...


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight
Well you're just a big mean Repub who's out to get him...

I was hoping the sarcasm would be apparent. Because that is just as silly as half the things said here. I was trying to show absurdity by flipping it. I guess it didn't catch on.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
You people can argue all you want, but one thing that will not be changing is OBAMA IS PRESIDENT!!

So get over it

This funny considering many democrats still haven't got over the 2000 election.
On a serious note. We can only go based off his actions. Words mean very little but Action means everything. And judging from his actions already I have reason to be concerned. For god's sake he appointed a Treasury secretary that did not pay his taxes for 5 years, and paid them just before he accepted Obama's job offer......

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Right, he stood for sending my two cousins into combat in Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9/11. One of my cousins now has burn scars over 80% of his body after his Bradley was hit by an IED. While on fire he was able to pull his driver out and save the rest of his unit. The Iraq war was not necessary, nor was it necessary for my cousin to live the rest of his life bearing those scars because of a decision made on a whim. Wow, he has balls, he made a decision and said F what everyone else thinks. Sure got us real far. There's a difference between having a backbone and having a massive army at your disposal that you can point and shoot with. Trust me, if GWB had to be out there fighting he wouldn't be.
Soldiers join the service knowing that they may be called into harms way.They are our warriors and this is what they do,my hat is off to your cousin.I have relatives in Iraq now as well and i hope they make it home well.War is ugly business.
Bush never said he was sending our troops into Iraq because of 9/11,it was the the countless snubs of UN Resolutions that got us into Iraq. BTW it just so happened to turn into a fine Al Qaeda killing ground.Better there than here.
I've listened to President Bush speak of the sacrifice of our troops,and i highly doubt he took his decision lightly sending them to Iraq and Afghanistan.If you believe he is the Christian man he says he is ,then you cant believe he did this for any other reason but the right one.Or at the very least the one that he believed was in our best interest.
When you say "Believe me" why should anyone?I don't know where you get the right to accuse Bush of being a coward unless you know him personally. I cant think of a tougher decision a president has to make than to send our men and women into combat knowing some will die.So i would have to assume he thought it was very necessary.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
They don't laugh in Afghanistan because they hardly realize the US presence over there. They've watched us waste the last 6 years in Iraq giving away the farm to a bunch of people that would shoot you in the back the first opportunity they got. I guess he would be 'moderately received' in Iraq, since he's given them billions of our dollars and pretty much built them a new country. His approval rating in the US wouldn't be so low if he'd do the same thing here. Shoot, I'd praise his name for all to hear if he handed me $250 billion (or whatever outrageous amount it is), built me a new house, gave me a new high paying job, and put food on my table for free.
The US Bailout is over 1 Trillion.... And you continually fail to ignore Congressional approval ratings.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
The "redistribute the wealth" comment. Wow, Obama bashers love this one. It's been taken out of context completely. What is meant by redistributing the wealth is the following:
(these are examples, not exact %)
I make $70k a year and pay 15% tax on my income.
My buddy makes $3 million a year, but pays 5% tax on his income.
Buddy should pay the same percentage applied to what he makes as I do. He should pay more because he makes more. I'm not asking I pay less, I'm saying pay the same % I do. That's Obama's tax plan in a nutshell. It can be called redistributing the wealth because at the moment the rich were keeping all this extra wealth causing the middle class to stall out and the rich to get even more wealthy for no good reason.
Holy cow that is wrong... every single facet in that post is wrong.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
You're a character. Of course they were going to spread out of Afghanistan eventually, we just gave them a place to kill American soldiers that wasn't available yet....Iraq. We made ourselves readily available for their cowardly attacks close to their homes. So they all went to Iraq to become martyrs because we Americans are evil and we were easily accessible for martyring purposes in Iraq. They didn't even have to fly to the U.S.
Would you have rather they flew to the USA? Do you believe our Fight Attendants and first responders are more qualified to fight them than our military?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Well, I dunno, we could impeach him... He clearly had his people speak with Blagos people, when trying to buy the senate seat. Offered them good jobs once they got out. Then impeded a federal investigation in the matter...
I expected and hoped you would respond...
Guess what! He IS President and will be for the next 4 years.. Hope you broke yourself buying ur guns n ammo

Watch out NRA


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
This funny considering many democrats still haven't got over the 2000 election.
On a serious note. We can only go based off his actions. Words mean very little but Action means everything. And judging from his actions already I have reason to be concerned. For god's sake he appointed a Treasury secretary that did not pay his taxes for 5 years, and paid them just before he accepted Obama's job offer......
And the beloved republican's Joe the plumber owes back taxes, and thinks he will truly buy a plumbing company