anyone going to the inauguration?


Originally Posted by jp30338
Didn't McSame lose the popular vote by more than 10 MILLION votes? Was this inauguration THE largest and most EXCITING ever in U.S. history? Did more people vote than EVER before in a U.S. election just b/c of Obama? Did Obama win by a landslide?
The answer is YES to all. Numbers do not lie.

you are correct the numbers do not lie, but the electoral college sure does. Winning 52% to 48% is not a landslide, but keep thinking it is. Obama is not a stupid person, and he knows almost 1/2 the people DID NOT vote for him. I did however, but do not like most of his views. Hopefully his healthcare fantasies come true.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
I will say I have seen him move to the center more as his campaign has gone on....
It is all a show, just like the campaign. You really think he's moved more to the center?

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
Hopefully his healthcare fantasies come true.
This is one of my major problems with his views. This country has been operating in the red a long time. Clinton and a republican congress balanced the budget ONCE. In the last 40 years the budget has been balanced once. This is pathetic. This is the one thing that will cause this country to collapse. Show me one american family that can sustain themselves with out balancing their budget. His heathcare plans will cost between 500-800 billion per year. This country can NOT afford this even if we went the rest of our lives never engaging in a war.
See this is my problem. We don't fix the current programs that are running a negative that grows more and more each year. We as citizens want the government to give us more and more. What happenned to the days when the people didn't need the government to provide them things....nor want them to.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bionicarm
What is the valid purpose of a lobbyist? They slide money under the table to get a congressman to vote in their favor. I thought a congressman's job was to support their constituents, not some special group that has their own private agenda. The US Government is just one hugh sham that screws the rest of the people of this nation. They are like every other person in this country - looking out for No. 1. If it's a choice between what's good for them, and what's good for the people they represent, they choose the former. I bet you couldn't find one single politician that has been 100% truthful during their tenor in their respectable positions. That goes for every single politician in every single phase of government - Judicial, Executive, Legislative. Please don't give me the "Well if you don't like your representative, then vote them out" mantra. We all know how that works. It's who can buy the most votes these days. The days of having a 'Mr. Roberts' in a top political spot have been non-existent since the 40's. There's not one person on this forum that would have the slightest chance to ever obtain a congressional seat if they truly wanted one. Not unless you're extremely wealthy, or have enormous connections in the political arena. You want to fix this country? Start at the top people. Clean house and start all over again.
The simplest and most effective way to solve the problem is term limits. Unfortunately we have such a pile of crap floating throughout the judicial system that when people of a state do vote in favor of term limits they find a judge to rule they dont have that right. The election of members of congress are subject to the rules set forth by each state yet voters in each state don't have the right to change those rules to limit the number of times a candidate for federal office.
So term limits are NEVER going to happen. You really think congress is going to vote to limit their terms? o way, just like they aren't going to put an end to lobbyists who bribe them.
What we need is a 1994 moment except with the wrath directed at both parties.


Active Member
Originally Posted by stdreb27
It is all a show, just like the campaign. You really think he's moved more to the center?
We can hope. He has the chance to rise above his hype and become a truly great President. I don't think it's going to happen but maybe. The man has an ego. Perhaps that will motivate him to do something really astounding like saying enough of the BS and start eliminating improper government agencies and programs.
My prediction is he will take one or two issues that really arent all that important and throw a bone to the center-right and make a "policy switch so he can claim to be bipartisan while pushing a leftist agenda. I really hope I am wrong about that. I think the people who are rooting for him to fall on his face are friggin idiots. If he does badly we are all the ones who will pay for it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefraff
My prediction is he will take one or two issues that really arent all that important and throw a bone to the center-right and make a "policy switch so he can claim to be bipartisan while pushing a leftist agenda. I really hope I am wrong about that. I think the people who are rooting for him to fall on his face are friggin idiots. If he does badly we are all the ones who will pay for it.
My thought exactly!


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
What happenned to the days when the people didn't need the government to provide them things....nor want them to.

well not that part of the fantasy. The part where i can buy it from anybody i want or use the current system from the company where i work. I am in no way in favor of government providing things.


Active Member

Originally Posted by reefraff
We can hope. He has the chance to rise above his hype and become a truly great President. I don't think it's going to happen but maybe. The man has an ego. Perhaps that will motivate him to do something really astounding like saying enough of the BS and start eliminating improper government agencies and programs.
My prediction is he will take one or two issues that really arent all that important and throw a bone to the center-right and make a "policy switch so he can claim to be bipartisan while pushing a leftist agenda. I really hope I am wrong about that. I think the people who are rooting for him to fall on his face are friggin idiots. If he does badly we are all the ones who will pay for it.
I hope he falls on his face! Think about what would happen if he passes half the stuff that he wants to pass.
Why in the world would I wish someone success, when to him success is passing things that I believe would fundamentally destroy the makeup of this country.

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
negative. Pre-existing conditions make this an impossibility at this time.
So you are saying you have no problem using your tax dollars to provide healthcare for an individual that smokes a pack a day, has 1-3 drinks and evening, and has a history of lung problems. Because that individuals has the right to have cheaper healthcare even if he does not do things to take care of his health?
A simple yes or no will suffice.


Originally Posted by Darthtang AW
So you are saying you have no problem using your tax dollars to provide healthcare for an individual that smokes a pack a day, has 1-3 drinks and evening, and has a history of lung problems. Because that individuals has the right to have cheaper healthcare even if he does not do things to take care of his health?
A simple yes or no will suffice.
sadly it isnt a simple yes or no answer. I have health care and always will because i am a working citizen. I dont smoke and do bad things to my health. In fact, i am in the best shape of my life, but on paper I am an insurance nightmare.
no would be the answer if it was a simple yes/no


Active Member
jp30338;2920835 said:
Anyway your a texan, soo what would I expect... Your only 10yrs. behind the east coast mentality...
sounds to me like your the small minded bigot racist in this conversation


Active Member
Originally Posted by jp30338
Anyway your a texan, soo what would I expect... Your only 10yrs. behind the east coast mentality...
That is funny, our state government isn't running a deficit, we have a 10 billion dollar surplus. And we don't have an income tax...
And our state economy is still growing. Yeah, we are the dumb ones.
You sound a lot like those morons who think palin was retarded. Her state government was actually working, find me a democrat run state that actually has a balanced budget.
Originally Posted by jp30338
Anyway your a texan, soo what would I expect... Your only 10yrs. behind the east coast mentality...
Back to the point, cant wait for OBAMA to abolish the lobbyist groups woot!!!

ummm correct me if im wrong BUT doesnt the west coast have some pretty dang good schools??? texas a&m... texas... usc...sanford... cal poly....

darthtang aw

Active Member
Originally Posted by JDL
sadly it isnt a simple yes or no answer. I have health care and always will because i am a working citizen. I dont smoke and do bad things to my health. In fact, i am in the best shape of my life, but on paper I am an insurance nightmare.
no would be the answer if it was a simple yes/no
No, it is not a simple answer. But under his proposals the individual I described (who does exist) would get the same choice as an individual that takes care of themselves. at the same cost. That is my issue with it and I see it bankrupting our country further. To even come close to balancing the budget after instituting a package such as this there are only two budget areas we could cut into that would total the cost of healthcare. Social security (which isn't going to happen due to the problems with that already) or completely doing away with our military as their annual budget is equivalent to the cost of healthcare.
Or Option 3 significantly increase our taxes...which would need to be a drastic increase across the board to cover an annual cost of 500 billion minimum.....which in turn wouldn't save you anything.


Active Member
if the east coast is so great and far ahead why is the populations fallling and everybody moving to the south and southwest. i personally live in nj and the state is being drivin into the ground by the democrats. the few areas that are doing decent and growing are the republican controlled counties of ocean and monmouth counties. corzine is handing the state to the republicans.


Active Member
that statement about the founding fathers not being relevant is possibly THE single most amazing quote I've ever seen on the internet. the founding fathers- particularly Washington, Jefferson, and Madison- are more relevant 150+ years after their deaths than Obama will EVER be if he lives to be 200. they are more relevant than any president that's lived since them and probably more relevant than any president will ever be in the future.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pontius
that statement about the founding fathers not being relevant is possibly THE single most amazing quote I've ever seen on the internet. the founding fathers- particularly Washington, Jefferson, and Madison- are more relevant 150+ years after their deaths than Obama will EVER be if he lives to be 200. they are more relevant than any president that's lived since them and probably more relevant than any president will ever be in the future.
Change you can believe in...
At least one of them admitted what we've been accusing them of for the past year.