anyone going to the inauguration?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Anyway your a texan, soo what would I expect... Your only 10yrs. behind the east coast mentality...
Back to the point, cant wait for OBAMA to abolish the lobbyist groups woot!!!

I just finished reading several of your posts and i must say your lack of knowledge is astounding.
Why would Obama abolish lobbyist groups (even if he had that power) when they give so much more to Democrats than republicans.
Of the top 10 lobbying groups in the united states only 2 give more to Republicans than Democrats, 51 and 55 percent.
The remaining 8 give 98, 63, 90, 97, 93, 91, 95, 89 percent to democrats.
A lobbying group is considered to be favoring a particular party when their giving favors a party by 20% or more over the other.
Of the top 20 lobbying groups 14 favor Democrats, 3 favor Republicans with the highest percentage being 72%. 12 of the 14 groups favoring the Democrats gave over 90% of their money to the Democrats.
So if lobbyists are evil why are you voting for the party that they hold in their back pocket?
As far as your stupid statement about the NRA they are the 34th largest lobbying group in the nation giving 17% to Democrats, 84 percent to Republicans. If they had been proven to be sponsors of hate groups there should be some reporting about it. Got link?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
The US Bailout is over 1 Trillion.... And you continually fail to ignore Congressional approval ratings.
I'll agree 100% Congress sucks, regardless of party affiliation. You blame it on the Democrats, but believe me, it's been going on WAY longer than that. I'm all for term limits for both the Senate and House. Start weeding out the lifers. I find it amazing that Kennedy has been there 50 YEARS.
The bailout wasn't part of your response. You were talking about the Iraq conflict. Don't try to hide and justify the waste and outrageous costs of the useless Iraq conflict behind the other useless bailout funding. I don't agree with that one either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
I just finished reading several of your posts and i must say your lack of knowledge is astounding.
Why would Obama abolish lobbyist groups (even if he had that power) when they give so much more to Democrats than republicans.
Of the top 10 lobbying groups in the united states only 2 give more to Republicans than Democrats, 51 and 55 percent.
The remaining 8 give 98, 63, 90, 97, 93, 91, 95, 89 percent to democrats.
A lobbying group is considered to be favoring a particular party when their giving favors a party by 20% or more over the other.
Of the top 20 lobbying groups 14 favor Democrats, 3 favor Republicans with the highest percentage being 72%. 12 of the 14 groups favoring the Democrats gave over 90% of their money to the Democrats.
So if lobbyists are evil why are you voting for the party that they hold in their back pocket?
As far as your stupid statement about the NRA they are the 34th largest lobbying group in the nation giving 17% to Democrats, 84 percent to Republicans. If they had been proven to be sponsors of hate groups there should be some reporting about it. Got link?
What is the valid purpose of a lobbyist? They slide money under the table to get a congressman to vote in their favor. I thought a congressman's job was to support their constituents, not some special group that has their own private agenda. The US Government is just one hugh sham that screws the rest of the people of this nation. They are like every other person in this country - looking out for No. 1. If it's a choice between what's good for them, and what's good for the people they represent, they choose the former. I bet you couldn't find one single politician that has been 100% truthful during their tenor in their respectable positions. That goes for every single politician in every single phase of government - Judicial, Executive, Legislative. Please don't give me the "Well if you don't like your representative, then vote them out" mantra. We all know how that works. It's who can buy the most votes these days. The days of having a 'Mr. Roberts' in a top political spot have been non-existent since the 40's. There's not one person on this forum that would have the slightest chance to ever obtain a congressional seat if they truly wanted one. Not unless you're extremely wealthy, or have enormous connections in the political arena. You want to fix this country? Start at the top people. Clean house and start all over again.


Active Member
What was with this Rev. Lowery's benediction ending? us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right."
Talk about a racist. Will the older black community in this country ever quit holding what happened almost 200 YEARS ago over 'whitey's' head?


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Did more people vote than EVER before in a U.S. election just b/c of Obama? Did Obama win by a landslide?
The answer is YES to all. Numbers do not lie.

yes acorn made sure that all homeless people in almost every major city and their pets got to vote at least nine times
i would win by a landslide too if sparky, spot and freckles had their say....

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
What was with this Rev. Lowery's benediction ending? us work for that day when black will not be asked to give back, when brown can stick around, when yellow will be mellow, when the red man can get ahead, man, and when white will embrace what is right."
Talk about a racist. Will the older black community in this country ever quit holding what happened almost 200 YEARS ago over 'whitey's' head?
The last time i heard this was on the playground of my grade school its a old street poem of sorts.I know a lot of people are not happy about it.In all fairness to the Rev. whatever his name was,I think he just trying to get a chuckle .But ....Who knows

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
I know what people from NY think about georgians and it isn't But hey, i am not from here, and a lot of what is said IS very much true once you get 50 miles in any direction outside of Atlanta.
I think what people think of Georgia extends across the nation when we are talking politics.
1. A nasty recession
2. The oil crisis
3. Boycotting the Olypics
4. Iranian revolutionaries threatening us
5. Terrorists taking our hostages, but us unable to get them out.
6. A disastrous foreign policy
7. The malaise and feelings of dread spreading through the country.


Whatever, I'm happy after having watched the inauguration and I could care less what anyone has to say about anything really. We'll just have to wait and see what happens right? I do agree with journey on one thing, we as a country are afraid of our government and do not fight back or protest when we do not like something. We just argue about it on fish forums or at work with others. No one gets a crowd together and protests. Even the french, the white flag wavers, protest anything. Last time they tried to take like 2 sick days away from people they protested in the streets and shut down major cities in doing so.Peaceful protest is one of our rights and we don't use it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
What did I dismiss? I just said I hope Obama abolishes the stupid lobbyists that try to run our government
What do you think Resko was trying to do when he helped Obama buy his house? Or Ayers?
But I digress Obama could have killed mother Therisa, Mandella and MLK and you would still worship him.


Active Member
Someone correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Obama run a PAC and use money from it to pay electoral college members?
That someone would talk about President Obama abolishing lobbyist groups while ignoring Obama had his own PAC is just one of the many silly, silly things Obama supporters have dreamed up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by SteveDave08
Whatever, I'm happy after having watched the inauguration and I could care less what anyone has to say about anything really. We'll just have to wait and see what happens right? I do agree with journey on one thing, we as a country are afraid of our government and do not fight back or protest when we do not like something. We just argue about it on fish forums or at work with others. No one gets a crowd together and protests. Even the french, the white flag wavers, protest anything. Last time they tried to take like 2 sick days away from people they protested in the streets and shut down major cities in doing so.Peaceful protest is one of our rights and we don't use it.
yeah we should riot in the streets!
Seriously? How many "marches" did you see covered while bush was in office, it seemed like there was one every couple of weeks. (I mean typically 100 people would be there, and they'd play it off like thousands but still)


Active Member
1journeyman I believe that you are asking valid questions and have legitimate answers. Those you are arguing with are ill informed on the laws of this country. I truly believe that anyone that has respect for our country and the constitution can not have a valid argument that Obama will be a good man for our country. Yes he is president, but we do not have to idly sit back and watch him destroy our freedoms. I for one am willing to stand tall and protest what is going to come about if he does get out of line. And no it will not just be standing on a street corner with a lame sign. People's complacency will ruin this country. I do believe that things absolutely happen for a reason. Maybe Obama had to be elected so people will stand up!

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
I believe that you are asking valid questions and have legitimate answers. Those you are arguing with are ill informed on the laws of this country. I truly believe that anyone that has respect for our country and the constitution can not have a valid argument that Obama will be a good man for our country. Yes he is president, but we do not have to idly sit back and watch him destroy our freedoms. I for one am willing to stand tall and protest what is going to come about if he does get out of line. And no it will not just be standing on a street corner with a lame sign. People's complacency will ruin this country. I do believe that things absolutely happen for a reason. Maybe Obama had to be elected so people will stand up!
I agree with with this completely. However since his campaign was ran off hope, I can only HOPE a lot of his campaign rhetoric was just that, rhetoric. I am willing to see what the man does. However as I stated before I can only go off of what he has said. So until I see his actions I will protest and discuss what he has said.If his actions prove me wrong, I will support the man.
Right now he is the first president in a long time that has the support to do some good, without receiving an immediate backlash from the I will see if he uses that for the good of this country.
But until I see action, I will still debate his platform as I disagree with a large amount of it. I will say I have seen him move to the center more as his campaign has gone as I stated I have HOPE that he sees clearly the needs of this country and not the DESIRES. There is a huge difference. And most of his campaign rhetoric in the beginning was based off desire, not need.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I agree with with this completely. However since his campaign was ran off hope, I can only HOPE a lot of his campaign rhetoric was just that, rhetoric. I am willing to see what the man does. However as I stated before I can only go off of what he has said. So until I see his actions I will protest and discuss what he has said.If his actions prove me wrong, I will support the man.
Right now he is the first president in a long time that has the support to do some good, without receiving an immediate backlash from the I will see if he uses that for the good of this country.
But until I see action, I will still debate his platform as I disagree with a large amount of it. I will say I have seen him move to the center more as his campaign has gone as I stated I have HOPE that he sees clearly the needs of this country and not the DESIRES. There is a huge difference. And most of his campaign rhetoric in the beginning was based off desire, not need.
I totally agree, but if he is only doing positive things for a front to keep his true agenda in the background I would not be surprised.
I have been given a gift, and sometimes it really has been a cure on my life, I have a knack to be able to know when someone is lying. It does get a little more involved than that if the person is physically present with me. I do not know why I can do this but everyone that knows me can vouch that I can pick out a liar better than most.
That being said is the reason why I have a hard time with politicians. They lie so much I do not know if they are even aware that they are doing it.
BTW I do not nor will I ever claim that I have a psychic power.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by gypsana
I totally agree, but if he is only doing positive things for a front to keep his true agenda in the background I would not be surprised.
I have been given a gift, and sometimes it really has been a cure on my life, I have a knack to be able to know when someone is lying. It does get a little more involved than that if the person is physically present with me. I do not know why I can do this but everyone that knows me can vouch that I can pick out a liar better than most.
That being said is the reason why I have a hard time with politicians. They lie so much I do not know if they are even aware that they are doing it.
BTW I do not nor will I ever claim that I have a psychic power.
LOL I know exactly what your talking about. Some people have a Biological Clock others have a built in BS Detector.I can Detect BS shortly after a person open his/her mouth.You just know.