anyone going to the inauguration?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
The majority, yes I would believe so, ask Bush, Cheney, regan, really any war mongerer(sp)
So, just to clarify...
Your position is that supporters of the 2nd Amendment and supporters of wars are racists?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
OOOO wait a minute, doesn't the KKK endorse the NRA??
Didn't Rev Wright endorse President Obama? Do you really want to play the guilty-of-racism-by-association Card?
Please enlighten me. How does supporting the 2nd Amendment or supporting our military actions equate to racism?


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
So, just to clarify...
Your position is that supporters of the 2nd Amendment and supporters of wars are racists?
Anyway your a texan, soo what would I expect... Your only 10yrs. behind the east coast mentality...
Back to the point, cant wait for OBAMA to abolish the lobbyist groups woot!!!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Didn't Rev Wright endorse President Obama? Do you really want to play the guilty-of-racism-by-association Card?
Please enlighten me. How does supporting the 2nd Amendment or supporting our military actions equate to racism?
umm what does the second amendment have to do with the military??


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Didn't Rev Wright endorse President Obama? Do you really want to play the guilty-of-racism-by-association Card?
Please enlighten me. How does supporting the 2nd Amendment or supporting our military actions equate to racism?
And dam did the rev tell the truth! He is not racist, he IS just tired of the old, white mentality that has run this nation since the days of slavery,


Active Member

Originally Posted by jp30338
Anyway your
a texan, soo what would I expect... Your only 10yrs. behind the east coast mentality...
Back to the point, cant wait for OBAMA to abolish the lobbyist groups woot!!!
The "east coast" mentality, huh? Is that in any way related to the east coast educational system?

If the East Coast mentality is for gutting the Constitution I'd say we are a lot farther than 10 years behind you.


I am sure that this will be lost among the arguing, but I will post anyway. Regardless of your thoughts of the new president, he is here for the next four years at least. I didn't personally vote for him but I have no choice but to hope that his plans will have a positive impact. This video has been on my mind all day so I will post it for you all.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
When are the mods gonna close this thread I wonder?
The only reason I could see why they would close this is because you are trying to instigate it. Calling people racist that support our freedom to bear arms is ignorant at best. The more you post the more ridiculous you sound. Get ready for your place in the soup line.


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am sure that this will be lost among the arguing, but I will post anyway. Regardless of your thoughts of the new president, he is here for the next four years at least. I didn't personally vote for him but I have no choice but to hope that his plans will have a positive impact. This video has been on my mind all day so I will post it for you all.
lol, that video just made me more angry Sep.

All we've heard for the past 2 years from certain politicians is the same mantra; America is bad, our troops have failed, we are bad, we need "change", God is outdated, etc. etc. etc.
As jp3033 so eloquently put it; That song and video are 10 years behind the east coast way of thinking. The marrow of what our Nation was founded upon is being sucked away. Listen closely to the inaugural speech today. Compare the speech to what the founding fathers established. You will find very few similarities.


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
You said war mongerers are racists. I'm just trying to follow your train of thought.
Your so wrong, go get your good ole texas education and read again. Is it me or do texans have a difficult time with their words? ;)
Anyway, I just wanted to stir the pot a bit, have a goodnight and dream of the great things that will be tomorrow.


Active Member
In light of everything that's happened in this election, I'm proud of this country, but not proud of the situations we've gotten ourself into. I am hopeful that our government will work things out.
But to be honest, this thread really disappoints me. I'm pretty disgusted with SteveDave08 in particular. It shows to me just how willing people are to listen to what their itching ears want to hear... and fight tooth and nail for it.
This post is futile, this thread is futile. None of it makes any difference. The sooner you guys realize that, the better. Reading/Posting in this thread is like trying to drive a car in neutral.... no matter how much you try, you won't get anywhere. This is my first and last post on this thread.
Hopefully you guys will get some sense into your heads... if you still fight, then I have even less faith in the American people.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
WOW! Could not have said it better myself, thx!

That's because you did say it...
Originally Posted by jp30338

The majority, yes I would believe so, ask Bush, Cheney, regan, really any war mongerer(sp)


Active Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
I am sure that this will be lost among the arguing, but I will post anyway. Regardless of your thoughts of the new president, he is here for the next four years at least. I didn't personally vote for him but I have no choice but to hope that his plans will have a positive impact. This video has been on my mind all day so I will post it for you all.
Thanks Sep.!


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
lol, that video just made me more angry Sep.

All we've heard for the past 2 years from certain politicians is the same mantra; America is bad, our troops have failed, we are bad, we need "change", God is outdated, etc. etc. etc.
As jp3033 so eloquently put it; That song and video are 10 years behind the east coast way of thinking. The marrow of what our Nation was founded upon is being sucked away. Listen closely to the inaugural speech today. Compare the speech to what the founding fathers established. You will find very few similarities.

The founding fathers?? What?? It is 2009, not 1809 come on.. It is a great vid though.
Again, journey, check your facts. I never said anything derogatory towards our troops or military.


Active Member
Originally Posted by YearOfTheNick
In light of everything that's happened in this election, I'm proud of this country, but not proud of the situations we've gotten ourself into. I am hopeful that our government will work things out.
But to be honest, this thread really disappoints me. I'm pretty disgusted with SteveDave08 in particular. It shows to me just how willing people are to listen to what their itching ears want to hear... and fight tooth and nail for it.
This post is futile, this thread is futile. None of it makes any difference. The sooner you guys realize that, the better. Reading/Posting in this thread is like trying to drive a car in neutral.... no matter how much you try, you won't get anywhere. This is my first and last post on this thread.
Hopefully you guys will get some sense into your heads... if you still fight, then I have even less faith in the American people.
I certainly respect your opinion, but I disagree with your premise.
I firmly believe the reason our country is in the shape that it finds itself today is because people haven't fought hard enough.