anyone going to the inauguration?


Active Member

Originally Posted by stdreb27
I hope he falls on his face! Think about what would happen if he passes half the stuff that he wants to pass.
Why in the world would I wish someone success, when to him success is passing things that I believe would fundamentally destroy the makeup of this country.
What you hope for is that once at the controls he realizes that his liberal agenda will ride him (and the country) into a ditch and change course.
I can't hope a liberal agenda will work because it has already been demonstrated that it doesn't.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
What you hope for is that once at the controls he realizes that his liberal agenda will ride him (and the country) into a ditch and change course.
I can't hope a liberal agenda will work because it has already been demonstrated that it doesn't.

This, thing that Republicans are saying. "I hope he succeeds" just does not compute. I get the idea of what they are saying, I hope America succeeds while obama is in office. But that is like saying, I hope everything a Republican "SHOULD" stand for is wrong, and pure liberalism is right.
If you don't think he is a liberal ideologue, either you buy the spin his spinsters are spinning, you're a leftist nut, and think he is right or you are just terrified of being branded as a racist by his cohorts that control basically every facet of media. Because there is no way you walk away from the stuff and people he's made a conscious choice to surround himself with. Without a lot of that rubbing off on you.
Once you've reached that point, you don't have a "come to jesus" moment and suddenly start thinking for the first time in your life. Heck I'm 25, and I doubt a liberal could change my mind. All be it, I have common sense and logic on my side...
So yes, I hope he falls flat on his face, and is an utter and complete failure, because if he succeeds at what I know is his ideological goals for this country, we're screwed.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
This, thing that Republicans are saying. "I hope he succeeds" just does not compute. I get the idea of what they are saying, I hope America succeeds while obama is in office. But that is like saying, I hope everything a Republican "SHOULD" stand for is wrong, and pure liberalism is right.
If you don't think he is a liberal ideologue, either you buy the spin his spinsters are spinning, you're a leftist nut, and think he is right or you are just terrified of being branded as a racist by his cohorts that control basically every facet of media. Because there is no way you walk away from the stuff and people he's made a conscious choice to surround himself with. Without a lot of that rubbing off on you.
Once you've reached that point, you don't have a "come to jesus" moment and suddenly start thinking for the first time in your life. Heck I'm 25, and I doubt a liberal could change my mind. All be it, I have common sense and logic on my side...
So yes, I hope he falls flat on his face, and is an utter and complete failure, because if he succeeds at what I know is his ideological goals for this country, we're screwed.

We're screwed in the minds of a far right conservative like yourself. Where did you get so much anger regarding what you perceive as 'liberal thinking'? Did your parents brainwash you into thinking 'conservative good', 'liberal bad and evil'? You have this close-minded attitude that unless you're Republican, and bleed 100% conservative ideologies, that you're going to run this country into the ground and we'll all end up poor and destitute. Give the guy a chance. He's only been in the office for one day. Sorry, but at 25, you don't have the 'road experience' of living through some pretty interesting presidencies to comprehend whether Obama will be successful or not. The only experience you have is what you've read in the conservative media you apparently only read, and what some ultra conservative has embedded into your brain. You sit here and rail about Clinton and what he did, and you weren't even old enough to vote when the guy was in office! I applaud you for being so adament about your political beliefs, but I think you need a few more years of living through a presidential administration other than the one we've suffered through for the last 8 years before you castagate anyone for having liberal ideas and visions that will hopefully turn this country around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
We're screwed in the minds of a far right conservative like yourself. Where did you get so much anger regarding what you perceive as 'liberal thinking'? Did your parents brainwash you into thinking 'conservative good', 'liberal bad and evil'? You have this close-minded attitude that unless you're Republican, and bleed 100% conservative ideologies, that you're going to run this country into the ground and we'll all end up poor and destitute. Give the guy a chance. He's only been in the office for one day. Sorry, but at 25, you don't have the 'road experience' of living through some pretty interesting presidencies to comprehend whether Obama will be successful or not. The only experience you have is what you've read in the conservative media you apparently only read, and what some ultra conservative has embedded into your brain. You sit here and rail about Clinton and what he did, and you weren't even old enough to vote when the guy was in office! I applaud you for being so adament about your political beliefs, but I think you need a few more years of living through a presidential administration other than the one we've suffered through for the last 8 years before you castagate anyone for having liberal ideas and visions that will hopefully turn this country around.
Why? Liberals were in power from FDR till Carter, it didn't work then, and repackaging and trying again, isn't going to work now...
What is funny is that I've probably studied and listened to more liberal ideologues than most of you guys ever have.
I'm still not getting this "suffering" bit. Nor do I remember anyone giving bush a chance...
And what does, my age have to do with what clinton did or didn't do, regardless of when I was born it still happened. What am I not suppost to know what when on in the 90's?


Active Member
I lived through Carter, and that was enough to teach me about liberalism. Want to learn about a real "progressive" liberal President, read about Wilson. Read about how poorly our military was prepared. France had better tanks and aircraft. Name me an American designed and built aircraft that served in WWI.
Then there is the whole fact that liberalism is the polar opposite of the beliefs on which this country was founded. Liberals believe in government as the answer to life's problems. Libertarians/conservatives and the founding fathers believed the citizens were the answer. Please tell me where in the founding documents of this country there is allowance for wealth redistribution. The Constitution sets forth a small weak federal gov't. Mr Obama wants a huge powerful controlling gov't. Mr. Obama's views blend more with the writings of Marx than of Washington, Franklin, Adams, or Lincoln.
If you think Bush stole liberties, then just wait until the socialism possible under the Obama administration. The gov't already owns the banks, automakers, and many homes. Just wait untl they get control of your life through healthcare. They want to tax everything you do. Oregon wants to put a GPS in your car and tax you by the mile. Listen to Mr Obama's words, especially those " off the record" ( Joe the Plumber, " clinging to guns and religion") , and you will see a man who thinks the gov't knows better what to do with the profits of our labor than we do.
Yes, I wish this President well, but I do not see him followin the principles my ancestors fought for.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
The founding fathers are no longer relevant in todays society. Get with the now or get left behind...
What did I dismiss? I just said I hope Obama abolishes the stupid lobbyists that try to run our government and the biggest one just so happens to be the NRA, which is a proven sponsor of anti-government and hate groups.

The founding fathers are no longer relevant? Let me guess you went to public school.
Please explain your statement. I guess we tear up the Constitution and Declaration of Independance too. I am interested to hear more. My family fought in the Continental Army during the Revolution, did your family?
Your statement about Obama "abolishing" groups comes right from the words and deeds of men like Marx, Lenin, Hitler, Stalin. You would prefer to live inder the rule of these men? Maybe he should "abolish" the NEA, that might make our schools teach the truth about the history of America.
As to the NRA. There is this little problem with the Second Ammednment that liberals would just love to figure a way around.
You do not sound like an American.


Active Member
Originally Posted by oscardeuce
As to the NRA. There is this little problem with the Second Ammednment that liberals would just love to figure a way around.
This is what I don't get, the left is run by special interest groups. Soros's people have said, (refering to the democrat party) "We bought it, it is ours."
Then they get mad at the NRA (who is another special interest group, who I don't like all that much.) go figure.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
This, thing that Republicans are saying. "I hope he succeeds" just does not compute. I get the idea of what they are saying, I hope America succeeds while obama is in office. But that is like saying, I hope everything a Republican "SHOULD" stand for is wrong, and pure liberalism is right.
If you don't think he is a liberal ideologue, either you buy the spin his spinsters are spinning, you're a leftist nut, and think he is right or you are just terrified of being branded as a racist by his cohorts that control basically every facet of media. Because there is no way you walk away from the stuff and people he's made a conscious choice to surround himself with. Without a lot of that rubbing off on you.
Once you've reached that point, you don't have a "come to jesus" moment and suddenly start thinking for the first time in your life. Heck I'm 25, and I doubt a liberal could change my mind. All be it, I have common sense and logic on my side...
So yes, I hope he falls flat on his face, and is an utter and complete failure, because if he succeeds at what I know is his ideological goals for this country, we're screwed.
+1 to the extent if he holds true to the platform he ran on.If he takes a turn to the center and realizes he cant do what he wanted to, and is more in line with The traditional values of this country then i hope he succeeds to the to the tune of "It is good for the USA"as it is supposed to be as our forefathers designed and constructed the US Constitution.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
.... Where did you get so much anger regarding what you perceive as 'liberal thinking'? ...
From studying History, our Constitution, and many documents written by the founding fathers.
Where did you get the idea socialist or liberal ideas work?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
From studying History, our Constitution, and many documents written by the founding fathers.
Where did you get the idea socialist or liberal ideas work?
I got a book last week, it had a lot of the laws that jefferson proposed, and included the federalist papers. And holy crap, the powerful government people back then would make libertarians look like democrats. It is amazing how far left we've gone.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
From studying History, our Constitution, and many documents written by the founding fathers.
Where did you get the idea socialist or liberal ideas work?
The problem with your studying of our political history, is you have this narrow focus on what you perceive to be liberal and conservative values. You don't look at the overall picture. You're focused on what you see as the right way to run this government (conservative values), as opposed to blending all ideologies of government. Running this country on 100% principles of conservatism is just as bad and dangerous as running it with a 100% liberal mindset. You have to incorporate parts of both to make it a 'tuned and well-oiled machine'. That's what I see Obama is trying to accomplish. You already have your mind made up that this guy is going to change it from United States of America to United Socialist of America.
You read too much into everything journey. You take one or two lines of a comment made by Obama, and immediately think he's attacking the foundations of our Constitution. You even have your own views of how the Constitution was written. Political experts who have analyzed and broken the words down of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence to their very core have various interpretations of the points our Founding Fathers were trying to get across when they wrote them. To this day, they can't truly distinguish what they meant by Separation of Church and State, and what they intended to protect with the 2nd Amendment regarding gun ownership and control. It literally depends on whose reading it, and what their interpretation is.
Give Obama more than a couple of weeks before deciding what his intentions are in regards to running this country. Everything you heard him say during his campaign is out the door. Show me one president we've had in the last 100 years that followed through or actually adhered to 100% of their campaign promises. Not even your President Of The Century Reagan accomplished that feat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
Why? Liberals were in power from FDR till Carter, it didn't work then, and repackaging and trying again, isn't going to work now...
What is funny is that I've probably studied and listened to more liberal ideologues than most of you guys ever have.
I'm still not getting this "suffering" bit. Nor do I remember anyone giving bush a chance...
And what does, my age have to do with what clinton did or didn't do, regardless of when I was born it still happened. What am I not suppost to know what when on in the 90's?
Reading about it and actually living through it are two totally different things. If you read nothing but right-wing media, your perception is completely skewed. Being there takes precedence over what some ultra conservative or liberal journalist interpretations state happened.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
The problem with your studying of our political history, is you have this narrow focus on what you perceive to be liberal and conservative values. You don't look at the overall picture. You're focused on what you see as the right way to run this government (conservative values), as opposed to blending all ideologies of government. Running this country on 100% principles of conservatism is just as bad and dangerous as running it with a 100% liberal mindset. You have to incorporate parts of both to make it a 'tuned and well-oiled machine'. That's what I see Obama is trying to accomplish. You already have your mind made up that this guy is going to change it from United States of America to United Socialist of America.
You read too much into everything journey. You take one or two lines of a comment made by Obama, and immediately think he's attacking the foundations of our Constitution. You even have your own views of how the Constitution was written. Political experts who have analyzed and broken the words down of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence to their very core have various interpretations of the points our Founding Fathers were trying to get across when they wrote them. To this day, they can't truly distinguish what they meant by Separation of Church and State, and what they intended to protect with the 2nd Amendment regarding gun ownership and control. It literally depends on whose reading it, and what their interpretation is.
Give Obama more than a couple of weeks before deciding what his intentions are in regards to running this country. Everything you heard him say during his campaign is out the door. Show me one president we've had in the last 100 years that followed through or actually adhered to 100% of their campaign promises. Not even your President Of The Century Reagan accomplished that feat.
So disregard President Obama's previous voting record and campaign promises and sit and wait to see? No thanks.
He has already started... Look at his Cabinet Appointments.
Listen to his inaugural address (that everyone says he wrote himself). Look at the calls he is already making for increased bailouts, weakening our defense, caving to international whims, etc.
Experts can quibble about every jot and tittle in the Constitution, but not even the most liberal scholar can deny that the basis of the Constitution calls for a very limited Federal Government. As President Reagan so aptly said, The States made the Federal Government, not the other way around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Reading about it and actually living through it are two totally different things. If you read nothing but right-wing media, your perception is completely skewed. Being there takes precedence over what some ultra conservative or liberal journalist interpretations state happened.
Did President Obama live through Lincoln's administration? He sure has talked a lot about it the past week.
None of us lived through slavery, but we all can agree it was a horrific thing.
You haven't been to Iraq, yet you sure talk a lot about it.
None of us experienced WW2, yet I think we can agree we all know facts about the war.
You accuse someone of not getting a broad education Bionic, yet time and again you've admitted you haven't studied the topics at hand.
To say you have to live through something to discuss it severely limits what we can discuss...


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
Give Obama more than a couple of weeks before deciding what his intentions are in regards to running this country. Everything you heard him say during his campaign is out the door. Show me one president we've had in the last 100 years that followed through or actually adhered to 100% of their campaign promises. Not even your President Of The Century Reagan accomplished that feat.
This is where you are wrong, this isn't just what Obama has said over the campaign. In all seriousness, you wouldn't be able to nail him down on a single issue, he was talking out of all both sides of his mouth the entire time. As most politicians do.
This is about his action, over the course of his life. To crap like what he wrote in his book, saying he sought out the socialist faculty members to befriend them, to who he surrounded himself with. Felons like resko, terrorists like ayers, and pastors like "God Damn America." Interviews he gave on PBS lamenting that the constitution limited federal power. His actual legislative experience being so short, you can gleam very little from that other than he was a team player. And people were handing him legislation to get his name out there.
To be honest, I don't really care what he did or didn't say on the campaign. He was saying so many different opposing things the entire time, it would be difficult to accurately determine what his views on anything were.
Originally Posted by bionicarm

Reading about it and actually living through it are two totally different things. If you read nothing but right-wing media, your perception is completely skewed. Being there takes precedence over what some ultra conservative or liberal journalist interpretations state happened.
Just like living through this "recession" has been really hard.

In all seriousnes, I was a political junkie since before I remember. And I probably paid more attention to politics during the clinton years than you ever did.


Active Member
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
U guys will learn to love him!
Care to wager?
I, for one, refuse to drink from the Kool Aid pitcher.
Tell me 1 single thing that you think I'll learn to love about the President?


Active Member
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Let's look at this little bit of prose. What does it say? "THE RIGHT OF THE PEOPLE TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED." Where is there a need to interpret that? The "preamble" of the second amendment may be up for discussion, bit the meat of the amendment is clear, as is the intent. I guess if you are a Clinton, and insure what "is" is, then you would have a hard time understanding "shall not be infringed".
As to the "separation of church and state". Show me that line in the Constiution. Libs pull this out of some writings by Jefferson, yet it is not in the Constitution. They give this non-right more power than an explicit right spelled out in the second amendment.